Making Memories on a Saturday in May

imageMy youngest daughter is getting married in the Fall . . .

so she and I visited bridal shops on Saturday.


If you had been along for the ride – you’d have seen me get all teary as my girl tried-on wedding dresses. (Maybe you would have laughed!)

In any case, you’d have to admit she looked like a princess once she put on a veil . . .

If you knew her, you might have looked at her on Saturday and wondered how the bubbly little blonde girl you remember – so clearly – could have turned overnight into the radiant young woman standing at the mirror.


If you had been there with us, you would have smiled in amusement and then laughed out loud as you watched her antics “testing” how the dress would feel on her big day . . .

* She took a stroll around the room to check how easily she could maneuver and negotiate curves in a full skirt and train.

* Next, she gracefully sat on a chair to get a sense of how comfortable it would be.

* Then, while shooting me a great big grin, she broke into a little jig. After all, a bride wants to be sure she’s able to dance the night away!

makeupcompact1If you had been there on Saturday, you might have taken advantage of the complimentary services of a make-up artist who was set up at the bridal salon for the afternoon. My daughter and I did and it was great fun! We had a choice to go “natural” or “dramatic”. We chose dramatic just to see the results!


If you had come along with us, you would already know what I’m going to say next.

We were carrying parcels when we left the bridal shop – she had chosen her wedding gown.

Or as they say on the TV show . . . she said “yes” to the dress!



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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It’s Snowing… Again!

Greetings Kids 🙂
It’s been quite the winter here in New England! Thought you might like to see a few photos. (Click them to enlarge.)


The morning view out our back door has frequently been this….


Followed by a LOT of this…..

Snow2 2015

Our daughter lives in the city, where there is less space to pile up the snow, so the street-end of her driveway looked like this!

Snow1a 2015

This year, with a record-breaking 108.6 inches of snow, we’ve never been more aware of Mother Nature’s power . . .

not to mention her breathtaking beauty!!!





I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

The Calm Before The Holiday Storm

candleflickeringautumnFor many, Thanksgiving weekend marks the beginning of a whirlwind of feverish preparations for the Christmas season.

There’s shopping, decorating, card-writing, wrapping, baking, cleaning, partying and just about any other “ing” you can think of.

The older I become, the more I am able to appreciate the words of my mother who has always said: “Thanksgiving is truly the best holiday; it has all of the joy and none of the stress involved with Christmas.”
(Wise lady, my Mum!)

This year, I’ve tried especially hard to sharpen my focus on every precious moment of the Thanksgiving season. So much to appreciate . . . so many blessings to count – family, friends, blog readers (you!) . . .

Not to mention daughters who bake pies! 😀

Chocolate Pie

Pumpkin Pie

As I write this post, it’s the Sunday after Thanksgiving and I have not yet shopped or decorated or developed a case of the Christmas jitters. I’ve ignored the noisy TV commercials, the barrage of email sales announcements, and the towering pile of store flyers in my mailbox. It’s been a calm and reflective 4-day weekend.

Perhaps you will try it next year . . . you might just like it!

I’ll begin to think about Christmas – tomorrow! There will still be plenty of time to plan, plenty of stores that are open, and plenty of holiday sales to be had.



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Gone too Soon . . .

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.

~Thomas Campbell

Dear Kids,

The blogosphere is a little quieter now. . .

A sweet and witty dynamo of a woman has suddenly left us.
There’s a void in the blog world that will be difficult to fill.

Her name was Donna. She was a frequent commenter here and I will miss her terribly. How fortunate I was to have called her friend. You may remember her as “don_mae”.

She retired 6 years ago and began to write a blog. Her plan was to learn a new craft or creative technique each month and then publish posts highlighting her progress. She called it: This Year’s Dozen.

Don_Mae Quilt

And what a wonderful ride the last 6 years have been for her readers! You see, Donna was an absolutely fearless crafter. She would tackle each new project systematically and never give up – even when it wasn’t going well. In that case, she would just start all over again and keep plugging until she had mastered it. Her patience was truly an inspiration.

One of Donna's Macrame Purses

One of Donna’s Macrame Purses

I remember when she first tried to crochet. It was tough going in the beginning but she forged ahead. She practiced for weeks and by the time she was done, she was designing her own fashion accessories and creating brand new patterns! I’ve always had a feeling that somewhere out there is a dictionary with a picture of Donna next to my favorite word –


During the years she wrote her blog, she became proficient in jewelry-making, crocheting, quilting, and her first love, macramé – to name but a few. Her posts were full of eye candy photos that showcased her work. It was continually amazing to see just how many beautiful items she created. I used to tease her that I was exhausted just viewing everything she made.

Donna_Mae Pillowcases

She had a wonderful sense of humor and a very kind heart. She made scores of children’s pillowcases from colorful kid-themed fabrics and donated them to charity on a regular basis.

Donna could truly do it all. She was a crafter, a writer, and a photographer – generous with her knowledge and ideas. She loved to shop and had a 6th sense for a good bargain. She loved movies, fashion, and her Titanic collection! She liked to recycle and was incredibly clever at coming up with creative uses for things we often throw away. In short, she was a force of nature – I just can’t believe she is gone . . .

Donna_Mae Parure

When I entered the blog world 5 years ago, I had no idea that someone I never actually met, whose voice I never heard, could etch such an imprint on my heart.

The Internet can certainly be a wonderful thing. It allows us to share a piece of ourselves with people we might not otherwise have had the chance to know, to learn from, or to love.

Goodnight, dear don_mae.
Gone too soon . . . but, oh, the lives you touched while here!


I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do!

While cleaning out a closet, I discovered these . . .

They were towards the back of a shelf. I haven’t seen them for several years.

Sir Beads and I bought them on our honeymoon (40+ years ago!).
I remember it vividly…. We were driving through the White Mountains area of New Hampshire and had stopped at a little gift shop on the side of the road. In the windows, there was an assortment of jewel-toned art glass that immediately caught our attention. It sparkled like crazy in the sunlight. Of course, I chose the amethyst purple.


The pieces are fairly small – the tallest is 5 inches. They were on display in my home for many years. I guess at some point I must have decided to pack them away – possibly to make room for a newer treasure. When I came across them again last week, I stopped and asked myself if it might be time to let them go. After all, I hadn’t missed them while they were out of sight.


Problem is I’m terribly sentimental. If something has a “history” in my life (or in the lives of my family) I am attached to it. Simple as that.

Bottom line? These little vases will be staying put for a while longer…

How about you?

Are you in love with your “stuff”?

Is it a trauma to part with things you no longer use because they evoke a sweet memory?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀