It’s A Laugh A Minute Here

Good Monday! 🙂

You know what they say, Kids:

“If you can laugh at yourself – you’ll never be at a loss for entertainment!”

I sure do find that to be the case. I’m always doing something that cracks me up.

The other day, I was rushing to get ready to go out for the evening. I chose a scarf to wear but noticed it was a little wrinkled. Because I was running late, I quickly decided I wasn’t going to waste time dragging out the ironing board. Instead, I figured I could do a quick pressing on the kitchen counter.

Hmmmmmm, it wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d imagined to spread the scarf onto a hand towel and do a speedy job.

OK, so at that point I was laughing out loud and telling myself I would have been finished MUCH sooner if I’d taken the time to set up the big board. Tsk-tsk. 😉

But I guess all’s well that ends well . . .

The scarf came out fine and the laughter was a bonus. It gave me a chance to stop rushing, catch my breath, and focus on enjoying the evening. 🙂


Tomorrow, we have Show and Tell Tuesday with refrigerators!!!!




Public Service Announcement

I know better!

You know better!

Apparently that is not enough sometimes . . .

Do not throw a pair of fuzzy socks into the washer with the dark clothes!!!!

Not “just this once”

Not EVER!!!

I will plead exhaustion on this, but I got a whole lot more tired having to de-lint the rest of the load. Whew!

That is all. 😉



Do Unto Others

Before I begin, I must thank you very much for the warm condolences I received on my last post. They were a great comfort to me. You kids are the absolute best! 🙂

We had a quiet weekend, which was highlighted by random acts of kindness. Saturday was errands day and I went shopping for hand lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. You know – all that stuff that is necessary, but can really add up by the time you get to the register to pay.

Call it serendipity, call it coincidence, but almost every product I needed had a coupon carefully placed beside it. These were not store coupons, but ones that somebody had carefully cut out and “delivered” to just the right spots on several different aisles throughout the store. It’s not that I haven’t seen the occasional stray coupon here and there before, but usually there are only a few and not for things that I use. This time, though, each item on my list had a $1.00 off coupon, and in one case it was for $1.50 off!

What a kind “coupon fairy”. Talk about paying it forward! It was enough to restore my sometimes waning faith in the human race. So much so, in fact, that I smiled when not just one but TWO separate people cut ahead of us in the checkout line, shortly thereafter! Nothing could make me frown that day, however. I was much too busy thinking of what random act of kindness I’d perform. 🙂



Breakfast of Champions

You probably remember I mentioned I’m not very good about eating breakfast on Monday through Friday.

I am however a big fan of breakfast on the weekend! We usually sleep a little later then, especially on Saturdays, and are often ravenous by the time we get to the table. There’s more time to be leisurely about it so we like a hot meal – there’s no cereal on weekends (just like there’s no crying in baseball!). 😉

This Saturday, we had one of my favorite things . . . home fries!!! YUMMY!!!!

I must admit I’ve never met a potato I didn’t love. Ask me to choose between cake and potatoes and there is no contest. The spuds win hands down.

Don’t these look good???

Just potatoes, onions, salt, pepper and a little butter for cooking them. The kitchen smelled wonderful! Luckily, there are still leftovers!

What are home fries without eggs?

(Don’t worry; this is when they first hit the pan. They will be cooked longer; we like them “over easy”.)

Every once and a while, we have steak with our eggs. This was one of those days.

The little meat thermometers work like a charm.

The eggs were cooked in the steak drippings for extra flavor. And with the addition of some lovely, sweet, orange slices, this was more brunch than breakfast. It sure was delicious! 😀


What do you like to make for your weekend breakfasts?



Time Thieves

I think we all become a little introspective during New Year’s week.

Whether we’re “resolutions” people or not, many of us feel a desire to do an adjusted “mapquest” of this journey through life we’re taking. We instinctively give some thought to what’s working for us, and what is not . . .

I recently read a phrase that struck a chord with me:

“Time is a modern day luxury.”

Wow, is that ever true!

If you can carve out a little free time in any given day, you are living the good life. I am serious!

Our ancestors surely must have dreamed that they could be ladies of leisure if only they didn’t have to haul water from the well, wash clothes on a rock, and keep that fire going to cook and heat the home. So why is it that with all the of conveniences of today, we still have so little free time?


The conveniences are, of course, part of the problem. There’s no down time. You can be reached by phone 24/7. No more blissful time in the car when you are incommunicado with the rest of the planet. Now, your boss or pesty neighbor can reach you at any hour.

And “taking care” of our “conveniences” takes time – or at least, effort! You must charge your cell, sort the good email from the spam, perform computer updates, scan for viruses, shred mail and papers that could lead to identity theft. And don’t even get me started on our ability to snap photos, willy nilly. Digital cameras are a good thing, for sure. It’s fabulous that there are no more processing fees to develop our pix, but the TIME to sort, delete, and organize can be overwhelming, especially if you are an incurable shutter bug!


It’s all enough to make you cry “uncle”. How ironic that we may have less time because we have more conveniences!

I won’t pretend to have the best answer. It’s something I wrestle with and have blogged about several times in the past. I know one thing though. I’d like to make 2011 the year I get closer to finding the key to the luxury of time.

How about you? Do you feel you have less time now than you did a decade ago?

