Lucky Seven – Smiles

ChicksSpringWe live in a world where the pace is frenetic. Some days we’re so focused on rushing and planning and finishing . . .

We forget to take a breath and relish the ordinary things that make life special.

“Stop and smell the roses” may be an over-used saying, but it’s oh so true!

For this week’s Lucky Seven, here are:

7 Things to Savor!

1. The fragrance that hits you the moment you open the door to a bakery.

2. That first bit of writing in a brand new notebook.

3. A beautifully wrapped gift.

4. Dinner out with enough leftover for the next day’s lunch!

5. Pouring tea from a teapot.

6. Hearing the rain as you snuggle under the covers.

7. A small bouquet of flowers in a pretty little vase.


shamrocksPlease add any more that you think of in the comments!

It would be fun to turn this into a growing list – something we can all refer to whenever we want. I’ll make a button for it in the sidebar – similar to our “recipe box”! 😀



Getting to Know You

I was thinking it would be fun for us to get to know each other a little better. 😀


So for this week’s Lucky Seven, we have . . .

7 Things About You!

I’ll go first and I hope you’ll give your responses in the comments! If you don’t want to do all 7 – no problem! Just do as many as you like.


1. Where were you born?
Boston, Massachusetts. I spent summer vacations in a much more rural area, so I’m a true combination of city girl and country girl.

2. Do you have a journal?
Does this blog count? 😉 When I was a teenager, I did have a little leather diary with a lock and key. I’m not sure where it is today, so hopefully nobody out there is planning a tabloid tale of the angst and escapades of my youth! lol

3. Favorite food?
Heaven help me. I love things that one shouldn’t have in large portions – like pasta, potatoes, and rice. In my defense, I do LOVE all vegetables, though!

4. If you didn’t make the decision to get married and have a family, (or to be in the job you have now) what would you be doing today?
I would probably be a teacher. Of course, having a family doesn’t preclude that, but when I was expecting my first baby, I made the decision to be a stay-at-home Mom. It meant that family finances were a little trickier to manage, so over the years, I’ve worked at jobs where I could get some hours when my husband was available to watch the kids. I’ve always described myself as a “full-time Mom with a variety of part-time jobs”.

5. Who do you miss the most?
My grandparents – all 4 of them. I was really lucky to know both sets of grandparents very well. Three of them lived into my adult years. Each was unique and very special. They all had a part in shaping the person I am today. I don’t think there is anything more wonderful than a loving relationship between a child and a grandparent. My wish for every kid would be to have that opportunity.

6. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
Without a doubt, it’s that I am too sensitive. I wish I could change that. My feelings are too easily hurt and I’ve been that way since I was little. There is an upside though. I also am very empathetic to the feelings of others. My family and friends know they have someone who truly cares when they need consolation or a shoulder to cry on.

7. Scary Movies or Happy Endings???

Happy Endings, please. I’m such a scaredy cat! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve missed whole scenes of scary movies because I was squinting through slightly opened fingers and trying not to hear anything! During a scary part, I’m usually hiding my eyes and whimpering to Sir Beads: “What’s happening now?!?” :-O

Poor guy, he misses snippets of the movie with my antics. It’s a wonder he has put up with me for so long!


Well, so now it’s your turn! 🙂

How would you answer the questions?


Lucky Seven

Are you ready for another installment of Lucky Seven?

This week, it’s 7 Tips to Live Longer! 😀


1. Love in Your Life
Whether it’s family, friends, your partner, or your pets – make sure that you have a generous dose of love in your world! It’s one of the best “vitamins” you can take!

2. Exercise
It doesn’t have to be a rigorous regimen at the gym. Studies continue to suggest that walking is the ideal exercise.

3. Laugh!
It turns out that the old saying – “Laughter is the best medicine.” – has some real truth behind it! Laughing decreases stress so it boosts your immune system! In addition, cardiologists have discovered that laughter actually improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help prevent heart attacks.

4. Flex Your Mental Muscles
A brain not challenged is a brain that can become stagnant. As we age, it’s important to keep ourselves engaged in new interests, hobbies, and games. Not only will life be more interesting if you avoid the “same old, same old” – but you’ll be stimulating your brain to grow and stay healthy throughout your life.

5. Never Diet; Eat Properly.
Starving yourself, yo-yo dieting, and eating without proper attention to good nutrition are all unhealthy ways to lose weight. They put undue stress on your body and wreak havoc with your metabolism. Aristotle’s belief – “everything in moderation” is the perfect mantra for maintaining a balanced diet!

6. Regular Check-Ups
Life can get hectic, but make sure that a visit to the doctor is a top priority in your schedule. What could be more important than YOU?

7. Start Now!
It’s never too late to begin healthy habits that will make your life longer and happier! 😀


Lucky Seven

snowman8In my never-ending quest to entertain, inform, or amuse you, I present another installment of Lucky Seven!

This time, we have 7 Clever Hints. I hope you’ll find some of them helpful. 🙂

Feel free to add one of your own!

1. Easy Clean-up
Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill it with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don’t dry the cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.

2. Small Spaces
To get something out of a heat register or from under the fridge; add an empty paper towel roll or gift wrap roll to the wand on your vacuum cleaner. The roll can be bent or flattened to easily get into narrow openings.

3. Hate Soggy Pizza?
Reheat that leftover pizza in a non-stick skillet on top of the stove! Set the heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy – unlike soggy micro pizza.

4. Stretch the Frosting
When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store; whip it with your mixer for a few minutes. You can double the volume and frost more cake or cupcakes with the same amount. You’ll also save sugar/calories per serving in the bargain!

5. No Fuss Deviled Eggs
Put cooked egg yolks in a medium zip lock bag. Seal it and knead until they are all broken up. Open the bag to add mayo, spices, etc. and then reseal. Keep mashing/mixing thoroughly. Next, cut the tip off of one corner and squeeze the mixture into hard-boiled egg halves. When finished, discard the bag for easy clean up. Saves on soap and hot water that would have been needed to get a regular pastry bag really clean!

6. Foggy Windshield?
Tired of foggy windshields? Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the car. When the windows fog, rub with the eraser. Works better than a cloth!

7. Re-opening Envelopes
If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Voila! It unseals easily!


Getting Organized

There’s something about January that sets the mood to get organized. I suppose it’s really a combination of things that can have us thinking that way.


First there’s the packing away of the holiday decorations – a mini feat of organization in itself!

Then there’s that extra time indoors since the weather is often cold and inclement. Suddenly, there’s time to notice the clutter!

Finally, the mere act of switching to a new calendar can often touch a primal urge to start fresh and create more order in our world. 🙂

cloverIn this spirit, today’s Lucky Seven features:

7 Quick Tips to make life a little easier!

1. Use small stick-on labels to date the items in your pantry that are kept for long periods of time – like spices, flour, condiments, and baking powder. By writing the date they’re opened, you’ll know at a glance if they’ve been around too long and need to be replaced.

2. Give each family member his own mesh laundry bag in which to toss dirty socks during the week. When they come out of the dryer – no sorting needed!

3. Place a coat rack in the guest room – even if it’s just one of those over-the-door styles. It will be much more convenient for you or your guests to retrieve their coats, than from your overstuffed closet!

4. Onto each recipe that you make regularly, clip a list of the “to buy” ingredients – the ones that are not staples in your home. Then when you’re making a grocery list – you won’t have to check and re-check the entire recipe to find all the items you need to buy.

5. Whenever you’re serving food or drinks in a room other than the kitchen, use a tray! It saves trips for serving and for cleaning up, too!

6. Before painting a wall that has a large group of photos, or before clearing shelves of knick-knacks for a major dusting, take a photo! You’ll be able to put everything back exactly as you had it.

7. To make chores easier to bear, swap with your spouse or roommate! Trade a list of three things you hate to do for three things he hates to do. You may not always like what you get in exchange but at least it will be different.
