Color On

The other day, I read about someone who took a “quiz” that will match a color to your personality.

Her results???


She was in disbelief.

It does sound kind of blah, but it could be worse. Wouldn’t you hate to hear that your personality is . . . “beige”!?!

Well anyway, I thought to myself: “These crazy tests. Maybe I should take it and see what they try to bestow upon me – ha!” 😉

So I did, and guess what color I got?

Purple – my favorite! Maybe this test does work. lol


Here’s the personality description that came along with my color. It’s not totally accurate but there is some truth in it. Mainly, I’m just amazed that I actually got purple!

Spontaneity is the key to your existence. Quick-witted with a flair for originality, you enjoy situations that allow you to explore your creativity. Comparatively conservative, you appreciate beautiful surroundings, especially if they’re found in nature. Your relaxed and self-assured personality allows you to work well with others. Surprisingly enough, your unique and unusual tastes don’t prevent you from being comfortable among your more conservative peers.



Would you like to try the test? Here’s the link. You’ll be finished quickly – there are only a few questions and no registration required. It’s on the True Value Paint website (which actually has some great hints for painting/re-decorating and choosing colors).

Afterwards, c’mon back and let us know your color, ok? 🙂



Color On — 13 Comments

  1. I took the quiz and came back “yellow”. This is my least favorite color! The description didn’t really sound like me, but it was interesting!

  2. RED – You boast incredible willpower and are capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. You have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with your energetic bursts of energy. Your interests in many areas of life often leave you scattered, but when you focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

    I think I’m more pink or teal and not capable of overcoming obstacles that others are scared of, I don’t know about colorful environments – I like cool blues, warm greens … but the last part about many interests leaving me scattered – oh yeah – that’s me!

  3. Crystal!! I could be NO OTHER color but this. This is so totally ME!!


    Nothing can stand between you and your demand for a calm environment. To be free of conflict and disagreement is the only way to live. In fact, it’s this philosophy that probably allows you to be comfortable in conditions that would normally bother others. Your ability to focus is undisputed, and while you enjoy attention, you still have problems understanding how to handle it. No other color out lives by the golden rule as much as you do.

    Isn’t this me??

  4. My color was brown.

    (If it’s in the outdoors, it’s for you. It’s probably this appreciation for Mother Nature that leaves you with a calm appearance. Not attracted to anything bizarre, you’d prefer to keep your distance from the latest fads or styles. You swing to the conservative side, and are comfortable when everything is in it’s place. While you enjoy other’s company, you feel most relaxed when it’s just you, yourself and you.)

    While I would not consider brown one of my favorite colors, I do have several brown sweaters. The description was pretty accurate, though. Especially the part about being comfortable when everything is in it’s place! I’m OCD and it drives my family CRAZY!!
    Fun quiz!

  5. Green is your color

    To say that you’re determined would be an understatement. Luckily, no one can be intimidated by your intensity, because you camouflage it behind a very easy-going demeanor. Your knack for being original probably has a lot to do with your love for art. A hard worker by nature, Green people also enjoy relaxing and enjoying life.


    I hate green. 🙂 I don’t like art, I’m not intense, I’m not determined, I don’t work that hard… I am lazy though, is that what “enjoy relaxing” means? 🙂

  6. I got BLACK! LOL!
    Here’s the really freaky part…years ago when I was in High School, I cleared tables at a resort. My manager there was going to college to be a psych major or something. Anyhow, he brought all the cards to work with him and we took a test and picked colors and I came up black then too!

    Here’s what my black personality said…
    “Nothing can stand between you and your demand for a calm environment. To be free of conflict and disagreement is the only way to live. In fact, it’s this philosophy that probably allows you to be comfortable in conditions that would normally bother others. Your ability to focus is undisputed, and while you enjoy attention, you still have problems understanding how to handle it. No other color out lives by the golden rule as much as you do.”
    After reading it…it’s not so bad. 🙂

  7. I’m red, sounds like me. When I decide to do something I dig in and get it done. I love colorful environments which is probably why one of my favorite places in the world is New Orleans.

  8. Ok Guys, now I’m jealous!

    Your personality descriptions sound so much more interesting than mine! LOL

    Margie: You are proof that the test is not necessarily very accurate. Thanks for playing along though! 🙂

    Beth: I guess yellow isn’t working for anyone so far! I’m glad you gave your input! 🙂

    Clenna: You are too funny! And, you’re not scattered – you’re multi-faceted! 🙂

    Carol: This IS you! It’s just amazing!! I’m glad to see that the personality description for black is so interesting! 🙂

    Allison: Glad you had fun and found some similarities in it! 🙂

    Spamgirl: All I can say is ROFLOL! 🙂

    Audra: How interesting that you got black twice – in two unrelated tests! Hmm, more support that this test might work. I agree though, the personality description for black is a good one, after all! 🙂

    Kelly: Red? And it is right-on for you? Fun! 🙂
    (I’ll tell you a secret…. when I am choosing colors, after purple, I like red best!)

  9. Eeeeewww, I got black! I HATE black! Black is for hearses and mothers of small children who don’t want to show dirt. It’s the car chosen by out-of-state foreigners who don’t realize come May they’ll be driving an Easybake Oven. It’s the color of rich snoots and hipsters and other people who try to pass off an inability to use color as sign of superiority!

    Ok, and Johnny Cash. And he’s DEAD! That’s what black gets you!

    I am clearly Green. I mean, that’s my personality, there in Spamgirl’s comment! Fie on this test, says I.

    A little color based outrage does work better than coffee at wakin’ me up, though… time to paint the doughnuts!

  10. I’m a yellow!! jajaja ,actually I read the description and it does sound a lot like me. How do they do it right!?!?!

  11. My colour is – red.
    This description is quite true.
    Once I get off my bum. I also wear
    a lot of red coloured clothes in my
    life at the moment.

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