It’s A Laugh A Minute Here

Good Monday! 🙂

You know what they say, Kids:

“If you can laugh at yourself – you’ll never be at a loss for entertainment!”

I sure do find that to be the case. I’m always doing something that cracks me up.

The other day, I was rushing to get ready to go out for the evening. I chose a scarf to wear but noticed it was a little wrinkled. Because I was running late, I quickly decided I wasn’t going to waste time dragging out the ironing board. Instead, I figured I could do a quick pressing on the kitchen counter.

Hmmmmmm, it wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d imagined to spread the scarf onto a hand towel and do a speedy job.

OK, so at that point I was laughing out loud and telling myself I would have been finished MUCH sooner if I’d taken the time to set up the big board. Tsk-tsk. 😉

But I guess all’s well that ends well . . .

The scarf came out fine and the laughter was a bonus. It gave me a chance to stop rushing, catch my breath, and focus on enjoying the evening. 🙂


Tomorrow, we have Show and Tell Tuesday with refrigerators!!!!




It’s A Laugh A Minute Here — 3 Comments

  1. Its amazing how many times short cuts cost more time, money, or frustration. Laughing can break up the tension when it all goes wrong.
    The scarf is really pretty, I like to wear them to dress up jeans too.
    I’m looking forward to refrigerator day tomorrow.
    Today’s celebrations are all food related. I hope there is something everyone can enjoy. I think I will make fruit kabobs.
    3/ 28: Something On A Stick Day
    3/28 National Black Forest Cake Day
    3/28 Eat an Eskimo Pie Day

  2. This NEVER happens to me! Why? Because I own what is my MOST favorite gift that Terry ever gave me. The Steamfast presser. If you don’t know about it, go see:

    Its always set up in my sewing room and I use it almost every day. I love it. Actually, he gave be a Singer one 30 years ago and this Steamfast is my second one. When the first burned out I was lost and had to replace it almost immediately. Its one of my guilty pleasures, ya think?

    Anyway, I have done that kitchen counter thing before I got my Handy Dandy Steamer. Not fun.

    I’ll have to come back to find out what day I am celebrating today!

    xx, Carol

  3. I rarely set up the ironing board (unless I’m sewing). I iron on the table, the top of the sewing machine and the top of a humidifer! I put a towel down and plug the iron in, I’m good to go.

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