Report Card for Crystal

Yep! That’s right!

A report card for – me. (Oh-oh!)

This time last year, I wrote a post listing things I wanted to try and accomplish in 2011. I explained that they were not exactly “resolutions” but were more in the vein of “readjusting my focus”.

Let’s see how well I did, ok? 😉


7 Things Crystal Wants Wanted To Do in the New Year 2011

1. Read More!
Reading is the first thing that suffers when I’m short on time. But, I love to read. When the Kindle first came out, Sir Beads surprised me with one for my birthday. I need to get back to using it more.

Grade: C+ I am reading a little more these days but still no where near as much as I would like – so little time!

2. Eat Breakfast On Weekdays!
Ever since I was a kid, I have been unenthusiastic about breakfast – except on the weekends. I’m just not hungry when I jump out of bed. If I have a busy day planned – the last thing I want to do is sit down and have a meal. I like to grab a cup of tea and start working. I know this isn’t good for me. They say that you need “fuel” to start a fire of energy to get your body cranking on all cylinders. They also say that people who eat breakfast are thinner. Hmmm, now that got my attention! 😉

Grade: A+ LOL! Ok, you’re probably wondering how on earth I accomplished this???
Four words – Sir Beads has retired! That boy does not like to miss a meal – so breakfast is now an everyday event around here. (We also began a breakfast-out ritual (once a week), which we enjoy tremendously!)

3. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!
Lately, my lists have lists. I have to develop some real shortcuts to accomplish the things I need to do . . . or maybe I should decide if anything I’m doing could be eliminated entirely.

Grade: B- I’ve eliminated several things but having you-know-who home has added new tasks to my list! I’m going to have to continue to work on this.

4. Cook Something New!
We all have our favorite meals and our stash of “go-to” recipes but it’s easy to get into a rut. I want to test new dinner ideas in 2011 to add a little more variety to suppertime!

Grade: A One unanticipated result of spending more time with hubby is that we find ourselves experimenting with new recipes… and HE is making some of them!! Woo hoo! 😀
We often cook together and are having a great time adding some new favorites to spice up mealtime. By the way, do you watch or tape “The Chew“? It’s an entertaining TV show with several chefs as hosts and various celebrity guests. We love it!

5. Pare Down the Clothes Closet!
Boy, am I ever the poster girl for the old saying: We wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time! This is the year to face the fact that some of what I’ve been saving would get much more use if it were donated.

Grade: D I must admit I have not done much on this front, at all. Boo me! It goes to the top of the list for 2012.

6. Cull Out the Collections!
I love pretty things (Who doesn’t?), but I’ve come to the conclusion that too much energy is expended on dusting, cleaning, and caring for them. I’m going to keep my absolute favorites and the rest will have to go.

Grade: B- I (we) have spent a fair amount of time sorting through things. We’ve done the 4-pile thing: Keep, Donate, Sell, Trash. Not finished, but definite progress has been made.

7. Create A Studio – Finally!
This is the big one! I haven’t ever had a large space dedicated to my creative endeavors. Oh, I had a little craft area in our basement when my kids were growing up. It was clean and bright with pegboard and shelves installed by Sir Beads for my supplies, and a pretty rug to make it cozy. The problem? There was no heat, which was ok in the summer but in winter I felt like Bob Cratchit working by the heat of a candle (not exactly, but you get the idea!). Eventually, I decided that working in the living quarters was more comfortable, even if I did have to continually take all the supplies out and then put them all away again – daily! Talk about time-consuming. My kids are in their own homes now and there’s no reason why we can’t turn one of the bedrooms into a wonderful workspace.

Grade: C- I still do not have a formally designated art studio, but I have been buying the shelving and lighting, which will be used for it. That along with the general sorting and donating we’ve accomplished have put me closer to the day I can move into a space I call my own! Won’t that be wonderful!!!??!!

So . . . I didn’t make the Honor Roll. Hope I don’t get in trouble when my parents see this report card. 😉


How about you?

Did you stick to the plan for 2011?

Have you given any thought to the things you hope to do in 2012?



Just One More Thing

I realize we’re well past the Christmas season.

But just like that one lonely ornament which always seems to be hiding in plain sight after the decorations have been packed up and put away . . .

I have one more holiday tidbit to share with you. 😉

Are these cute or what?

Santa Hats

My younger daughter made them for our family gathering on Christmas Eve.

The ingredients? Tiny brownies (made-from-scratch), cream cheese frosting (homemade), and strawberries.

Oh my goodness, kids! We are talking d e l i c i o u s!!!

My girl wields a mean pastry bag – just look at those frosting pom poms.

Better get out your pencils and paper, or fire up the printer . . . I’m about to give you the recipe she used. Put it in a safe place for next year. I promise you’ll be the talk of the party, or the darling of the family – or both!

The recipe for “Santa Hats” can be found here

‘Til next time,

The New Calendar Has Been Purchased!

Hi Kids,
Well, we’re 11 days into the New Year and I finally have my 2012 calendar.

I’ve mentioned before (here) how I love the yearly ritual of replacing the old calendar – it’s such a “clean slate” kind of feeling.

Although we usually receive freebie calendars from local businesses, they’re often boring with little or no space to mark appointments. For that reason, I usually buy one. The hunt begins shortly after Christmas with just one rule – it MUST be at least 50% off.

This year, our holiday head colds kept us from shopping until after New Year’s Day so the pickings were pretty lean. The clearance bins were full of sports themes, pigs dressed in frou-frou, Barbie, and the standard travel destinations.

I was beginning to think I might have to settle when suddenly –

There it was – and only $4.69!



Now don’t tell Sir Beads, but I am a bit taken with Don Draper. 😉

I have a feeling his picture is right beside the phrase, “tall, dark, and handsome” on Wikipedia.

Ok, maybe not – but it should be!

I’ve been a fan of Mad Men almost from the start. I suppose it’s because I went from 9 to 19 yrs. old during the 1960’s – the era in which it’s set. Honestly, the clothes, alone, are a reason to watch!


So, I’ve installed the calendar in a little corner of my kitchen . . . where the refrigerator meets the counter area which holds my electric teakettle, a mug tree, and 2 cookie jars. It’s a mini hub in our house – that kettle gets a lot of use!

The first evening after I replaced the old calendar, I absent-mindedly began to make some tea and then quickly did a double-take!

There were Don and Roger staring intently at me. The whole kitchen went into soft focus and the ambiance became oh so “supper club”. I could swear I heard the clink of ice cubes along with the soft wail of jazz in the background.

And was that the subtle scent of aftershave?

Maybe it was the teabag I was holding . . .


I know one thing.

I’m going to enjoy turning those pages each month. 😀

Got a 2012 calendar? I’d like to hear about it!



The Incredible Everlasting Ink Cartridge

Every so often, we all encounter things that are simply unexplainable.

I’ll bet you can tell a tale or two about an experience you’ve had that left you scratching your head in wonder.

At this moment, it seems as if it’s my turn! 😉

Allow me to explain . . .

Don’t you agree that the cost of printer ink is maddening?

Oh, I know you can have cartridges refilled more economically than buying new ones, and that it’s friendlier for the the environment to do so. In fact, I have friends, who’ve installed systems where large bottles of ink continuously fill the cartridges on their printers. They save a fortune on color ink, in particular.

But, in this instance, I’m just talking about my little workhorse printer, the one I use to print pages and pages in black and white – daily!

Here’s where the “unexplainable” part comes in . . .
You see, many months ago, I bought and installed a new Black Ink cartridge. After what seemed like only several weeks, I got the message that the ink was getting low. Of course, you always get that message fairly quickly – they want you to buy more ink.

Have it ready! they insist.

Anyway, the little ink-status graphic showed my level as very low. Time passed and it began to show as almost empty, and then totally empty.

Well, I’m smart enough to know that “empty” could be far from empty, so you’ll never find me changing that cartridge before the print becomes too light to read. No, Ma’am.

But, here’s the thing. It has been months now, and I’ve been printing like I’m running a daily newspaper! Twenty page document? No problem – plenty of ink!!!

Seriously, I print a lot and that ink is as bright and crisp as ever. (Can someone please cue the theme song from the Twilight Zone?!?)

I’m actually beginning to wonder if I’m in some sort of a fairytale and a little elf is filling the ink while I sleep. 😉

They say that truth is stranger than fiction.

Whoever “they” are, I believe they may be right!




Fun, Inspiration, and PRIZES!

Join the Valentine’s Day Bead Design Challenge!!!

Make something to show the rest of us!

See all the creative results posted on this blog, February 14th!

For details click here. 🙂

Bead Design Challenge – Valentine’s Day

Happy 2012!
and Welcome to our 2nd Bead Design Challenge with Valentine’s Day as the theme.

Please join us! I know you’ll enjoy the experience, whether you enter your work, or simply stop by to view the awesome talent of others. 😀

For this challenge, I’ve spiced things up a bit by adding extra perks and allowing more time for you to complete your design. Read on for all the details!

We have Prizes!

I’m especially excited to announce that at the conclusion of this event . . .

    TWO lucky participants (chosen at random) will each receive a
    $25 Shopping Spree in our Bead Shop!

    ALL registered participants will receive a coupon for 30% off any purchase during March 2012 in our Bead Shop.

    ALL registered participants will have their designs publicized here on the blog, and also on my website and facebook page! I will include links to your shop and/or your website – as you wish. Look for the “Showcase of Designs” during Valentine’s Day Week! 🙂

To Qualify as a “Registered Participant” (and be eligible for the Shopping Spree Drawing, the Discount Coupon, and Design Promotion) you must do the following:

1. Create your “Valentine’s Day” inspired design using at least one product (beads or findings) purchased from EITHER our etsy bead shop OR our artfire bead shop. You may buy more than one product, of course, but I imagine you will want to use items from your own stash to complement your choice(s) from Bead Happily Ever After!.

2. Email a clear photo (just one!) of your finished design by 9:00 p.m. EST on February 10, 2012. to:

crystal (at) beadhappilyeverafter (dot) com

(In fairness to all, any photos received after the deadline must be disqualified.)

3. Include:
Your Name
Your Email address
The Link (if any) you’d like me to place with your design when I promote your work!

Optional: You can add a brief description of your design, as well, if you like!

The Boring Stuff . . .
You must be 18 yrs. old to enter. After the completion of the challenge, the names of the two gift certificate winners will be announced here and they will also be notified by email. If a winner fails to respond to email within one week from the time notification email has been sent, the win will be null and void and a new winner will be chosen. All registered entrants will receive a 30% off coupon code, by email, at the conclusion of the challenge.
When you enter, you retain all rights to your original designs, but you give permission for Bead Happily Ever After to use your photo on all Bead Happily Ever After sites to promote and showcase your work.

Remember – all entries must be received by 9:00 p.m. EST on February 10, 2012. You can find periodic updates on this Design Challenge by clicking the link in the sidebar to the right of this page!

So, c’mon! Let’s get started. 😀

I can’t wait to see what gorgeous-ness the “Day of Love” will inspire.

