First Tango with Tangerine Tango

I am not exaggerating when I confess that I have never owned an article of clothing in the color orange.

Oh, I’ve had accessories with touches of orange – scarves, jewelry, handbags – but never clothing!

It’s not that I avoid bright colors. If you know me – you know I love purple.

My second fave is red, so this girl is definitely not shy.

I guess I’ve always thought that an entire shirt or dress in orange would just be too much; too “loud”.

Besides, I’m a “winter” and orange is not a good color for “winters”. (Do you know your season?)

Recently, I needed new nightgowns. I love the all cotton, long t-shirt styles from Lands’ End.

There are several colors available but I chose Lavender and Coral (which I’ve had before).

When the package arrived, I literally gasped to see that the coral one was not at all like the previous coral I had purchased (which was a mixture of pink, peach, and orange – the way I picture coral to be!).

This new nightgown was jack-o-lantern orange!

Well, I figured I’d be brave and give it a try. You know – embrace the change.

According to Pantone, the color experts –

“Tangerine Tango” (bright orange) is the color of the year!

Maybe so, but whenever I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror while wearing it, I shake my head and think: “I could direct traffic in this get-up.” 😉



Must Be Cracking Up

Crystal likes to use magnets on the refrigerator. They hold her shopping list, stray coupons, family photos, business cards, recipes, etc.

Several of the magnets are not holding anything, however. She uses those in a random rotation to signal that the dishes in the dishwasher are clean. Really! 😉

When she turns on the dishwasher – she sticks a magnet on the closed door. After she puts away the clean dishes – she removes the magnet and places it back on the refrigerator. This is not a foolproof system. Sometimes she forgets to put one on… or even worse – take one off. Then, it’s anybody’s guess if the dishes are clean or dirty.

Two years ago, she found this cute little fella on display at a kitchen store.
“How kitchen-y and cute!” she thought. She had to have him.

Mr. Egg has had a home on her fridge ever since. He’s often chosen as the “dishwasher-on” sentry.

Now, seriously, wouldn’t you think that in two years of using him that she would have noticed he’s not just a magnet?

One day, as she was returning him to the fridge, she saw something on the bottom. “Huh? What’s this?” she wondered.

Well, it turned out to be . . . A tape measure!

And how does the tape measure rewind? You push his nose.


The absent-minded professor has nothing on Crystal.
Poor girl! Sometimes it seems as if she’s one sandwich short of a picnic. 😉



Paper Trail

Honestly, Kids, sometimes I long for the days when letters were on paper….

With online banking to pay your bills, and emails/texting to touch base with family and friends, will hand-written letters become totally extinct?

I think it’s a pretty good possibility.

Although I’m glad to see most of my bills being paid without a stamp, I really hate to think that the fun mail will someday stop.

People don’t really write letters very often, now. In some ways, it’s understandable – email is so much quicker and more convenient. But there’s something beautiful about a little envelope with your name handwritten on it. 😀

When I was quite young, my grandmother helped me compose a letter to a cousin who lived far away. I had never written a real letter before. Nana suggested that I first scribble something in pencil on a piece of scrap paper, but I wasn’t sure how to begin. She encouraged me by saying:

“Just write as if you are talking to the person… as if he is sitting right there beside you!”

That worked like a charm. Next, she gave me a sheet of good paper and (drum roll, please!) my grandfather’s special pen – the “fancy” one he kept in a little stand on the bureau. Talk about feeling like a grownup. 🙂

Probably the most faithful and prolific letter-writer I’ve ever known was Sir Beads’ Mom. Her letters were little treasures. She always used pretty stationery and usually, it was scented! I swear the lovely fragrance of those letters would spread to all of the other mail that arrived on the same day. It made opening the bills a pleasure (well, almost!).

Her letters were written in a beautiful script and she often tucked in a photo, or a newspaper clipping, or a recipe she’d copied especially for me, or snippets of yarn from an “in-progress” sweater, or scraps of fabric from a dress she was sewing for one of my girls – just so I could see the colors and textures she had chosen. It was fun to feel part of the project in that way.

I miss those letters. They brightened up even the sunniest of days! I did save a lot of them. They’re part of our family history, after all.

I wonder if emails between family members will survive through the ages. Will they be stored on tiny discs? Will they be accidentally erased during computer crashes? They definitely won’t have the little surprises tucked inside . . .

This week’s question is:

Do you have old hand-written letters that you have saved? Do you ever hand-write a letter, now? Do you save emails? Are you ok with a totally paper-less society?

Ok, that’s more than one question! 😉

But you know what I mean…. Lol



Coffee’s On

Hi Kids,
Come on in . . . You’re just in time for tea (or coffee if you prefer)!

If you’ve been with me for a while, you probably remember the “weekly question”! For many months, we all checked in here on Mondays and shared a laugh, our latest news, and sometimes – even a bit of advice. It was our virtual coffee klatsch. 😉

I’ve been missing those times, so today I’m here with a question!


But just a little background, first . . .

I’ve always been a fan of the clever pun.
Businesses often choose something cute and “punny” as a name. I can think of a couple of hair salons around here that prove my point:

Curl Up and Dye

The Hairafter

Usually the puns are intentional but when they are not intentional – they can be even more amusing!

The following businesses used the real names of the proprietors – I’m serious!

Bland’s Restaurant

Flowers Funeral Home

Dr. Wolfe, Veterinarian

Funny, yes?


So, my question is:

Can you think of a business in your area that has a clever name?

(And if you can’t… well, have another cup and tell us about your weekend!) 🙂



Bead Challenge – A Girl Needs a Hint of Sparkle!

Do you notice anything particular about this young lady?

She is gorgeous, of course, but she could use some jewelry, don’t you think?

(Spoken like the incorrigible jewelry-lover that I am!) 😉

You are invited to join our 3rd Bead Design Challenge, where you’ll use your imagination to design some bling for this girl!

Will you make earrings? A necklace? A bracelet, perhaps? Or maybe a complete set!

Will it be sophisticated? Classic? Playful? Do you envision her in an up-to-date design – something to bring her into the 21st century?

You’re the artist, so it will be whatever you decide! 😀

Read on for all the details.

We have Prizes and Perks!
It’s our 3rd challenge and I’m delighted to announce that at the conclusion of this event THREE of the participants – chosen at random – will receive a prize!

First Prize is the following treasure trove of Vintage Beads

Worth over $65.00! I’ve carefully selected this assortment which includes: Vintage Glass, Vintage Swarovski, Vintage Lucite Beads, Vintage Findings, an Artisan-crafted Polymer Clay Pendant in Tango Orange (the color of the year), and a beautiful Vintage Intaglio Glass Cameo in soft blue with beveled edges.

Second Prize is a $30 Shopping Spree in our Bead Shop!

Third Prize is a $20 Shopping Spree in our Bead Shop!

ALL registered participants who did not win one of the above prizes will receive a coupon for 30% off any purchase during June 2012 in our Bead Shop.

ALL registered participants will have their designs publicized here on the blog, and also on my website and facebook page! I will include links to your shop and/or your website – as you wish. Look for the “Showcase of Designs” on May 16, 2012! Our previous challenges had some amazingly beautiful results so you won’t want to miss all the fun and inspiration this time! 🙂

To Qualify as a “Registered Participant” (and be eligible for the Prize Drawings, the Discount Coupon, and Design Promotion) you must do the following:

1. Create your jewelry design using at least one product (beads or findings) purchased from our etsy bead shop. Of course, you can buy more than one product, but I imagine you will want to use items from your own stash to complement your choice(s) from Bead Happily Ever After!

2. Email a clear photo of your finished design by 9:00 p.m. EST on May 12, 2012. to: crystal (at) beadhappilyeverafter (dot) com
(In fairness to all, any photos received after the deadline must be disqualified.)

3. Include:
Your Name
Your Email address
The Link (if any) that you’d like me to place with the photo of your design when I promote your work!

Optional: If you like, you can also add a brief description of your design for me to use with your photo and shop link.

The Boring Stuff . . .
You must be 18 yrs. old to enter. After the completion of the challenge, the names of the three prize winners will be announced here and they will also be notified by email. If a winner fails to respond to email within one week from the time notification email has been sent, the win will be null and void and a new winner will be chosen.

All registered entrants will receive a 30% off coupon code, by email, at the conclusion of the challenge.
When you enter, you retain all rights to your original designs, but you give permission for Bead Happily Ever After to use your photo on all Bead Happily Ever After sites to promote and showcase your work.

Remember – all entries must be received by 9:00 p.m. EST on May 12, 2012. You can find periodic updates on this Design Challenge by clicking the link in the sidebar to the right of this page!

So c’mon! Let’s get started. Spread the word – all are welcome! 😀

I can’t wait to see what you create to “dress-up” the lovely lady.

