What’s the good word?

Whether you blog, read blogs, or simply like to frequent the social media sites, by now you’ve probably noticed that the Internet is awash with people choosing a 2014 focus “word”.


Thinking caps are getting quite a workout as people mull over their options. Some might say it’s not easy to select a one-word mantra. I would agree.

It seems to me there’s a need for multiple inspirational buzzwords in any given year . . . but I’ll play along anyway, and choose just one!


Maybe it’s because I’m an oldest child – you know birth order and all that stuff – but I’ve always been quite serious. Let me hasten to add that I do have a sense of humor and love to laugh, but in the grand scheme of things, I’m more likely to view new situations in a thoughtful – almost solemn – fashion, than by searching for the humor in them.

This epiphany has brought me to my 2014 word, laughter . . .

I firmly resolve to look for it, engage in it, and share it with others –
as often as possible!!! 😀


How about you?
How do you feel about choosing a “word” for 2014?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀


What’s the good word? — 10 Comments

  1. That is a GREAT word.
    I could pick WARM, as in search out warm weather and MOVE there.
    Or, I could choose REFEREE, as in my action job all day long between two new puppies.
    Maybe it should be PATIENCE as in having a newly retired comedian home all day with me. (O hey, I should make HIM the referee!)
    No, I chose EXECUTE. No, not as in kill the bearded man and puppies. NOPE, execute my desire to create starting with TADA..a hex crazy quilt…for sure! And I have just the book to start me on the stitching path.

    Happy New Year. Be Warm. Laugh a lot!!!
    xx, Carol

  2. Laughter is a nice one.I think mine will be “Patience” for myself and others and also “Acceptance”.

  3. Happy New Year, Crystal!


    I am the hugest procrastinator and often get distracted while working because everything I do involves a computer and the Internet. So, I’m trying to be more focused in 2014.

    So far, I’ve been pretty good…I think. lol.

  4. My word is positivity. I always look for the positive and will continue to look for all that is uplifting.
    May you have a positive 2014. I know I will. : )

  5. Hey there, Ladies – Carol, Michelle, Yona, Paulette, and Clenna! 😀
    What incredibly thought-provoking “words” you have all chosen.
    Thanks for inspiring me. xoxo

  6. That’s a good word, Crystal, and I like all the words your friends suggested as well. 🙂 I think “peace” would be mine. xoxo

  7. I will be working on mindfulness. Sometimes I multitask and I don’t give my full attention to what I’m doing. I also tend to focus on the future. This year I’m going to live in the moment and give my full attention to my endeavors.

    I wish everyone good luck with their words. There is a wonderful selection here. I was back in the classroom today, and it is amazing how much I missed the students. I’m glad I will be in the classroom 4 days this semester instead of only two.

  8. Hi Kelly,
    I almost included your name in my comment above because I had a feeling you would be stopping by soon. So glad you did 🙂

    Your word is a great choice! It’s easy to be so distracted with the details of our everyday lives that we miss the simple moments of beauty and pleasure. Thanks for the reminder to be in the moment! xo

  9. Laughter is such a fantastic word to use, mine is forgiveness for when I master this I shall be free. Thankyou xxx

  10. Welcome Amanda,
    Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
    What an important word you have chosen. It truly is the key to a well-spent life. xoxo

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