From Our Home to Yours

Dear Kids,

Sir Beads and I would like to wish all of you who celebrate Christmas – a very merry one!

And may every one of us have a new year filled with peace, good health, and much happiness! 😀


I’m going to take a little break during the week after Christmas. I’ll be back early in the new year, though.

Hope to see you then!!!



Through the Eyes of a Child

Isn’t it true?
We are all children at Christmas . . .

As the day gets closer, and we experience the sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas, we are magically transported to a time when the wonder of it all took our breath away.

I found this vintage card and it reminded me of a little girl (me!) dreaming over the pages of the Sears Catalog Christmas Wish Book. I’ve included a quote from the author whose books I loved while growing up.

“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.”

~Laura Ingalls Wilder

May the child-like wonder of Christmas overtake you!



Progress Report

It’s crazy here . . .

My list of things to do before Christmas is not shrinking fast enough….

I’m not sure how, but I’ve hurt my shoulder and that’s really slowing me down . . .

Then, this morning, the elves announced that they are on strike! (They mumbled something about not enough vacation time.) 😉

So, I’ve been trying to find a couple of calm moments to reenergize.

A little “easy” crochet usually helps . . .

And is it me, or does this bracelet I made last week seem like a good match? I swear I didn’t plan it (again!).

Is it busy there?

Are your elves carrying signs?



Friday Favorites – Ornaments

I‘m an ornament-lover from way back . . .

I enjoy collecting them, making them, even just looking at them.

I love working with beads so, for me, these ornaments are like potato chips – it’s hard to eat make just one! 😉

Here are the latest in the batch I made for this year.

I had plans to sew a couple of ornaments and to crochet a few, as well, but time ran out.

I’m going to ask Santa for an extra hour/per day for 2011.

Do you think he’ll deliver? 😉

Have a happy weekend, Kids!

Remember to take deep breaths in the midst of all the rushing around! (Hope I can take my own advice on this. lol)



How Dare She!

Mrs. Claus (a.k.a. Crystal) is just plumb tuckered out!

She spent the whole day and evening:

* Wrapping

* Tying pretty bows

* Writing clever gift tags

* And mailing packages to out-of-town family. . .

Bottom line? The girl forgot to prepare a blog post!!!


Can you BELIEVE it???? Tsk, tsk!

Next time you bump into her – give her a piece of your mind.

After all, we’re not dropping by here for nothing, right? 😉


