Crocheted Flowers Update

There’s progress on the flowers for the shawl I have planned.

With 16 complete – I’m 1/3 of the way there! 😀

I still need to weave in the loose ends on a few of these. And I think I’ll eventually want to “block” all of them (lightly mist and pin the edges flat).

For now though, I’m having a ball watching things begin to take shape!

Most years, I stop knitting and crocheting during the summer months. The reason is simple . . . it’s just too hot. As a project gets bigger and bigger – it ends up on my lap and who needs a yarn “blanket” when it’s 90º?

But, these flowers are fairly small (approx. 4-1/2″ diameter), so there will be no problem.

I will, however, wait for a *cool* day to assemble the shawl because I’m pretty sure I’ll want to try it on immediately after it’s finished! 😉


Have you thought of something fun that you’d like to work on this summer?



Clenna Continues to Cook!

Greetings Kids!
Here in New England, This past weekend was truly the nicest of the year – crisp air, blue skies, and temps around 70º!

I was a happy camper! 😀

On Saturday, we took a drive to Cape Cod and spent some quality time with the family. Sunday turned out to be chores day but with such beautiful weather, we flew through that old “to-do list” in record time.

How about you? What were you up to?


Clenna sent us another money-saving recipe!

Well, I’ll let her tell ya about it . . .

Clenna says:

“I found another one! It looks very easy and seems very economical.”

Dorito Shepherd’s Pie


1 lb. ground beef, browned, drained

2 packages instant potatoes, four cheese flavor (betty crocker is good)

1 can corn

Doritos (any flavor, but I prefer nacho cheese)

Shredded cheese such as cheddar or colby jack


Find a casserole dish and start layering with ground beef, then mashed potatoes, cheese, corn, more ground beef, potatoes, cheese. Then crush Doritos on top and bake at 350 for approximately 20 minutes.

Recipe from here

“Also called ‘David’s Junk’. (But I didn’t like that name so I renamed it!”)


(Thanks so much , Clenna, for sharing the recipe! (Your name for it is much better!) 😉



Cute Couple

For this week’s Friday Favorites, I have a unique pair of paper dolls from a Vintage French publication! Ah, paper dolls – loved ’em when I was a kid!

Although this couple share the same last name, they are not married.

She is a “Miss”!

Maybe they’re brother and sister, or cousins?

Perhaps we’re being too nosy. 😉

First, we have the young lady in a spiffy swimsuit!

Click to enlarge.

And here’s the rest of her wardrobe.

Next – the gentleman. Is it me, or does this fellow look as if he’s one sandwich short of a picnic? Something about his expression.

I’m not sure the eyeglasses and facial hair do anything to allay my fears. Nice vest though!

Thanks so much for another fun week, Kids!

I am positive I have the best readers in all of blogland and I love every one of ya!

Enjoy the weekend. Shall we all meet back here on Monday? 😀



Keep Calm and . . .

Have you seen all of the “Keep Calm” signs on the internet, lately?

They’re usually pretty amusing (Keep Calm and Eat a Cookie),

and sometimes quite inspiring (Keep Calm and Count Your Blessings).


I did a little research and discovered that the original slogan (the one you see below) was on a poster created by the British government in the early days of World War II. It was part of series of three that were intended to raise the morale of the British people in the event of invasion. Full story here.

More recently (in 2000), a copy of a “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster turned up in a 2nd-hand book store in the UK. Because it was in the public domain by that time, the owners of the bookshop began to print copies at customers’ requests.


Since then, the pithy saying has taken fire! It seems everyone is having a ball thinking of different versions.

I have a few prepared but I thought it would be fun to have your suggestions! I’ll make little “blog posters” and show them here from time to time (with credit to you!). 🙂

So what would you say?

“Keep Calm and ________”?



Grow Old Along With Me

I love that song! (Of course, I loved the poem by Robert Browning, first.)

John Lennon wrote a song version, and then Mary Chapin Carpenter followed with a beautifully lilting “cover” of John’s recording.


“Ok Crystal, fair enough.

But, what are ya getting at”?


Bless you, Kids. I know I don’t make it easy. 😉

There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes, here.

We’ve been caught up in meetings, buried in literature, and immersed in the filing of countless forms.

In just a few weeks, Sir Beads is going to retire.

He would tell you that although he has been blessed to work for a wonderful company . . . after 4+ decades – he’s more than ready to leave the everyday stress behind.


We are happy!!!

We are nervous.

We are excited!!!!

And with the current economy – maybe a little scared!

The whole procedure has very much reminded me of the arduous process of college applications – which we went through several years ago with our girls.

Suddenly we have so many new decisions, lots of choices to make, so much red tape! Who knew?

We ARE making progress, though. Yes, indeed!


For example, I can now go on for hours about the pros and cons of annuities, the details concerning rollovers, and the differences between Medicare A, B, C, D, Medigap, and Supplement plans . . . whereas a few weeks ago it was pretty much a foreign language. (Fear not, Kids! I have no intention of getting into any of that here.) 😉

The one thing I have no worries about is having more time with Sir Beads. I am actually thrilled about that. Oh, I know there’s been a study that wives in Japan literally become ill when their husbands retire. And I’ve heard stories of women who struggle to maintain their usual schedules with the sudden appearance of husbands who continually want attention, and conversation, and (gasp!) 3-meals-a-day!

Sir Beads and I were married for a few years before our kids arrived so we know the drill. During those pre-kids years, we had a chance to become good “friends”. From the beginning, we learned to compromise and accommodate, how to have fun together and still give each other a little space. We’re feeling confident those lessons will serve us well now.

There won’t be a dull moment. Of that we’re pretty certain!

Grow old along with me;
The best is yet to be
. . .

