Must Be Cracking Up

Crystal likes to use magnets on the refrigerator. They hold her shopping list, stray coupons, family photos, business cards, recipes, etc.

Several of the magnets are not holding anything, however. She uses those in a random rotation to signal that the dishes in the dishwasher are clean. Really! 😉

When she turns on the dishwasher – she sticks a magnet on the closed door. After she puts away the clean dishes – she removes the magnet and places it back on the refrigerator. This is not a foolproof system. Sometimes she forgets to put one on… or even worse – take one off. Then, it’s anybody’s guess if the dishes are clean or dirty.

Two years ago, she found this cute little fella on display at a kitchen store.
“How kitchen-y and cute!” she thought. She had to have him.

Mr. Egg has had a home on her fridge ever since. He’s often chosen as the “dishwasher-on” sentry.

Now, seriously, wouldn’t you think that in two years of using him that she would have noticed he’s not just a magnet?

One day, as she was returning him to the fridge, she saw something on the bottom. “Huh? What’s this?” she wondered.

Well, it turned out to be . . . A tape measure!

And how does the tape measure rewind? You push his nose.


The absent-minded professor has nothing on Crystal.
Poor girl! Sometimes it seems as if she’s one sandwich short of a picnic. 😉



He Said, She Said

As promised, here’s the answer to yesterday’s mystery pile of change . . .


She said: Sweetheart, that large amount of change you constantly carry around with you must be very heavy – not to mention it eventually puts holes in your pockets.

He said: It’s not heavy.

She said: Why don’t you just make it a point to spend some of it each day? You know, if something costs $3.56 – don’t just hand the cashier a $5 bill – use your change.

He said: Too much trouble.

She said: But isn’t it a nuisance when we have to roll a lot of coins?

He said: I suppose.

She said: So then, do you think you will try to use more of your change?

He said: Probably not. 😀

She said: It’s a good thing you are so darn cute! 😉


(You were right, Carol!)


It’s A Laugh A Minute Here

Good Monday! 🙂

You know what they say, Kids:

“If you can laugh at yourself – you’ll never be at a loss for entertainment!”

I sure do find that to be the case. I’m always doing something that cracks me up.

The other day, I was rushing to get ready to go out for the evening. I chose a scarf to wear but noticed it was a little wrinkled. Because I was running late, I quickly decided I wasn’t going to waste time dragging out the ironing board. Instead, I figured I could do a quick pressing on the kitchen counter.

Hmmmmmm, it wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d imagined to spread the scarf onto a hand towel and do a speedy job.

OK, so at that point I was laughing out loud and telling myself I would have been finished MUCH sooner if I’d taken the time to set up the big board. Tsk-tsk. 😉

But I guess all’s well that ends well . . .

The scarf came out fine and the laughter was a bonus. It gave me a chance to stop rushing, catch my breath, and focus on enjoying the evening. 🙂


Tomorrow, we have Show and Tell Tuesday with refrigerators!!!!



Maid Wanted

Job Requirements:

Must do laundry
Wash floors
Clean Bathroom
Dust/organize all clutter
Food Shop
Do the bills
Smile while doing all of the above

This will allow the lady of the house to concentrate on making jewelry . . .

Like this, for example!

Hey, I can dream of having a maid, can’t I? 😉

I loved making the above earrings – even though it meant I will have twice as much laundry to tackle today!

Smiles and hugs,
