Love Is

Love is . . . .

when the father of your children

brings you flowers for Mother’s Day!

~photo by Sir Beads~

He sure has my number!

Although I truly love all flowers, the iris is a particular favorite . . . and then there’s the fact that it’s purple! 😉

As you can see, the bouquet is just beginning to open so I’ll be smiling for the next few days.




A Purse to Crochet

Remember a while back when I made several flowers (here), including this one?

I figured it would eventually come in handy to jazz-up a project . . .

I think I found a good use for it! 🙂

When I mentioned that I had done some “quick crocheting” last week, it was this little purse to which I was referring.

The pattern (found here) is really well-written and works up in a flash, which makes it a great “tv time” project!


Wishing a very Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms, and I would also include aunts, sisters, grandmothers, and friends on that list!

In my view, the true spirit of Mother’s Day is the celebration of the nurturing woman – whomever she may be! 😀

See you Monday, Kids!


He Said, She Said

As promised, here’s the answer to yesterday’s mystery pile of change . . .


She said: Sweetheart, that large amount of change you constantly carry around with you must be very heavy – not to mention it eventually puts holes in your pockets.

He said: It’s not heavy.

She said: Why don’t you just make it a point to spend some of it each day? You know, if something costs $3.56 – don’t just hand the cashier a $5 bill – use your change.

He said: Too much trouble.

She said: But isn’t it a nuisance when we have to roll a lot of coins?

He said: I suppose.

She said: So then, do you think you will try to use more of your change?

He said: Probably not. 😀

She said: It’s a good thing you are so darn cute! 😉


(You were right, Carol!)


Don’t Worry Be Happy

There’s a little recipe for happiness that I’ve always loved . . .

    Someone to love,
    Something to do,
    Something to look forward to!

I have it written on a post-it note at my computer desk. It’s been there for years. So long, in fact, the note eventually lost its “sticky” and had to be taped to another piece of paper hanging from a clip. 😉


Of course, there can be lots of other “ingredients” in a person’s happiness recipe, including:

  • Work that you find fulfilling
  • Having time to dream
  • Being there for others
  • A levelheaded approach to life’s challenges
  • Enough money for the essentials, and a little extra!
  • A realistic perception of yourself, with recognition and appreciation of your strengths!
  • A sense of inner serenity.


What element(s) would you include in your recipe for happiness? 😀

