Show and Tell Tuesday

Welcome to this week’s Show and Tell Tuesday!

Remember when Allison sent a picture of her new baby, Robert, last November? πŸ™‚

Well, wait ’til you see him, now! The little guy has grown so much.

A couple of weeks ago, I received a note with more recent photos and I fell in love at first glance! Isn’t he absolutely darling?!?!

There was just no way I could choose which photos to post – each one is sweeter than the last – so I made collages!

Allison says: “The picture with the white hat and car seat straps is my husband’s favorite! He has it as the wallpaper on his phone. Robert hates the hat and used to hate the car seat, too. He used to cry when he got strapped in but now he finds that going places is fun and interesting! He is about to wail in that picture, I think it is really funny.”

“He DOES NOT like the flash!! He kind of looks like a deer caught in the headlights in some of them! The camera takes much better pictures than the cell phone, but I always have my phone with me and never the camera. These are all pretty new, within the past few weeks or so. The ones from the phone are older. He is such a good sweet baby!! We all adore him!!! His 6 month check up went great! He is 16 lbs 6 oz, and 26″ long. Still just 25th percentile but perfectly healthy! We think he is huge, though!”

Thank you so much, Allison.

Sending big hugs to your sweet little boy! πŸ˜€



Hi Kids,
It’s not like me to forget a holiday, but I did!

Here in Massachusetts, today is Patriots’ Day, which is a state holiday.

Sir Beads has the day off and we’re on our way out to do a little shopping, but I had to pop in to say hello, and also to ask the weekly question. πŸ˜€

Do you think too much or too little?



TGIF Again!

Yay!!! Am I ever happy to see this week end.

Ha – “week end” and “weekend”!

Well, either way, I’m happy for both.

Sir Beads and I are just wiped out – too much on the schedule over the last several days.

Soooo, the weekend plan is to sleep late, have some leisurely meals, catch up on reading, and maybe watch a good movie.

(I’m feeling refreshed already!) πŸ™‚


Here are a couple of Easter ornaments I made years ago.

When my kids were young, I loved to go all-out decorating for every single holiday!

Presently, I’ve scaled back a little, but I still enjoy scattering small decorations around the house to make things festive and fun! πŸ™‚


Speaking of fun . . .
I hope your weekend holds a bit of rest, a sprinkle of fun, and lots of laughter!



The Times They Are A-Changin’

It occurred to me the other day that I no longer wear a watch.

The crazy thing is – I have no idea when I stopped!

Remember several years ago when having a collection of modestly priced watches became popular? It was fun to have a variety of choices to coordinate with your wardrobe – gold, silver, casual, dressy!

And remember how we all learned to pull out the stem on a watch, if it wasn’t being worn, so as not to wear out the battery? Now that was a valuable tip.

I may not know when I stopped bothering with my watch, but I think I’ve figured out why!

It was my cell phone. πŸ˜‰ Once that phone was in the picture, I must have gradually become less concerned about popping on a watch on my way out the door. Makes sense! Whenever I’m in a situation where I might not be near a clock, I usually have my cell phone with me – and it’s just as easy to take a peek at the phone for the time.

OK. Mystery solved!

There’s just one problem.

I have this little drawer full of pretty watches with their stems pulled out . . . πŸ˜‰


Do you wear a watch?



Flower Power

Carol guessed right . . .

I am crocheting flowers. πŸ˜€

Here are my “practice” ones.

I laugh as I write the word “practice” because I am not a “practicer”.

I’ve never had any patience for practicing. It’s a character flaw – I know – but I can never wait to get to the main event – even if that means learning the hard way through my mistakes. πŸ˜‰


This time, though, I wanted to practice because I bought some rather pricey yarn for the project I have in mind. I decided I should probably make at least one flower with my scrap yarn . . .

But as you can see, I have a whole bunch of “practice flowers” here. (They’re addictive!)

This type of crocheted flower and the possibilities for using it are currently all over the internet. Soon, I’ll make another bunch using my special new yarn! Then I’ll join them to create a shawl. πŸ™‚ Oh, I am soooo excited about that!

A shawl of flowers!!!

Could anything be prettier!?!

For my shawl, I’ll be using a variety of “flower” colors. πŸ™‚ I’m actually looking forward to using something besides purple for a change!

Huh? Less purple? Did Crystal really say that?

(Yep, it’s true!)

