Looking Ahead…


Can you believe it?

Here we are in the middle of January.

The holidays seem a distant memory as 2015 begins to fly by . . .

Do you have resolutions? I’ll admit I have a couple.

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My first is to add more organized planning to my weekly schedule.

I’ve never been one to have certain days for certain tasks, but I’d like to find out if that system is more efficient. As a lifelong multi-tasker, I’ve been more likely to keep an overall picture of what needs be accomplished in a given week, and then juggle the chores as I go along. This system works well enough during an uneventful week but things can become extra nerve-wracking when surprises pop up and time is extra short.

For 2015, I’ve resolved to better structure my days in hopes I will get more done.

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And that leads me to my second resolution, which is inspired by a favorite poem!

As a teenager in the 1960’s, I became totally enchanted with a poem by Max Erhmann called, Desiderata (Latin for “desired things”). I even had it on a poster in my college dorm room. Talk about rules to live by! If you’d like to read it again (or for the first time), you’ll find it below.

Because I can be a perfectionist, this line from Desiderata has always struck a chord with me:

“Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.”

Those words are a reminder to cut yourself a little slack, take a long deep breath, and be realistic about how much you can complete when things get hectic.

After all, calm and common sense are keys to contentment.

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Sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?

1.) Refine my schedule to lessen stress . . . BUT
2.) Don’t get so wrapped up in the effort that stress is actually added!

We’ll see. 😉

How about you? Any resolutions?

Hugs (and Happy 2015!),





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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

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Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

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Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

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Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.       (Max Ehrmann, 1872–1945)

Fashion or Fad

Have you noticed that the just-got-out-of-bed hairstyle is everywhere? Apparently, it’s very “in”.



I’m not against a tousled look. Casual and carefree can be quite attractive.

But, I do have one question…

Where was I when parting your hair with a comb went out of style?



When I was in school, if a girl showed up to class with hair like this – the teacher would pull her aside and ask whether she lost her hairbrush… or just neglected to stand close enough to her comb that morning!



The photos in today’s post popped up while I was searching for hairstyle ideas. I’ve had short hair for years, but I’m ready for a change!

Of course, it’s not easy to live through the transition from short layers to a longer, more even length. No siree, Kids! Not easy at all!

I’ve tried and failed countless times before. (story here)


This time is different!
I’ve spent the last year patiently impatiently waiting for the layers in my hair to grow into something like a chin-length bob.

For inspiration, I’ve been paying more attention to the hairstyles of women on TV and in magazines. So many feature a zigzag part!

I don’t think it’s for me, though. I’d constantly be tempted to grab a comb and straighten it out.

Guess I’m not that casual. 😉


Do you change your hairstyle, often? Are you more adventurous than I?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

What’s the good word?

Whether you blog, read blogs, or simply like to frequent the social media sites, by now you’ve probably noticed that the Internet is awash with people choosing a 2014 focus “word”.


Thinking caps are getting quite a workout as people mull over their options. Some might say it’s not easy to select a one-word mantra. I would agree.

It seems to me there’s a need for multiple inspirational buzzwords in any given year . . . but I’ll play along anyway, and choose just one!


Maybe it’s because I’m an oldest child – you know birth order and all that stuff – but I’ve always been quite serious. Let me hasten to add that I do have a sense of humor and love to laugh, but in the grand scheme of things, I’m more likely to view new situations in a thoughtful – almost solemn – fashion, than by searching for the humor in them.

This epiphany has brought me to my 2014 word, laughter . . .

I firmly resolve to look for it, engage in it, and share it with others –
as often as possible!!! 😀


How about you?
How do you feel about choosing a “word” for 2014?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Spring Fever

No, not that kind!

I’m talkin’ a fever . . . . . in the spring!

(Sir Beads and I have been under the weather.)

It’s crazy because we went through the entire winter with hardly a sniffle.

Then, for the last couple of weeks, we’ve both had a very pesky cold. You know complete with orange juice, tissues, cough syrup – yuck!

I hope I’m not jinxing myself to predict that we’re almost out of the woods.

Actually, I’d much rather have a case of the real “spring fever”.

And by the looks of our neighborhood – with its carpet of daffodils and the forsythias at peak bloom –

I think I may be succumbing soon. 😉


Do you have spring fever?
Which signs of spring are showing up in your yard?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Ask Me No Questions

Hollywood legend Greta Garbo has long been associated with the words:

“I want to be alone.”

However, it seems as if Greta felt she’d been misquoted! In his 1955 book “Garbo”, author John Bainbridge includes the following explanation from the lady, herself:

‘I never said, “I want to be alone.” I only said, “I want to be let alone! There is all the difference.’

Recently, after a long day of errands and shopping, Crystal felt quite a kinship with Miss Garbo. Yes, it’s true. Crystal also wanted to be “let alone”…


It all started innocently enough. Crystal went to a local gift shop to buy a birthday present. She handed her selection to the clerk and pulled out her wallet to pay . . .

That’s when the barrage of questions began…

Clerk: Are you a preferred shopper?

Crystal: No. Thank you.

Clerk: Would you like to be a preferred member?

Crystal: No. Thanks, anyway.

Clerk: Do you know it’s free to join?

Crystal: Yes, but I’m all set.

Clerk: Would you like to take the form home? Maybe fill it out, later?

Crystal: Umm, no.

Clerk: Do you realize that if you are a “member” you’ll get a free (thing-a-ma-jig) after you spend $100.00?

Crystal: I’m not interested, but thank you just the same.


The Clerk sighed and then tapped the register keys to ring-up the birthday gift.

At this point, Crystal figured she would soon be leaving for the next stop on her errands list. She was wrong.

The clerk continues: Would you like to use your store charge card for this purchase?

Crystal: No, it will be cash, today.

Clerk: Do you have a charge card with us?

Crystal: No, I don’t.

Clerk: Would you like to open an account with us, right now?

Crystal: No, thank you.

Clerk: Ok, would you like to donate to _____? (a worthy charitable cause)
We can just add the amount to today’s purchases . . .

Crystal: Not today.
(Crystal tries to give generously – as often as she can – but the requests are everywhere! Even Daddy Warbucks would be broke if he were to say yes every time.)

Clerk: Your zip code, please?

Crystal rattles it off.

Clerk: May I have your phone number?

Crystal: You may not! (Crystal answers rather impatiently… and then feels sorry.)

Clerk: That will be $22.70

Crystal gives cash to the clerk.

Clerk hands a receipt to Crystal.

Clerk leans towards Crystal says in a very earnest voice: Now, be sure to go online as soon as you get home! Visit the website listed right there at the bottom of your slip and take our shopper’s survey!!!

Crystal nods as politely as she can, takes the receipt and her change, and heads for the door.

As she leaves, she swears she can hear the clerk call after her . . .



🙂 Ok, I’m kidding about the fries part, but I cannot believe what a nuisance it is to go shopping, lately!

I realize the clerks are just doing their jobs but – whew!

It’s exhausting to be a customer.

Do you find it to be the same?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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