Button Button Who’s Got The…

You’ve probably noticed that buttons are everywhere!

These days, they’re not just functional – they’re the “in” item for embellishing anything from clothing to accessories to home décor. While it’s true that collectors have always had an appreciation for them, suddenly they’re stealing the hearts of a whole new crop of fans. Vintage buttons are especially prized! Even the old button molds have been placed back in service to create new buttons that capture some of the charm of their vintage counterparts. Most amazing, though, is the fabulous selection of contemporary buttons available now – all colors, shapes, materials, and styles!


I’m wondering – did you grow up with a button box in your home? Or maybe it was Grandma who had a jar of buttons that you loved to sort through?

My mother (and both grandmothers) had a button box. It contained all of the carefully removed “still good” buttons from worn-out clothing, along with extra buttons from completed sewing projects, and finally the occasional card of new buttons that were purchased simply because they were hard to resist!

Today, I have little collection of buttons – old, new, plain, fancy.

And what serves as the storage container for them?

Why, it’s this pretty tin from a past Valentine’s Day!

(You know how I LOVE Lindt truffles!)

There’s only one problem.

As pretty as those buttons are –

They’re just not as tasty as chocolate! 😉

