Greetings Kids!
I’m so glad you stopped by today. I have some great photos to show you!
Kelly sent pictures of what’s been happening in her neighborhood this past week! π

It may be Spring, but Mother Nature still had a surprise up her sleeve. Kelly said they had one of those beautiful snowfalls that softly coats everything in white frosting!
Isn’t it gorgeous?

Kelly’s puppy, Artie, just loved it!

He and Kelly even went sledding!

Last weekend, it was “Pet Day” at the Harley Dealer and he won a grooming gift certificate!

And at the Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs, he met the Bunny!!!

Thanks so much to Kelly for sharing her photos!!!
(If YOU have any to show us, don’t be shy! I’d love to post them here on the blog. (Send them to crystal at beadhappilyeverafter dot com)

For those who celebrate Easter, I wish you wonderful day! Take it easy on those chocolate eggs and jelly beans.
No, wait! It’s a holiday – eat whatever you like. π
Happy Weekend to all . . .

I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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