By the Sea

Hi Kids!

I’ve been wanting to show you some pictures for a few weeks now. Today’s the day! 🙂

Before we start, I just want to mention that you can click on any photo to enlarge it.


You may remember that New England was bracing for a hurricane over Labor Day Weekend. Thankfully it never came and so to celebrate, Sir Beads and I headed out for an afternoon near the water.

We’re awfully lucky that we can hop in the car and bump into the ocean in anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on which direction we drive. Boston is to the north, Cape Cod to the east, and Rhode Island to the south. All have beautiful spots where you can get up close and personal with the waves of the deep blue sea! 😀

We set out on a gorgeous Saturday in early September. The sun was brilliant and the sky was cloudless.

Hey where did that come from? Ok, almost cloudless.

We went to a favorite spot where you can either drive or walk along the shore. We did a little of both. (People love to fish off the pier.)

Families have picnics; kids fly kites; and couples stroll or just sit and gaze dreamily as the waves ripple and sparkle in the sunshine.

What’s a day near the ocean without a little seafood? Here’s the restaurant where we had a bite to eat. Notice there’s even a place to tie your boat if you arrive by sea.

All that walking made us thirsty. Sir Beads had the ale.

Now, understand that a New England kid loves most things from the ocean and fried clams are delicious!!! Oh oh, I heard a thud! Did somebody just faint? 😉

After we ate, we walked through the town and found a charming gift shop. It was fun to roam around inside.

Next we happened upon an art show with an ocean theme!!! (And they were offering tasty-looking refreshments, but we had just eaten.)

In the middle of the ocean art was this motorbike! It reminded me of you ladies who ride and so I just had to take a picture for you.

We thought this pottery vase with a dimensional wave was especially interesting.


Thanks for coming along on our day by the sea. 😀



Edited to add this photo, requested by Carapace!

(click twice for largest view)

A Smile at Supper

Every couple of weeks or so, Sir Beads and I enjoy having a quick supper of take-out Chinese food. Usually, it’s on a night when we’ve had an especially busy day.

Growing up in a big city, I learned to love many different ethnic foods at an early age. I remember, when I was about six years old, that there was a Chinese man in our neighborhood supermarket who had his own booth on a raised platform in the middle of the store! (This was long before deli departments.) I used to be absolutely fascinated by the delicious aromas emanating from the twenty or so steaming pots that he tended. Some weeks, while doing her weekly food shopping, my mother would buy several different items from him. After shopping, lugging the groceries home, and then putting them away, it must have seemed like a nice break for her to have dinner already cooked that night.

The other day, we had take-out here! 🙂

Of course the fortune cookie is a big deal – no matter how old you get! 😉

I thought it would be fun if I opened it with YOU!

I think we got a very good one, don’t you agree? 😀



Maid Wanted

Job Requirements:

Must do laundry
Wash floors
Clean Bathroom
Dust/organize all clutter
Food Shop
Do the bills
Smile while doing all of the above

This will allow the lady of the house to concentrate on making jewelry . . .

Like this, for example!

Hey, I can dream of having a maid, can’t I? 😉

I loved making the above earrings – even though it meant I will have twice as much laundry to tackle today!

Smiles and hugs,


Jump Start the Week

Good Monday to you!

How about a riddle?

Oh no, Crystal!
Do we have to start off the week with a riddle?

Aw, c’mon . . .
I promise this one is kinda cute and I’ll put the solution at the bottom of the post, ok? 😉

Wedding Card


A cozy nook,
A charming Belle
A gallant Beau
Then all is well.

A diamond ring, then very soon –
Both off to church
Then honeymoon. 🙂



How Does She Do That?

Hiya Kids 😀
Happy Monday!

Just for fun, “Crystal the Goofy Magnificent” will endeavor to amaze and astound you with her uncanny ability to “guess” what you may have been doing over the weekend.

OK, I will need complete silence while I wave my hands over my crystal ball . . . 😉

Ah, let me see…

Carol and her hubby celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! 🙂

Clenna was very likely enjoying time with her grandkids.

I’ll bet Kelly and her hubby went for a ride on their bike.

Paulette was watching the Yankees games and I’m guessing she was stitching something gorgeous at the same time.

Don_mae was shopping for books on beading.

Lori was working on a new art technique and making some beautiful new tags.

Cindi might have enjoyed her favorite sandwich, which is peanut butter and strawberry jam.

Carapace was creating something wonderful, for sure.

Allison was helping her daughter (who will soon be a big sister!) get ready for school.

Jane was probably designing a hat for autumn! 🙂

Holly is making lovely necklaces with clusters of colorful beads!!!

Yona collects books – so perhaps she was reading?

Connie loves ice cream and frozen treats like slushies – did she have one of those things over the weekend? I’ll guess “yes”.

Madwoman-doing-cartwheels might have been wearing the July Giveaway earrings that she recently won.

Cheryl may have been knitting, or working on her gingerbread house. 🙂

Michelle loves chocolate, so I’m hoping she had some this weekend!

Jenny spent time on her shady back porch.

AmandaSue is a girl with an eye for fashion. She enjoys dressing up a bit – even for ordinary days. I’ll bet she chose a pretty dress for this weekend.

Roxy might have had friends over to relax on her roof deck.

Ohhh!!!! The crystal ball has clouded over – for now!

If I haven’t mentioned you today, and you’d like to be included next time, just leave a comment to let me know.

By the way, there’s no “crystal ball”. I just know these things because I read and enjoy every single one of your comments. 😀

I almost forgot this week’s question . . .

Would you go on a reality show if given the chance?

If you haven’t seen the August Giveaway, you can find it here. Every time you leave a comment this month, you earn another chance in the drawing!
