10 Silly Questions

Hey Kids! 🙂

Let’s have a little fun, today.

Here are ten random questions.

I’ll answer them first, and then I’m hoping you’ll play along, too.

Just copy and paste a few – or the whole bunch – into the comments section; delete my answers, and write your own!

Ready? 🙂

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

Closed. I like to see all drawers and cabinet doors closed as well. None of them are so neat that they should be on display!!

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from the hotel?

Sometimes . . .
And when we buy new pillows, we remove the tags, too! Shhhh!

3. Do you like to use post-it notes?

I especially like the very small ones – they make great bookmarks! If you think you’ll want to return to a specific spot in a book or magazine, place a post-it right there and find it easily next time!

4. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

I assume this means the “top” sheet, and my answer is “tucked in” – but only at the foot of the bed. (I’m old enough to remember a time when bottom sheets were not “fitted”. Boy, were they ever tough to keep tucked in!)

5. How many languages can you speak?

Two – English and French (4 years study)
I also studied Latin for 4 years. Contrary to popular belief, Latin offers many benefits to a student! For example, the majority of words in English (and other languages) can be traced back to Latin roots. If you’ve learned Latin, it’s much easier to decipher unfamiliar words that you encounter – including math and science terms.

6. Which are better Legos or Lincoln Logs?

Legos!!! The creative possibilities are endless!

7. Take a vitamin daily?

Most days, though we sometimes miss taking them on weekends if we’re really busy.

8. Wear slippers?

Oh yeah! The minute my feet cross the threshold – I take off my shoes and “slip” into those slippers. 😉

9. First concert?

The Beach Boys – not only was I young then – so were they!!! lol

10. Can you swim well?
Yes. I learned very early, and I think that’s the key. They say swimming is the best exercise there is! By the way, who are “they”, and how do they know so much? 😉



Grape Jelly Slinky

grapejellyjarWhat looks like Grape Jelly….

slinkymovingAnd moves like a slinky?

Why it’s my new scarf! 😉


I love the way it turned out!


Scarves of all kinds are fun to wear, but sometimes a long scarf can get in the way. The nice thing about this shorter style is that it will fill-in that open area inside your coat’s collar (so your neck is snuggly warm) without adding a lot of extra bulk. It’s really pretty enough to wear indoors too – maybe to cover a neckline that’s too bare for winter, or to jazz up a crew neck sweater.

This was one of my TV Time projects, so the pattern is an easy one! It’s crocheted and you can use any yarn and hook size you choose.

I used:
(1) 6 oz. skein of soft, medium weight, acrylic yarn in variegated violet. (I have about half of it leftover.)

Hook Size: J

Several of you ladies have said that you don’t crochet, but wish you did. If you ever decide to give it a go, you’ll discover that it really isn’t difficult. Just search on youtube for some basic “how-to-crochet” videos. All you need is a ball of yarn and a hook.

You can do it! 🙂


Calendars and Resolutions

snowingAlthough I love the adventure of a new year and am inspired by the chance to fill it with lots of fun and positive things, I’ve never been too big on New Year’s resolutions, per se.

Not that I couldn’t use plenty of improvement, mind you! 😉

It’s just that I don’t think of January 1st as a day of self-assessment. I’m more likely to contemplate changes or choose new goals on my birthday. To me, there’s something about adding a year to my age that triggers thoughts about how I would like to modify aspects of my life.

But speaking of the adventure part of a new year – don’t you just love a brand spanking new calendar? The crisp pages are so gloriously empty. What fun it is to imagine all the events and bits of info that will gradually begin to fill-in some of those blank spaces. Sure, there will be the boring dental appointments, and the oil change for the car, but think of the family birthdays, and the summer picnics, and the lunch dates with friends!

I bought our new wall calendar yesterday. Talk about last minute! In my defense, I do like to wait until they’re half-price. I chose this little bit of whimsy called “Flower Fairies” by Cicely Mary Barker.


Sir Beads-a-Lot (saint that he is) always allows me to choose the new calendar. He knows that I will probably never select anything remotely masculine, yet he good-naturedly nods with enthusiasm when I present my pick for the year. The artwork on this one is lovely and it has fairly large boxes for each date, so it will be easy to write (and fit) any information for a given day.

Oh, before I forget! The first GIVEAWAY of 2010 will begin tomorrow. Hope you’ll stop back then to enter for your chance to win!



One-word answers

welcomebirdsSweet Paulette, also known as Beedeebabee, has invited her readers to answer the following list of questions.

The rule is that you may only use one-word answers – which is quite a challenge! I’ve given it a try here and I’d welcome your answers to a few (or all) of the questions in your comments! (Or post to your blog and leave us the link so we can visit!)

Remember now, just ONE word! 😉

Here’s my take on it . . .

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? short
3. Your mother? cheerful
4. Your father? noble
5. Your favorite food? pasta
6. Your dream last night? Thanksgiving!
7. Your favorite drink? tea
8. Your dream/goal? helping
9. What room are you in? den
10. Your hobby? many
11. Your fear? heights
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? content
13. Where were you last night? etsy!
14. Something that you aren’t? mean
15. Muffins? corn
16. Wish list item? travel
17. Where did you grow up? Boston
18. Last thing you did? phoned
19. What are you wearing? jeans
20. Your TV? comedies
21. Your Pets? missed
22. Friends? caring
23. Your life? lucky
24. Your mood? good
25. Missing Someone? daughter
26. Vehicle? Taurus
27. Something you’re not wearing? shoes
28. Your favorite store? TJMaxx
29. Your favorite color? purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? November
32. Your best friend? several
33. One place that I go to over and over? blogland
34. Facebook? Nah!
35. Favorite place to eat? home


Let’s Go Shopping… Again!!

Hi there!

It’s Crystal – your faithful cruise director. 😉

I’ve just rented a virtual bus with comfy seats and plenty of passenger room, so hop on and let’s go shopping!!!

We’ll be browsing on etsy today. In case we get carried away and lose all track of time – a brown bag lunch will be provided. Hope you like peanut butter and jelly!

Aw c’mon. The bus ticket is free! 😉

Card Table Playhouse
“The Animal Sanctuary”


Deep in the woods, in a Playhouse Neighborhood, is the Animal Sanctuary. All of the animals visit there! Fish swim in the pond, deer walk by the window, and the dragonflies dance in the summer air. Simply adorable! (Playhouse will fit over your own card table.) From: missprettypretty

Crochet Hat with 7 Interchangable Flowers


This darling hat comes with 7 interchangeable flowers to match any outfit! It’s available in 4 sizes – newborn to adult! From: 2crochetmamma

“Waiting For the Full Moon”
Fused Dichroic Glass Pendant


Shimmering Dichroic glass on a White Base sets the stage for this lonely tabby waiting for the Full Moon.
From: ccvalenzo

Acorn Coasters in Rich Fall Colors

acorn coasters

So attractive! This set of four acorn coasters has two coordinating brown prints on the front, with a warm rusty brown backing. Topped with pretty decorative stitching. From: peganders

Well, it’s getting dark . . . we’d better get home.

Hope you had fun. Let’s do it again soon! 😀
