C is for Cooking with Clenna

I missed you kids!

How was your weekend?

Busy? Fun? Relaxing?

How about a report!?! πŸ™‚


Today, I have a recipe that Clenna discovered.

Sounds good and economical, so it’s a great tie-in to last week’s discussion on “ways to save money”.

As I was preparing this post, it struck me as a great topic to use for the letter C in my ABC-Along series!

C is for Cooking a Chicken Casserole with Clenna! πŸ˜€

Chicken Casserole


1 pkg. macaroni and cheese dinner ($1.50)

2 cup chicken (I had on hand from a prior time.)

1 can cream of chicken soup (.50)

1 1/2 cup chicken broth ($1)

1 T. onion flakes (in pantry)

1 can french fried onion rings ($2)

2 T. butter (in fridge)


Combine macaroni and cheese dinner, chicken, cream of chicken soup, onion flakes, pepper flakes and chicken broth in 2-quart casserole. Microwave on full power 16 minutes, covered. Stir once. Rest, covered for 5 minutes. Add butter and mix well. Top with onion rings.


Recipe was found here

Thanks, Clenna! πŸ˜€



The Good Yarn

Do you remember when I was making these flowers?

I was using yarn scraps to practice because I wanted to experiment a little before changing to the pricey yarn I had just bought.

This week, I finally carved out a little time to begin working with the “good yarn”.

It’s from Debbie Bliss, and it’s called “Cashmerino”. Talk about soft! And the colors are gorgeous. πŸ™‚


I‘ll be making about 50 flowers in all combinations of these colors.

In the end, I’ll sew the flowers together to make a shawl. The thought of how pretty it could be makes me giddy, I tell ya!

So far, I have 10 flowers complete. It’s fairly easy to make 1 or 2 per day – usually after dinner, when I sit down with Sir Beads to watch a TV program.

I won’t show the new flowers yet . . .


Oh, what am I saying? I hate it when somebody leaves me in suspense!

How about if I show one of them?!? πŸ˜‰


To be continued in the coming weeks . . . .



B is for Bureau

And also for . . .

Beads πŸ˜€


Many (but far from all) of my Vintage Lucite Beads are stored in this bureau.

Every drawer is chock full of beads!

Part of the fun for me is that this is a bureau I used while I was growing up!

After I got married, my parents turned it over to me. Since then I’ve used it for baby clothes, and later for sewing supplies and fabric.


But its most recent purpose is to house beautiful beads!

