Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I am a woman;

therefore, I LOVE a bargain!

Especially when that bargain is cute, cute, cute! 😀

A few weeks ago, I bumped into these little “summer” frames on the clearance aisle.

They’re flip-flops!!! I fell in love. 😉

I decided to put some summer photos in them. It wasn’t easy because the openings are so tiny, but after some finagling with the scanner, I printed a few cropped pictures from summers of long ago!

Daughter #1

Daughter #2

Sir Beads and me, circa 1972 BC (before children)

OK, no laughing!!! We weren’t true “hippies” but with his beard and my flower-child dress, we certainly looked the part. lol


It’s gonna be fun to have this summery trio on display for the season!

Do you also love bargains?


10 Silly Questions

Hey Kids! 🙂

Let’s have a little fun, today.

Here are ten random questions.

I’ll answer them first, and then I’m hoping you’ll play along, too.

Just copy and paste a few – or the whole bunch – into the comments section; delete my answers, and write your own!

Ready? 🙂

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

Closed. I like to see all drawers and cabinet doors closed as well. None of them are so neat that they should be on display!!

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from the hotel?

Sometimes . . .
And when we buy new pillows, we remove the tags, too! Shhhh!

3. Do you like to use post-it notes?

I especially like the very small ones – they make great bookmarks! If you think you’ll want to return to a specific spot in a book or magazine, place a post-it right there and find it easily next time!

4. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

I assume this means the “top” sheet, and my answer is “tucked in” – but only at the foot of the bed. (I’m old enough to remember a time when bottom sheets were not “fitted”. Boy, were they ever tough to keep tucked in!)

5. How many languages can you speak?

Two – English and French (4 years study)
I also studied Latin for 4 years. Contrary to popular belief, Latin offers many benefits to a student! For example, the majority of words in English (and other languages) can be traced back to Latin roots. If you’ve learned Latin, it’s much easier to decipher unfamiliar words that you encounter – including math and science terms.

6. Which are better Legos or Lincoln Logs?

Legos!!! The creative possibilities are endless!

7. Take a vitamin daily?

Most days, though we sometimes miss taking them on weekends if we’re really busy.

8. Wear slippers?

Oh yeah! The minute my feet cross the threshold – I take off my shoes and “slip” into those slippers. 😉

9. First concert?

The Beach Boys – not only was I young then – so were they!!! lol

10. Can you swim well?
Yes. I learned very early, and I think that’s the key. They say swimming is the best exercise there is! By the way, who are “they”, and how do they know so much? 😉



If I could turn back time….

fairyI love the weekly questions. You always surprise me with the variety of ways you interpret them. For example, this week I asked: “If you could go back in time, to what time would you go”?

wallclockgreenWhen I wrote that, I never imagined you’d be staying longer than a few hours! I thought of it as a chance for you to either relive a happy moment in your own life, or to travel to another era to meet a person (or people) and experience their world – but only for a brief time.

Several of you were nervous that this was a one-way ticket in the time machine. Good heavens, Kids! I’d never send you on a trip from which you couldn’t return!!! There will be no Gilligan’s Island castaways allowed in this adventure. You all have to come back – I’d miss you if you didn’t! 🙂

Carol asked where I would go . . .

~ I’d like to return to the time when some of my family (who are now gone) were still here. I’d love the chance to spend a few more precious hours with them and to tell them I love them.

cradle~ I’d like to return to 3 of my very happiest days – my wedding day, and the births of each of my 2 girls.


~ Finally, I’d like to have a chat with Queen Elizabeth I (the daughter of Henry VIII). She was an amazing woman for her own or any other era. I’d just stay for tea and then swiftly return to my computer. 😉

So I’m wondering. Would you have given a different answer if you knew you only had to stay for a short time?



Color On

The other day, I read about someone who took a “quiz” that will match a color to your personality.

Her results???


She was in disbelief.

It does sound kind of blah, but it could be worse. Wouldn’t you hate to hear that your personality is . . . “beige”!?!

Well anyway, I thought to myself: “These crazy tests. Maybe I should take it and see what they try to bestow upon me – ha!” 😉

So I did, and guess what color I got?

Purple – my favorite! Maybe this test does work. lol


Here’s the personality description that came along with my color. It’s not totally accurate but there is some truth in it. Mainly, I’m just amazed that I actually got purple!

Spontaneity is the key to your existence. Quick-witted with a flair for originality, you enjoy situations that allow you to explore your creativity. Comparatively conservative, you appreciate beautiful surroundings, especially if they’re found in nature. Your relaxed and self-assured personality allows you to work well with others. Surprisingly enough, your unique and unusual tastes don’t prevent you from being comfortable among your more conservative peers.



Would you like to try the test? Here’s the link. You’ll be finished quickly – there are only a few questions and no registration required. It’s on the True Value Paint website (which actually has some great hints for painting/re-decorating and choosing colors).

Afterwards, c’mon back and let us know your color, ok? 🙂


Can We Talk?

As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been thinking about new ideas for the weekly giveaway! 😀


Some have asked me why I have a giveaway every week. Well… I do it as a way for people to find this little blog among the countless others out there in cyberspace.


Most of my regular readers first came here to enter a giveaway, and then returned time and time again. I’ve met many warm and wonderful people who have genuinely enriched my life. And along the way, I’ve also discovered that I truly enjoy the chance to brighten someone’s day by telling her she won for the week and then sending her the prize. It’s been a delight to have the opportunity to communicate with winners around the world – most of whom I never would have had the chance to meet had it not been for my giveaways.

redmittens If you are a new reader – welcome!
If you’re a regular reader, you know that for the past year, on every Monday, I’ve asked a couple of questions which could be answered for chances to enter the giveaway. Many of you have mentioned that it’s fun to answer those questions and that you like to see how other readers will answer them, as well.

But, to quote the old saying, “Variety is the spice of life”. So, would you mind expressing your thoughts on some of the following ideas I’ve been considering as ways to add more fun to the giveaway contests?


1. Should we keep the weekly questions for some weeks and then think of another way to enter for the other weeks?

2. Instead of 1 prize per week, do you wish there were 2 or 3 prizes so it might give you a better chance to win? For example, instead of one pair of earrings or a necklace with all sterling silver findings and rare vintage beads, would it be better to have 2 or 3 items with silver-plated findings and less rare (but still high quality) beads, sometimes?

3. Would you like the weekly prize to be a colorful assortment of beads from time to time?

4. Would you enjoy a gift certificate to my bead shop as a prize?

5. Would you be interested in creating a design with free beads that I would send to you – with the condition that you make something with them within one week, and then email me a photo of your creation to post on the blog?

6. Would you be further enticed to do #5 if after the photos came in, we all voted on the best design for that week, and that person got a $25.00 gift certificate to spend in my bead shop?

7. In general, do you like the random winner every week or would you think it was fun to have the winner be chosen based on the best comment for that week? Or someone who guessed the right answer to a question?


So, what do you think? All input is welcome. If you have an additional idea, please suggest it!

I’m looking forward to your opinions. 🙂
