Our Date with Rocket Man

I promised you a concert report. 😀

I was still a teenager when I first heard his music.

Funny how we remember the little details . . .

It was spring – one of those glorious days when it’s finally warm enough for the windows to be flung wide open. On such a day, deliciously fragrant breezes were billowing the curtains at my friend’s house. She wanted to play a new album for me. As the needle hit the record and the music began, I was mesmerized by the earnest voice of a young man who accompanied himself on the piano. His name was Elton John.

I don’t have to tell anyone what happened to him in the following years. While he rose to fame and had hit after hit, I met a prince and raised a family.

I’ve always had affection for his music and so has Sir Beads. Elton has the kind of songs that make permanent bookmarks in your memory – you remember what was happening in your own world when you first heard them.

We did shake our heads whenever stories surfaced that Elton was playing the role of spoiled rock star but, at the same time, we accepted him for what always seemed to lie just beneath the surface – his very kind heart. His work with charities has always been exemplary.

Lately, we’ve been especially touched by events in Elton’s personal life. For example, his current tour is the result of his wish to help his old “mentor and idol” Leon Russell, a man legendary in the music business who had fallen on very hard times. Elton put the wheels in motion to record a duet album with him – as a tribute, as a thank you, and a means to provide for Leon’s golden years . . . a very generous gesture, indeed.

And then there was Elton’s desire to adopt a Ukrainian child with aids, but the application was denied. Though he was crushed at the news, Elton pledged to provide for the child (and his brother), anyway! Eventually, Elton would become a Dad – on Christmas 2010.

I believe it may have been during a discussion of current news concerning Elton that was the spark for an idea our daughter had this past December. She heard that Elton would be performing on March 12th in our area and was on the phone placing an order for tickets the moment they went on sale in December. She surprised Sir Beads with them on Christmas morning! They were perfectly disguised to enhance the experience. She handed her Dad a gift-wrapped Elton CD, and he, assuming it was the latest release, put it in the player to hear. After a few seconds of Elton music, our daughter’s voice suddenly boomed through the speakers with the announcement that Sir Beads would be going to the upcoming show!!!

We were incredibly excited. It had been years since we’d been to a concert – and never to see Elton John. As the day approached, our excitement grew. We were in no way prepared, however, for the emotional experience ahead . . .

To be continued.



You’re Worth It

Isn’t it a shame that we sometimes get so busy; we don’t take the time to treat ourselves well?

Carpe diem and all that stuff . . .

What on earth are you talking about Crystal? (You ask.) 😉

Well, I have this lovely little collection of bone china teacups, cake plates and even a few teapots. I’ve collected them one piece here and another piece there, for years. It’s not a matchy-matchy set, which is what I love most about it. I can’t set the table with the same dishes for each person but that’s ok! It means I can enjoy a whole array of pretty designs all at same time!

Very nice, but what’s the problem?

Ok, what I’m saying is that I often find myself settling for my plain old everyday dishes instead – because it’s easier. The bone china has to be washed by hand and most days I’m looking for shortcuts in the kitchen.

But this week, I made Irish bread and it’s especially wonderful fresh from the oven with a cup of tea.

As I was about to set the table I suddenly thought: “No, wait! Use the china!”

So, I grabbed a favorite teapot –

and the roses dessert set for me –

and the forget-me-nots for Sir Beads –

What a delight it is to spoil yourself a little, to make things special. You can actually feel the stress just melting away . . . 🙂


I think we should all make a little note to stick on the refrigerator. The message should read:

Take the time to make things special.

You are worth it! 😀



Goodnight Irene

In our family, there’s an amusing anecdote that’s been told and retold over the years.

When my Aunt Irene was a teenager, she was dating a young man named, Joe.

Irene’s father (my Grandpa) was your typical protective Dad when it came to his daughter’s dating – but he also had a great sense of humor.

The story goes that one night when Joe brought Irene home from an evening out, Grandpa thought they were lingering just a little too long on the outside of the doorway.

Rather than open the door and speak to them directly about it, he put a record on the record player with the volume turned up. The loud strains of “Goodnight Irene, Goodnight Irene . . .” were just the subtle hint needed to convince the young couple it was time to call it a night. 😉


Eventually, Aunt Irene and Uncle Joe married and had six kids and lots of grandkids. Just a couple of years ago, they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary surrounded by loving family and friends.

Early this Tuesday morning, Aunt Irene decided she was tired of battling the illness she had developed in recent years . . . and she left us.

We were prepared, and yet we are very unprepared. Some things in life get easier the more you experience them. The death of a loved one is the exception – it’s always just as difficult as it was the time before.

When the family gathers to celebrate her life on Friday, I’m sure our hearts will be whispering: “Goodnight Irene”.


Give those you love an extra hug today,


Button Button Who’s Got The…

You’ve probably noticed that buttons are everywhere!

These days, they’re not just functional – they’re the “in” item for embellishing anything from clothing to accessories to home décor. While it’s true that collectors have always had an appreciation for them, suddenly they’re stealing the hearts of a whole new crop of fans. Vintage buttons are especially prized! Even the old button molds have been placed back in service to create new buttons that capture some of the charm of their vintage counterparts. Most amazing, though, is the fabulous selection of contemporary buttons available now – all colors, shapes, materials, and styles!


I’m wondering – did you grow up with a button box in your home? Or maybe it was Grandma who had a jar of buttons that you loved to sort through?

My mother (and both grandmothers) had a button box. It contained all of the carefully removed “still good” buttons from worn-out clothing, along with extra buttons from completed sewing projects, and finally the occasional card of new buttons that were purchased simply because they were hard to resist!

Today, I have little collection of buttons – old, new, plain, fancy.

And what serves as the storage container for them?

Why, it’s this pretty tin from a past Valentine’s Day!

(You know how I LOVE Lindt truffles!)

There’s only one problem.

As pretty as those buttons are –

They’re just not as tasty as chocolate! 😉



Pulling Strings

Greetings Kids! 😀
I hope you had a great weekend – one with a little bit of fun and a whole lot of relaxation!

How about a story to start off the week?


Once upon a time, Crystal and Sir Beads took a trip to the Czech Republic to visit their daughter, who was there on a study abroad semester. (You may remember Crystal showed you some decorated eggs that she found in Prague on that trip.)

But Prague is also famous for other things, including handmade marionettes. You see them everywhere. Some are incredibly detailed. They are often used in the musical performances that are going on numerous times a day in venues all over the city.

Sir Beads and Crystal were enchanted with the marionettes they saw. There was one shop, in particular, where marionettes were the only product offered. There were princesses, and scary creatures, and comical characters, and . . .


(Double-click to enlarge.)

Sir Beads loved Pinocchio when he was a little boy. He and Crystal fell in love with the version of Pinocchio they discovered in that puppet shop. He was carved from wood with colorful handmade clothes – quite a handsome fella! They decided he had to travel back home with them. The shopkeeper provided a long, sturdy box to protect him on the journey.

When Sir Beads and Crystal arrived at an airport in Europe, on their way home, they were carrying that long narrow box. Security officials eyed them a little suspiciously and then gruffly motioned for them to get out of line and approach the customs area. They were led to a long table and the stern-looking man behind the table asked:

“What is in that box?”

Sir Beads answered that it was a marionette. “Yes, a puppet.” Crystal added.

The official raised an eyebrow. He instructed the couple to give the box to him. He eyed the length and width of the package and then took out a box opener and swiftly cut the tape. He opened the cover and brusquely ripped at the inner wrappings.

With a final flourish, he ripped the last piece of paper packing that was covering the contents of the box . . .

Immediately, he let out a soft cry of surprise and childlike delight as he cooed:

Ohhhhh, PINOCCHIO!!!!!!!

It was an amazing transformation. One second he was a gruff official and the next he was a sentimental little boy.

He was then all apologies that he didn’t have the proper tape to re-bind the box. He carefully replaced the packing paper and found some scotch tape, which he applied with diligence. Incredibly, he smiled as he said goodbye.

Sir Beads and Lady Crystal sighed in relief. They looked at each other with a look that said, “Are we having fun, yet?” They knew that this was a story they’d be telling in the future – whenever a visitor to their home noticed Pinocchio for the first time.


“Show and Tell Tuesday” tomorrow! See you then. 🙂

