Just Call Me Martha!

pumkinx3Martha’s not the only one with a list of “good things”! šŸ˜‰ Here are a few of my choices. . .

1. Curling up with a brand new magazine

2. An after-dinner cup of tea with my guy

3. Browsing the aisles of a craft store

4. Pumpkin pie

5. Going out for breakfast on a Saturday!

What has you saying: “It’s a good thing?” šŸ˜‰


Window Shopping

Hey Kids! It’s been a while since we went shopping together. So c’mon! Let’s take a peek at a few goodies that are currently available on etsy.

Ready? šŸ™‚ Here we go . . .

Need a gift for someone allergic to flowers?


This could be the answer. A unique and tiny crocheted ā€tweedā€ basket stands about 4.5″ tall. It’s made with a plastic cup, weighted for balance, and arranged with crocheted violets in light purple and medium purple with beaded centers. From etsy artist, crochetbouquet

How about new home decor for Autumn?


Here’s a pretty Pumpkin and Leaf Candle Mat to show off a special vase or candle. It measures approximately 8″ x 15″, and is made of wool/rayon blended felt with 100% cotton backing. Machine appliquĆ©d with a pumpkin leaf motif. Accented with wooden buttons and beads that actually look like nuts. From etsy artist, byEmilie11.

Talk about cute!


Here’s a darling little fuchsia macramĆ© Cell Phone Bag.
Sweet and colorful with a long carrying strap. Hang from your shoulder or throw it over your head. Perfect for adults, big girls and little girls. Purse measures 5 1/2″ H, 5 1/2″ L and 1″ W. Strap measures 46″. Large enough for cell or iPod and other small items. From etsy artist, JustKnots.

I can never resist the pottery. Just look at this beauty!


The “Ice Cylinder Vase” is hand painted in ice blue and ivory. Hand etched with a black eyed susan and a graphic rectangle. Absolutely stunning! From etsy artist, oneblackbird.

Well, I’m out of money after all those purchases.

Just kidding!!! We were only window shopping . . .

at least for now! šŸ˜‰

Thanks for your company. Let’s do it again soon, ok? šŸ˜€


It’s the little things…

Last month Paulette tagged her readers (those who were willing to play) to list:

“Six unimportant things that I love”

I’m always up for a good game, and even though I’ve already shown you some of my favorite things in previous posts, I think I can rustle up a few more. šŸ˜‰

So here we go in no particular order . . .

My Glass Slipper
Ever since I first saw Cinderella at the movies as a little girl, I have wanted a glass slipper of my very own! I found this one a couple of years ago – on sale no less! I don’t usually put anything in it. It looks pretty just glittering in the sunlight, but the necklace adds a little color for this photo.

Turtle Magnifying Glass
Because [I am getting older] they keep reducing the size of the print on everything, I keep this little guy right near my chair! He’s a real lifesaver sometimes.

Swiffer Duster
Honestly, I think this is the best invention ever! I have always thought of dusting as the worst chore. It seems that hours after you do it; more dust appears. I’ve spent years pushing the dust around, or so it seems. But, no more! This “swiffer” really attracts the dust and although I wouldn’t say that I now enjoy dusting – at least I don’t detest it quite so much. You may say they are expensive. I agree – they are for a piece of disposable paper/cloth, but I make them earn their keep!!! First, I use them for light dusting such as glass and china, and then for heavier dust – like on shelves, and finally when they are looking pretty dirty, I use them on the floor for spaces behind furniture or appliances. Whew, with all this talk you’d think I was dusting constantly. Believe me – I’m NOT! šŸ˜‰

Amethyst Crystal Rock
My oldest daughter, who shares my love of purple, gave this gorgeous piece to me for a gift. I love looking at all of the layers and the deep violet color is breathtaking as it sparkles and catches the light. I keep it on a bookshelf in our living room and it’s one of the few things in my home that I don’t mind dusting!


Trivet Tile
Over the years, whenever we went on vacation, I would often select a pretty tile as a souvenir. I’d look for something that would remind us of the place we were visiting. It was a relatively inexpensive item in most gift shops so it was perfect for a young family’s budget. Eventually I had collected a nice assortment of tiles that I could grab whenever I needed to place hot casserole dishes on the table or the counter. This particular tile is my favorite and I’d like to tell you why . . .

When my youngest daughter was in elementary school, her class went on a day trip to Newport, Rhode Island – a beautiful city by the sea with lots to see and do! She was so excited to have the chance to go and as we were getting her backpack ready the night before, I handed her some money to use for drinks and snacks, and I told her there would be enough money for her to buy a little something for herself from any gift shop they might visit. When she returned home after her big day she was full of details about her adventure. Then, with a twinkle in her eye, she handed me a paper bag that contained her purchase. Imagine my surprise as I pulled out this tile. I had wanted her to spend the money on herself, but she said that when she saw it, she thought of me.


Pottery Bird
Not sure when or where I bought him, but I’ve had him for a very long time. I love pottery and this plump little fella is beautifully made. He has a bisque finish with some rough texturing on the brown areas. Simple, but lovely.

So, that’s my list!

Are there any unimportant things that you love?


Christmas Quiz

Hereā€™s a fun Christmas questionnaire that I saw last week on caroleknits. Because there are twenty-five questions, my initial idea was to split it into two separate posts. But then I thought you might like to decide whether you want to read it all at once or not. Maybe you’ll read part of it now, and then return tomorrow to pick up where you left off! šŸ™‚


Your answers to any of the questions would be very welcome, too! Use the comment form if you like. Or if you have a blog and want to post your answers there, please let me know so that I can visit.

OK, here we go . . .

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?

Wrapping paper, ribbons, tags, package tie-ons! I really enjoy wrapping and love to create a beautifully wrapped gift!

2. Real tree or Artificial?

Real for many years – up until the youngest went off to college. After that we bought an artificial tree and I love the fact that I can now put it up early without worrying that it will be a needle-less stick by Christmas. šŸ˜‰

3. When do you put up the tree?

See #2. Actually, right after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down?

Usually by Jan 1st. I love having it up for a month or so, but there’s nothing as ā€œoverā€ as Christmas, so Iā€™m usually pretty anxious to put it away by the first of the year.

5. Do you like eggnog?

No, not really. Iā€™ve just never developed a taste for it.

6. Favorite gift received as a child?

Without question ā€“ a Shirley Temple doll when I was about 6 yrs old. I remember running into the room of my sleeping parents at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning and breathlessly exclaiming to two very sleepy adults: ā€œSanta brought the doll I wanted!ā€ They didnā€™t seem all that surprised. šŸ˜‰

7. Hardest person to buy for?

My Mum & Dad. They have 6 kids buying them gifts, so itā€™s a real challenge to come up with original ideas for Christmas, birthdays, and motherā€™s and fatherā€™s day presents.

8. Easiest person to buy for?

My daughters – for everything except clothes, that is.

9. Do you have a nativity scene?

Yes, a few of them. One from when we were first married, another one made of plastic that the kids loved to play with when they were young (They’d spend hours arranging and rearranging all the figures!), and finally a beautiful one that my parents gave to us a few years ago. We alternate among them from year to year.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?

We mail them. Itā€™s becoming quite expensive to send cards – between the cards and the postage – but I donā€™t think I will ever email them. Thereā€™s just something special about sending a paper greeting.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?

Hmmm . . . Can we say ā€œmost disappointingā€?
When I was in my late teens, my girlfriends and I were all expecting friendship rings from the guys we were dating. On Christmas Eve, we 3 couples were all together to exchange gifts. Both of my girlfriends received sweet little rings and I got a wool hat with matching scarf. It was very pretty, but not quite what a teenage girl was dreaming of. šŸ˜‰

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?

I love ā€œA Christmas Carolā€, the version with George C. Scott as Scrooge. For years, we watched it every Christmas Eve. I also love ā€œThe House Without A Christmas Treeā€ which is a 1972 made-for-TV movie. Itā€™s such a heart-warming story and the actors are perfectly cast. I never get tired of watching it.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?

I try to be on the lookout all year, but donā€™t usually get really serious until November.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?

I donā€™t think I have ever given a gift that I received to another person on my gift list. But I have donated unneeded gifts to charity.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?

When I was a kid it was that hard Christmas Candy. Each year, the pastor of our church used to give a little box of it to every school child. These days, I would have to say Christmas cookies.

16. Lights on the tree?

Yes – colored lights! Our outdoor lights have been white/clear for several years now, but we hold fast to the tradition of color on the Christmas tree.

17. Favorite Christmas song?

Oh, I donā€™t think I can choose just one! Even though the radio stations and all the stores overdo it with Christmas music, I still love several Christmas songs. As a kid, it was ā€œThe Little Drummer Boyā€. Hmm, lets see, for a hymn, itā€™s ā€œOh Come All Ye Faithfulā€ which we sang in Latin years ago. But I also love ā€œO Holy Nightā€ and White Christmas and Winter Wonderland and . . . well, you get the idea!

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?

Usually travel, but by car as most of the family is in New England.

19. Can you name all of Santaā€™s reindeer?

Why, yes I can – thanks to another favorite Christmas song!

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?

We open one on Christmas Eve, and usually itā€™s a small one so that the best is yet to come on Christmas morning.

21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?

No parking spaces and long lines at the malls. Each year we promise ourselves that ā€œnextā€ year weā€™ll be all finished with our shopping in September!! Hasnā€™t happened yet, though.

22. Favorite ornament theme or color?

I love Christmas in all themes and colors and have experimented with different ones over the years! For example, some years our tree is decorated only with handmade ornaments (Most of them were made by my daughters and me). Other years weā€™ve used just glass ornaments. Then there are years when we use only the Hallmark ornaments that weā€™ve been collecting since the kids were babies. We do have a tradition that maybe could be thought of as a ā€œthemeā€. We call it ā€œThe Sceneā€. Itā€™s a little Christmas village that we put together piece by piece, year by year. There are tiny houses and figures and cute Christmas miniatures. Nothing is from a set ā€“ itā€™s all just a collection of individual little pieces that weā€™ve had great fun searching for and adding to every year.

23. What do you want for Christmas this year?

A new stove. Mine is over 25 years old and itā€™s just about to croak!

24. Angel on the treetop or a star?

An angel.

25. Favorite Christmas dinner?

Iā€™m flexible. I do like to have shrimp on Christmas Eve though!

Sweet As Can Be! Snowman Cupcakes

I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, and when you add all of the husbands, wives, and kids in our extended family, there are usually about twenty-five of us on Christmas. It’s a fun-filled event and we look forward to it each year.

Everyone brings food to share – usually a favorite dish or dessert. A couple of years ago, I decided that I’d like to bring something new. I came across these little snowman cupcakes and I just couldn’t resist them! Aren’t they cute? Here’s the photo that’s included with the recipe.


But I also have a few pictures of our attempt to make them, and a little bit of advice for anyone who wants to give them a try this year. First of all, I implore you to make them a couple of days ahead of time! Please don’t wait until the night before, as we did. Talk about pressure! Silly me had the idea that it would be a relaxing thing that my daughters and I could do after dinner on Christmas Eve. Fun, it definitely was! But relaxing? Not so much!

Once we realized exactly how time consuming it was going to be, we even enlisted my husband to make the “snowman scarves”. At that point, it truly became a family affair!

The assembling of each snowman took a little practice, so it was slow going at first. But once we got the hang of it, we were working in an assembly line fashion, and the little fellas began to multiply quickly. Here’s our finished version. Notice that one of them is winking at you.

Click on the photos to make them larger.

Click on the photos to make them larger.

In the photo below, it’s almost midnight – almost Christmas!!! The snowmen are all packed and ready to travel šŸ™‚

One last thing though . . .

Hopefully, yours will be served at home – or at least somewhere in the neighborhood. Our stress was not totally over until we completed the 2-hour car ride to my brother’s house on Christmas Day! We all gasped at every bump and pothole along the way, but fortunately the little snowmen survived the journey without incident and they looked quite festive at the family gathering šŸ™‚