Mothers and Daughters

Last weekend was Mother’s Day and my plan was to visit my Mum.

At the last minute, I had to cancel because I came down with some sort of bug. Not only did I feel miserable, I was also concerned about spreading the germ to my mother.

My daughter came to the rescue by visiting my mother for me!

She brought a gorgeous bouquet of flowers to her grandmother and they had a lovely visit. I felt better knowing that they were with each other that day – even though I couldn’t spend time with either one of them.

This past weekend, I finally got to deliver my Mother’s Day gift . . .

This is one of the bracelets I made a couple of weeks ago but hadn’t been able to photograph. It features dozens of Swarovski crystals, and is it ever dazzling as the light dances upon it!

It sure looks beautiful on Mum’s wrist. ๐Ÿ˜€


How was your weekend?



Friday Favorites – For the Birds

Have the birds been singing in your neighborhood?

We have a few that think they’re opera stars!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Although some do stay through winter, it’s always a special treat to see the birds returning here for the warm months. We feel lucky to have such a variety.

Among our favorites are the red-winged blackbird, the chickadee, the eastern bluebird, the cardinal, the goldfinch and the purple finch.

In addition, blue herons and mallards enjoy the little pond behind our house, and there’s usually a new family of baby ducks each spring!

Over the last couple of years, we’ve even had a pair of swans spend a night or two in the pond. Obviously, we’re a just a Motel 6 on their longer journey! ๐Ÿ˜‰


So what birds like to hang out in your neck of the woods?



5 Inexpensive Ways to Treat Yourself

Take a bubble bath.
The cost/reward ratio is tremendous here. For just pennies, you can slip into a tub of fragrant bubbles and let the soothing warmth chase your stress away!

Declare a pajama day!
If you wake up on a dark and drizzly Saturday – grab a blanket, your favorite snack, and have a guilt-free camp-out on the sofa. Watch a movie, do the crossword puzzle, read, or crochet. Everyone needs a totally unscheduled day sometimes.

Make a “special” cup of tea or coffee!
Have some fancy blends on hand that you specifically save for when you want to have a little treat! Oh, and remember to use the “good” mug, or a bone china cup and saucer. ๐Ÿ™‚

Treat yourself to some new music.
Splurge on a CD of the latest hits or buy one with the oldies you love.

Pull out the old photo albums.
Studies suggest that women actually feel happier and refreshed after spending time looking over their photo collections.


I‘ll bet you can add another one to this list! ๐Ÿ˜€



Coincidence or More

Although Iโ€™ve never paid much attention to numerology, I have been aware of number patterns.

From our earliest days together, Sir Beads and I began to notice that the number 2 continually showed up in our lives. Our various apartment numbers, phone numbers, street addresses, license plate numbers, etc. have often seemed to have more than our fair share of 2โ€™s in them. Weโ€™ve always chalked it up to coincidence but, at the same time, have been amused by it. And we think it’s uncanny that we often just happen to look at the clock when the time is 2:22!


A couple of weeks ago, Sir Beads stopped at the deli counter on his way home to pick up a couple of things I had requested. He grabbed a ticket and stood in line for service. He smiled to see the number he received and brought it home to show me . . .

Wild, yes?

The very next week, I again asked if he could stop by the supermarket for a rotisserie chicken. (Heโ€™s a saint, I tell you!) Imagine our surprise when the ticket machine dispensed the ticket you see below on the right . . .

And notice the date is the 22nd!


Should we be buying lottery tickets? ๐Ÿ˜‰



Les Bijoux

Lately, I’m in the middle of a jewelry-making kick . . . sort of a bead binge! lol

I have several things finished and several more in various stages of completion. I’m particularly excited about a bracelet/earring set that I’m working on.


I need to take photos, but the weather is not cooperating – too dreary to highlight the true sparkle of some of my finished items!

For now though, I do have a couple of pairs of earrings to show . . .

This first pair is made with Vintage Swarovski Components – both the crystal beads and the bezel-set drops! The vintage findings are always so elegant. The color here is a warm golden topaz – full of sunshine!

A Drop of Honey

Next, I have these Glass “Bell” Flowers in a pretty shade of Tanzanite Violet/Blue. The over-sized kidney wire hoops allow the earrings to sway gracefully as you move.


Both pairs are currently available in the Bead Happily Ever After web store.


What are you up to this week? ๐Ÿ™‚
