Welcome to this week’s Show and Tell Tuesday!
Remember when Allison sent a picture of her new baby, Robert, last November? π
Well, wait ’til you see him, now! The little guy has grown so much.
A couple of weeks ago, I received a note with more recent photos and I fell in love at first glance! Isn’t he absolutely darling?!?!
There was just no way I could choose which photos to post – each one is sweeter than the last – so I made collages!
Allison says: “The picture with the white hat and car seat straps is my husband’s favorite! He has it as the wallpaper on his phone. Robert hates the hat and used to hate the car seat, too. He used to cry when he got strapped in but now he finds that going places is fun and interesting! He is about to wail in that picture, I think it is really funny.”
“He DOES NOT like the flash!! He kind of looks like a deer caught in the headlights in some of them! The camera takes much better pictures than the cell phone, but I always have my phone with me and never the camera. These are all pretty new, within the past few weeks or so. The ones from the phone are older. He is such a good sweet baby!! We all adore him!!! His 6 month check up went great! He is 16 lbs 6 oz, and 26″ long. Still just 25th percentile but perfectly healthy! We think he is huge, though!”
Thank you so much, Allison.
Sending big hugs to your sweet little boy! π