Spring Fever

No, not that kind!

I’m talkin’ a fever . . . . . in the spring!

(Sir Beads and I have been under the weather.)

It’s crazy because we went through the entire winter with hardly a sniffle.

Then, for the last couple of weeks, we’ve both had a very pesky cold. You know complete with orange juice, tissues, cough syrup – yuck!

I hope I’m not jinxing myself to predict that we’re almost out of the woods.

Actually, I’d much rather have a case of the real “spring fever”.

And by the looks of our neighborhood – with its carpet of daffodils and the forsythias at peak bloom –

I think I may be succumbing soon. 😉


Do you have spring fever?
Which signs of spring are showing up in your yard?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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A Potpourri of Pictures

Greetings Kids 🙂
More photos, today . . . two are from me . . . and two from a long-time reader of this blog, Michelle!


I wanted to have fresh flowers around the house for Easter and couldn’t believe how lucky I was to find these perfect roses at a bargain price! I divided them into 2 vases. (The other one is in the powder room!)


It wouldn’t be a holiday without a memento of holidays past. My girls and I decorated these Easter eggs many years ago . . . (story here)


A few days ago, I was delighted to receive photos from Michelle.
I’ll let her tell you about them!
“This year we have added to our furbaby family with another unplanned rescue. Lily was going to be put down the next day so we took her in. Shes only 3 and a sweet thing.”


“This picture shows all 3 of our rescued dogs playing tag in the snow.Our 3 cat rescues prefer to watch from the window.” 🙂


Many thanks to Michelle!

I’m hoping another reader will be inspired to send in photos – of family, or pets, or a pretty view, or something you made (or cooked!) or even your latest bargain!

‘Til next time,



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“Snow” and Tell Easter

Greetings Kids!
I’m so glad you stopped by today. I have some great photos to show you!

Kelly sent pictures of what’s been happening in her neighborhood this past week! 🙂


It may be Spring, but Mother Nature still had a surprise up her sleeve. Kelly said they had one of those beautiful snowfalls that softly coats everything in white frosting!

Isn’t it gorgeous?

Kelly’s puppy, Artie, just loved it!

He and Kelly even went sledding!

Last weekend, it was “Pet Day” at the Harley Dealer and he won a grooming gift certificate!

And at the Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs, he met the Bunny!!!

Thanks so much to Kelly for sharing her photos!!!

(If YOU have any to show us, don’t be shy! I’d love to post them here on the blog. (Send them to crystal at beadhappilyeverafter dot com)

For those who celebrate Easter, I wish you wonderful day! Take it easy on those chocolate eggs and jelly beans.
No, wait! It’s a holiday – eat whatever you like. 🙂

Happy Weekend to all . . .



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Ask Me No Questions

Hollywood legend Greta Garbo has long been associated with the words:

“I want to be alone.”

However, it seems as if Greta felt she’d been misquoted! In his 1955 book “Garbo”, author John Bainbridge includes the following explanation from the lady, herself:

‘I never said, “I want to be alone.” I only said, “I want to be let alone! There is all the difference.’

Recently, after a long day of errands and shopping, Crystal felt quite a kinship with Miss Garbo. Yes, it’s true. Crystal also wanted to be “let alone”…


It all started innocently enough. Crystal went to a local gift shop to buy a birthday present. She handed her selection to the clerk and pulled out her wallet to pay . . .

That’s when the barrage of questions began…

Clerk: Are you a preferred shopper?

Crystal: No. Thank you.

Clerk: Would you like to be a preferred member?

Crystal: No. Thanks, anyway.

Clerk: Do you know it’s free to join?

Crystal: Yes, but I’m all set.

Clerk: Would you like to take the form home? Maybe fill it out, later?

Crystal: Umm, no.

Clerk: Do you realize that if you are a “member” you’ll get a free (thing-a-ma-jig) after you spend $100.00?

Crystal: I’m not interested, but thank you just the same.


The Clerk sighed and then tapped the register keys to ring-up the birthday gift.

At this point, Crystal figured she would soon be leaving for the next stop on her errands list. She was wrong.

The clerk continues: Would you like to use your store charge card for this purchase?

Crystal: No, it will be cash, today.

Clerk: Do you have a charge card with us?

Crystal: No, I don’t.

Clerk: Would you like to open an account with us, right now?

Crystal: No, thank you.

Clerk: Ok, would you like to donate to _____? (a worthy charitable cause)
We can just add the amount to today’s purchases . . .

Crystal: Not today.
(Crystal tries to give generously – as often as she can – but the requests are everywhere! Even Daddy Warbucks would be broke if he were to say yes every time.)

Clerk: Your zip code, please?

Crystal rattles it off.

Clerk: May I have your phone number?

Crystal: You may not! (Crystal answers rather impatiently… and then feels sorry.)

Clerk: That will be $22.70

Crystal gives cash to the clerk.

Clerk hands a receipt to Crystal.

Clerk leans towards Crystal says in a very earnest voice: Now, be sure to go online as soon as you get home! Visit the website listed right there at the bottom of your slip and take our shopper’s survey!!!

Crystal nods as politely as she can, takes the receipt and her change, and heads for the door.

As she leaves, she swears she can hear the clerk call after her . . .



🙂 Ok, I’m kidding about the fries part, but I cannot believe what a nuisance it is to go shopping, lately!

I realize the clerks are just doing their jobs but – whew!

It’s exhausting to be a customer.

Do you find it to be the same?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Snowflake Smiles

My daughters seem to have an innate talent for finding gifts I love.
This Christmas, my youngest gave me a wonderful pattern book!


And to go with it – some delicious cotton yarn (Patons “Grace”).


The book is chock full of amazing snowflake designs. I could hardly wait to get started . . .


Believe it or not, I was actually making these during a snowstorm!


Before long, I had a little pile but, as many of you know, crocheted items often come out a little wonky (wrinkly) at first and need to be blocked into shape.


In addition to shaping them, I wanted the snowflakes to be stiff enough to hang on the Christmas tree next year. As soon as I gathered a few supplies, I was ready to begin work on that part of the process.


After painting them with a thin coat of the Mod Podge, I gently pulled them into shape, and then pinned them in place to dry.


I had planned to paint the second side (after the first side was totally dry) but eventually changed my mind. They seemed firm enough with just one coat.


All finished!

Looking at them makes me smile – they were so much fun to make.


Here in New England, it’s beginning to look like Spring, so I’m thinking that Mother Nature and I may be finished with snowflakes for a while . . .

But, I’ll be sure to make another little “blizzard” of them in time for next Christmas.



I’d love to hear what’s up with you!

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