Some Days You’re The Statue

You know what they say…. Some days you’re the pigeon; some days you’re the statue.

I’m writing this on Thursday night and today I was definitely the statue.

I had the feeling it was going be an interesting day when, early on, I knocked over my cup of tea. In what seemed like slow motion, it traveled to the floor – splashing like a tidal wave – leaving tea on the wall, the table, the lamp, my upholstered chair, and the rug! Ay yi yi – talk about a mess.

The day continued with a series of little mishaps (I won’t bore you with the list) and it culminated in a very tough battle with a nasty computer virus that had me against the ropes for several hours. I think I’ve finally cleared it . . . but, at this point, all I want to do is put my cheek here on the keyboard and go to sleep. Thank goodness, Sir Beads and I had already planned some fun for this weekend!

All’s well now, and to quote Scarlett O’ Hara: “Tomorrow is another day!” (Gosh I’m glad this one is almost over!) 😉

Happy Weekend, Kids!

Don’t forget to “fall back”!

Hugs and smiles,


54 Shopping Days Until . . .


1st Ornament for 2010
made with Swarovski Crystals and Pearls

Ok, ok – before you throw a sneaker at the screen, let me quickly say that I am not rushing the season.

In fact, I really don’t like to blog about Christmas before Halloween is officially over . . .

but since most of us are probably eating the leftover candy by now, I figure it’s safe to broach the topic. 😉

54 days is really not as long as it sounds.

“What”? (You scoff.)

I’m serious. Doesn’t it seem as if we just turned the calendar to September?

Uh-uh . . . that was 61 days ago! So, if you want to make a few gifts or maybe some ornaments, or you have packages to mail – it’s not too early to get going!

Who am I trying to convince, here, you or myself?

Both, actually! 😉 (I definitely need to get busy a.s.a.p!)

weekly question:

Are you a Christmas elf? Do you like to start early or do you thrive on the last minute holiday rush?



Storage Galore

Because I’m a gal that “plays” with beads on a regular basis, I need lots of organized storage for them.

My tiny seed beads do well in this type of container.

And my projects that are in progress are stored in these.

Having portable storage is important to me because I don’t always work in the same room. Sometimes, I want to be near the sunniest window for a project that needs a lot of light. Other times, I might want to move to the living room to watch a movie with Sir Beads as I work. I have various “rolling” carts with drawers that are very helpful, but I don’t always need a large storage caddy. That’s why I was SO excited to find this on SALE over the weekend. It was half price! 😀

The top opens to hold some of my tools.

The front “draw-bridge” style door opens for access to individual storage cases.

Each case has adjustable compartments. I’m gonna have lots of fun arranging my supplies in these!

Sir Beads is amused by all my storage containers. (I not only use them for beads but also for various household items.) If he’s with me when I’m about to buy another one, he often gives me a feigned look of surprise and says:

“Ah, you don’t have enough of those yet????”😉 (He’s a character, I tell ya!)

The truth is – they are ever so convenient! My rule is they must be on sale. I will not pay a fortune for one. I use all shapes and sizes for out-of-season clothes, Christmas decorations, general craft supplies, etc. They’re sturdier and more airtight than cardboard boxes, not to mention easier to keep clean.

So, Kids, the weekly question is:

How do you organize the things you need to store or supplies for hobbies? Any tips for the rest of us?



Snap Out Of It, Crystal

Happy Monday!

(or “hi there!”, if you’ve stopped by on another day.) 😉

I’m not sure how you feel, but I’m thinking if the days continue to fly by (We’re almost three weeks into September!) then I’m about to become a teeny bit nervous. It means the holiday season is not only around the corner, but it’s barreling down on us at full speed!

Take this last weekend, for example. I had a long list of things that needed doing but all of a sudden it was Sunday night and I hadn’t done half of them. I couldn’t believe it. It made me think, though. I’m at a point in life where I’m finally realizing that I need to acknowledge a critical fact – I’ll never be able to do all I want to do in any given weekend, or month for that matter. It’s time for me to be content if I finish the most important things. There, I said it! Next I have to put it into practice. 😉

I need to re-write my lists with the absolute priorities at the top, the moderately essential things in the middle, and with an eraser for the things on the bottom!!! I’ll bet if I tried, I could really shorten the end of that old list – eliminate some of those would-like-to’s and feel better for doing so!!

When I look back on the last few days, and the chores I never got to, I am comforted when I remember what I did do.

* I did spend quality time with my parents 🙂 (who will be leaving for their winter home in Florida in a few weeks and so I won’t get to see them as often).

* We did drive into the city to see our daughter’s band perform. We loved it and she was happy we were there. 🙂

In the grand scheme of things, we accomplished much. Nothing could be more important than making memories with people you love . . . certainly not to-do-lists!

The Weekly Question!

How do you handle the ever-present “time crunch” in your world?

