Do Unto Others

Before I begin, I must thank you very much for the warm condolences I received on my last post. They were a great comfort to me. You kids are the absolute best! 🙂

We had a quiet weekend, which was highlighted by random acts of kindness. Saturday was errands day and I went shopping for hand lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. You know – all that stuff that is necessary, but can really add up by the time you get to the register to pay.

Call it serendipity, call it coincidence, but almost every product I needed had a coupon carefully placed beside it. These were not store coupons, but ones that somebody had carefully cut out and “delivered” to just the right spots on several different aisles throughout the store. It’s not that I haven’t seen the occasional stray coupon here and there before, but usually there are only a few and not for things that I use. This time, though, each item on my list had a $1.00 off coupon, and in one case it was for $1.50 off!

What a kind “coupon fairy”. Talk about paying it forward! It was enough to restore my sometimes waning faith in the human race. So much so, in fact, that I smiled when not just one but TWO separate people cut ahead of us in the checkout line, shortly thereafter! Nothing could make me frown that day, however. I was much too busy thinking of what random act of kindness I’d perform. 🙂




Do Unto Others — 6 Comments

  1. I’m glad that we were able to provide some comfort for you last week. Don’t you love it when you actually find a coupon you can use?! I was thrilled that I got to rent a free movie from the red box, someone on facebook posted the link to get a free code.

    You will have to let us know what random act of kindness you decide to do. It feels so good to do something for someone especially when that person is not expecting it.

    This weeks celebrations include:
    2/28: National Chocolate Soufflé Day
    2/28 National Tooth Fairy Day
    2/29: Surf and Turf Day
    3/1 International Pancake Day (free pancakes at I-HOP restaurants)
    3/1 National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day (my dogs and I love peanut butter crackers)
    3/1: National Fruit Compote Day
    3/2: National Banana Creme Pie Day
    3/2 Dr. Seuss Day
    3/3 National Anthem Day
    3/3 What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day (Kouga would be surfing the internet and ordering treats, new toys and who knows what else he would come up with). Milele would be opening the peanut butter jar and dipping her treats into it.
    3/3: National Cold Cuts Day
    3/3: National Mulled Wine Day
    3/4 International Scrapbooking Industry Day (this is one for all the crafters)
    3/4: National Pound Cake Day
    3/4 Employee Appreciation Day

  2. What a neat idea! The only coupons I ever use are the store coupons, posted everywhere next to the product- which does make it convenient! Someone was very clever to do the same on their own initiative. I’m glad you had such a sweet experience on a weekend where you really needed it.

  3. Good Morning!
    You know, this post got me to thinking. Our stores used to have a bin set up where you could leave coupons you don’t use and take what you need. Then, if you remember, a few years ago manufacturers stopped mailing so many coupons or putting them in the Sunday paper. You had to search them on the web, if you wanted them bad enough. Now, it seems, that coupons are making a return. Our local store doubles them up to 50 cents and gives you $1 for a face value of .75f to $1.

    We all need a break at the store. I have made it a habit to share coupons, especially in the FABRIC STORE.

    Have a great week. Figure out what you will do with your savings!
    xx, Carol

  4. What a great coupon day you had.
    I love it when they ‘double’ the coupons! I feel like I just got a fantastic bargain!
    Little things make us so happy.

  5. Yep, sometimes it is the little things among the bigger things in life that make you smile.

    Like a teenager offering to take my loaded shopping basket to the register. As I was slowly making my way down the stairs, one step at a time, at the craft store.

    And the best part? You think about that random act of kindness all day. I think, for me, it calms me when it happens, and I start to act nicer myself.

  6. I love those small acts of kindness,today my son used the snow-blower in our double driveway and as he finished i asked him to do our neighbors.I know they don’t have a machine to do it and it was a lot of snow this morning.
    We always try to let people in front of us at the grocery store especially when they only have a little.One poor woman was so surprised she just kept saying thank you over and over again.I try to do at least one thing a day,i enjoy it probably more than the recipient:)I may not have money to give but manners are free!

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