Circles and Squares

Remember a couple of months ago when I showed you these?

I had whipped them up one evening as I was delaying waiting to make dinner. 😉 I called the post Playing Hooky and you can find it here.

Since then, they’ve acquired a few new friends….

I plan to make a pillow – I’ve even bought the pillow form – but I still need to make the reverse side.

At the same time, I’m working on a coordinating pillow that, believe it or not, will be round when it’s finished!

This summer has been a little on the warm side to have yarn on my lap, but there’s nothing like a cool autumn evening to squeeze in a little relaxation . . . and knit or crochet or do anything else you think is fun! 🙂



Coloring Book Weather

It’s still raining . . .

I’m not complaining! We need it, and it’s really a nice rest from all the heat.

Whenever we have a series of rainy summer days, I’m always reminded of summers long ago . . .

When I was a kid and the weather was dreary, our choices for amusement were limited. We had no computers, or cell phones to text our friends. Of course, we had a TV (black and white!) and board games, but most often we’d opt for the coloring books and our big supply of crayons.

There was something soothing and almost zen-like about a dreamy afternoon of coloring, while listening to the soft sounds of rain and gentle summer breezes whooshing through the trees.

Yesterday, I decided to play for an hour. I had nothing special in mind. I just wanted to pull out some things I’d been gathering for future projects . . .

I had a new leaf-shaped paper punch that I hadn’t tried, and some quilling paper I found on sale (I used to quill YEARS ago and would like to do it again sometime.).

I also wanted to see how I liked the effect of crocheting a decorative edge on cardstock (love it!), and other than that I just perused some of the paper do-dads I might use to make cards or tags.

As I said, it was just “play” time. But you know what? I could hear the rain, and for a minute there, I was a little girl coloring . . . 😉

What do you like to do when it rains?



Beads – They’re not just for jewelry!

Hi 🙂

I know that many of you make jewelry, but I also realize that many of you have never had the chance to learn.

Today, I’d like to show you a post where I discuss lots of creative things you can do with beautiful beads besides making jewelry! 😀

If you can sew on a button, or thread a needle, work with glue, or find a pretty little crystal dish around the house – you can have fun with beads.

As I say in the article: “Incorporating the artistry of beads into our everyday surroundings is a recipe for a smile.”

Click here to read it!



Playing Hooky

There are days when you just need to break away from the old routine. Am I right? 😉

Yesterday, when I should have been making dinner, I decided to play hooky for an hour.

Well, not the usual kind of hooky . . .

I was actually using a hook!

The yarn on the bottom left might look dark blue on your screen – but it’s a beautiful shade of teal, in person.

Anyway, I had finished 4 squares before Sir Beads raised an eyebrow, which means he’s wondering if dinner is scheduled for the near future – ahem! 😉

“What will this be eventually?”, you ask.

I really don’t know yet, but I’m thinking throw pillow, maybe.


So Kids . . . play hooky soon – by doing whatever will give you a few restful moments.

Dinner can always be a little late! 😉




My recent post about “woman or mouse” reminded me that I had a pattern for a tiny knitted mouse tucked away.

It looked quick and easy – so I put it in my folder of TV Time projects!

I actually think knitted mice, fabric mice, or mouse figurines are adorable! They make really sweet ornaments, too!

After all, you gotta have a mouse near the Christmas tree for – you know – “Not a creature was stirring . . . ”!

All that being said, I am afraid of real mice! 😉 Silly, yes?

Well, here’s the little guy. And the pattern is here.

Why oh why didn’t I remember to put something else into the photo, so you’d be able to see how small he is??? Duh!

He’s about the size of an egg. 😀

One last thing . . .

If, on a “dark and stormy night” (as Snoopy might say), I ever happened to awake and see a little face like this staring at me . . .

Well, let’s just say you’d probably hear me screaming wherever you are! 😉
