A Penny For Your Thoughts

Greetings Kids! So nice to see you.

How was your weekend? 🙂


I’ve been thinking….
We haven’t had a weekly question in ages, so how about one for today?

I don’t have to tell you that the economy seems to be in a holding pattern, and that gas prices certainly aren’t helping.

My question is: What are a couple of your favorite tips for saving money?

Eventually, I’d like to place a “button” right over there in my sidebar, (maybe a dollar sign?) which will link to the list we come up with!

It should be fun. 🙂

Of course, I’ll add mine too!



If at first you don’t succeed

Well, you know the rest!


If you dabble in the arts or in crafts of any type, then you know that slip-ups are part of the territory.

Even if you’re quite experienced, having a finished item turn out well is never a forgone conclusion – particularly if you’re adding a new element.

It can be frustrating when you’ve devoted time to a project and it ends up being unusable. But, on the bright side, it can be very rewarding to try again and eventually solve the problem.

Currently, I’m at the “try again” stage.

What we have here, Kids, is a reject!

My plan was to use this beautiful Czech Glass Button for a clasp on a bracelet. And I was pretty excited to discover coordinating beads in such a similar color palette. Along the way, I tested, and measured, and all appeared to be going well.

However, when the piece was finished, it did not drape properly on the wrist. The button shank is too wobbly. I thought I had allowed for “wobble”, but sometimes it’s not possible to tell exactly how a piece of jewelry will lie on the wrist, or on the neckline, until it’s finished. There really is a bit of engineering involved and that can mean trial and error. I’ll bet you’ve had a commercially-made piece of jewelry that never seemed to hang correctly or fit just right. It was probably never “tested” after it was made.



I’ll be taking this baby apart . . . totally . . . and then starting over . . .

but maybe not today. 😉



A is for Avatar

Because I’m always searching for ways to entertain you, it occurred to me to try a series that was a favorite in blogland several years ago, called: “ABC-Along”.

The idea is to periodically have a post that corresponds with a letter, in alphabetical order.

So, as you’ve guessed by now, today is: A. 😉


If you have been visiting here for a while, I’m sure you’ve noticed my banner/logo (above) and also my Avatar. But did you know that it was Sir Beads who designed them?


When I was setting up my website, and deciding on a name for my business, I chose a “fairy tale” theme as a way to tell our story.

Although he’s much too modest to admit it, Sir Beads has a real talent for art, so I asked him if he could draw a fairy for me . . .

Here’s an early prototype sketch:

And here’s a version getting close to the final design:

I think he figured that was all I wanted (LOL). But, oh no!

Next, I asked for the banner shown at the top of this page. In keeping with the fairy tale theme, you can see that the little fairy is sitting on a glass slipper filled with beads.


Here’s our original “glass slipper” – a photo, also by Sir Beads, which I currently use for my website bead store.


Eventually, I requested the Avatar and since then he’s done my business cards, blog buttons, labels, etc.

I’m so very proud of his work and it’s fun to have something unique!

Of course, the price was right, too. 😉



Summer Sparklers

Did you think I meant the kind of sparklers you light for the 4th of July? 😉

Well, they are quite festive . . . but I meant a different type of sparkler . . .

I’m talking summer jewelry!


Here’s a pretty bracelet for the upcoming season – created with the colors of the sea and as refreshing as a splash of cool water.

It’s no secret I’m addicted to bling. In fact, I don’t feel totally dressed without jewelry.

BUT, I am also a wimp when the summer temperatures soar.

If it’s hot, hot, hot – I’ll usually abandon my necklaces (I KNOW – Gasp!) and rely on a pair of dangle earrings and a showy bracelet as accessories.


How about you? Does the summer affect your choices in accessories?


Life Can Be So Unfair

The older I become, the more the words in today’s title ring true.

It’s a very tough time for one of our regular blog commentors, Carol. She’s part of the family here and I thought you might want to hold some positive thoughts or prayers for her.

Just a couple of weeks ago, her family had to say goodbye to a beloved dog, “Buddy”. He was close to all of them but especially to Carol’s daughter and to her grandson.

Then tragically yesterday, and so soon after Buddy, they lost another dear pet.

Carol’s favorite, her sweet dog “Jack”, became ill and slipped away.

She is heartbroken, as any one of us would be. It’s hard to imagine how difficult it will be for her family to accept both of these losses – especially with so little time in between them.

We are thinking of you, Carol, and sending many hugs.

