Weekly Question

Is it November already?

Autumn’s flying, don’t you agree?

The Bead Challenge Photos are arriving daily. As soon as I receive a couple more (from overseas), I’ll unveil all of the entries. I think you’ll be pretty impressed! ๐Ÿ™‚

In the meantime . . .

How about a “Weekly Question”?

Throughout the early years of this blog, I used to ask a new question every Monday. Many of you told me you loved answering the questions and also reading all the replies.

So, today, I thought it would be fun to try it again! This one comes from my files. It’s based on an idea originally sent to me by Carol – in response to my call to readers for “topic suggestions”. ๐Ÿ™‚

“How did you meet your partner (mate, significant other, or whatever you call him or her) and what was your first date?”

Or, if you prefer a different question: Describe a favorite person in your life. What makes him or her so special?

I’ll add my answer in the comments section, soon!



Smile With Me

Happy Monday, Kids!

Since I can’t hand you a piece of Halloween candy through the computer screen, how about another kind of treat – like a smile or maybe even a giggle or two? ๐Ÿ˜‰

We haven’t had a Lucky Seven for AGES!

Today’s edition features paraprosdokians! My sister sent them – she’s often looking for something I might turn into a blog post. Thanks, Nancy!)

Hope they brighten your day. ๐Ÿ˜€

Seven “Paraprosdokians”

1. The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

2. How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire.

3. You don’t need a parachute to skydive, but you do need one to skydive again.

4. Hospitality is making your guests feel like they’re at home, even if you wish they were.

5. Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.

6. “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it.” Groucho Marx

7. If I agreed with you we’d both be wrong.

Which one do you like best?



You Can Teach An Old Gal New Tricks

My name is Crystal and I hate to dust.

Of course I do dust.

I’ve been dusting for DECADES –

But I hate it.

I suppose part of the problem is I love pretty things . . .

May I present Exhibit A?

And also Exhibit B

I could easily go further into the alphabet – Exhibit C, D, etc. – each with a little “collection” of pretty things, but you get the idea. Collections make dusting a lot slower. You have to stop and dust each item! Iโ€™ve tried to imagine if I could be satisfied in a home with the “minimalist-look”. You know – sleek surfaces, empty tables, shelves that display just a single plant, or a photograph. Such an arrangement would only require a quick swipe of a dust rag. Now isn’t that a heavenly thought? Alas, for me it’s just a daydream. I’ve never been able to convince myself that we’d feel cozy in a sparse environment.

The other day I cajoled Sir Beads into dusting what we refer to as the entertainment center. It’s a series of shelves that hold the TV, DVD player, stereo, etc. I must hasten to add that Sir Beads has very little history as a โ€œdusterโ€. Although he’s always been willing to chip in with household chores, I’ve tried to avoid asking for help too often as he takes care of the yard, and all home repairs/maintenance.

BUT, now that heโ€™s retired . . . I figured Iโ€™d ask (while batting my eyes in a charming fashion) if he’d consider a bout of dusting “every now and then”.

He immediately agreed. (I do love that guy!)

The entertainment center stands quite tall with several art glass vases displayed along the very top shelf. I lamented to Sir Beads that those vases were going to need a bath (I’d only dusted them the last several times). I also whimpered that the top shelf is a pain in the neck to dust! It has a very rough surface that tends to catch and snag the dust cloth, so you end up with little strings clinging to the wood.

It was then that he said it!!!!!

One simple sentence that left me temporarily speechless as I turned it over in my mind and tried to process the full meaning:

โ€œIf it’s so tough . . . why dust that very top shelf?

Nobody can see it.โ€

Holy moly! In those few words, he had very succinctly illustrated the great divide between the sexes, the disconnect between male and female, the uniqueness of “Mars and Venus”!

I stuttered in reply:

“But, but, but, itโ€™s dusty!

You canโ€™t just leave it to PILE UP!

WE would know!”

At that point, I realized my argument sounded a little weak. His actually made sense โ€“ – – well, sort of – but I was not about to abandon my 40+ years of housekeeping practices in the blink of an eye . . .

The shelf was dusted. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Actually it was vacuumed at Sir Beadsโ€™ suggestion, and it worked like a charm!

I could never climb up the step stool while carrying the heavy weight of the vacuum cleaner, so using a dust rag has always been the only viable option for me . . .

That is until now!

In the words of the old song: “Itโ€™s so nice to have a man around the house!” ๐Ÿ˜€


So then, Ladies and Gentlemen, do you dust?
Do you hate it? ๐Ÿ˜‰



And The Winners Are!!!!

First of all, I want to send out many thanks to all of you who entered my first Free Beads Design Challenge!!!

I just loved your enthusiasm and reading your comments was lots of fun. ๐Ÿ˜€


Enough jabbering,Crystal!!!

Did I win or NOT!!??!!

Oh yes, the winners . . . ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well, Sir Beads says I’m a softie –

but I just can’t let anyone be left out on this very first challenge!

Sooooo, EVERYONE who entered by the Oct. 21st deadline and who promises to make something and send me a photo of it within 10 days of receiving the beads is a WINNER!


That’s right! If you agree to the terms, just send your shipping address to:


and I will ship your beads a.s.a.p.!

Although the fuchsia beads were the most popular, we also had votes for the other two choices. I’ll send you the ones you selected. (If you didn’t choose one in particular – please choose when you send your shipping address!)

I think it will be especially fun to see the variety of finished designs in all three colors!
