More Than 16 Candles

This week I’m having a birthday (not saying which one!). 😉

A birthday is a good excuse to do something you enjoy, right?

I love art – period. But, if I were forced to choose a favorite artist – I’d have to say Renoir.

And if compelled to choose a favorite among his works – it would have to be this one . . .

Dance at Bougival, 1882-1883, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Since it’s part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston – I’ve been fortunate enough to see it in person, many times. Would you believe this painting is over six feet tall!!??!! It takes your breath away as you stand in front of it.

It was one in a series of three that Renoir completed around 1883 – all about the same size, and all with a dancing theme.

Ok, Crystal. Where does the birthday treat come in?

Oh yes! Well, you can imagine how excited I was to learn Boston would have all three on exhibit for a short time this summer! (The other two are on temporary loan from the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France.)

So, as part of a birthday celebration with the family, I spent an afternoon taking in the majesty of this trio.

The colors, the costumes, the details (right down to the cigarette butts on the ground), the dreamy sense of motion in the paintings – you can almost hear the music!

Absolutely awesome!

A delicious lunch followed. 🙂

For a brief (3 minute) video about the paintings, click below.



Forever Young

On a summer evening, not long ago . . .

Crystal and Sir Beads are out doing some errands. They decide to stop at their favorite discount store . . .

Crystal: Oh my gosh! Look at THIS!!! And only $3.99! I can’t believe it.

Sir beads: What?

Crystal: (breathlessly) Look! It’s a paper punch with sand castles and pails and shovels and a little starfish!

Sir Beads: Oh, very nice.

Crystal: It has a beach theme and you know I spent practically every waking moment on the beach as a kid – well, during the summer season, at least.

Sir Beads: (Nods and then smiles.)

Crystal: Honestly, it’s SO cute!!! I just can’t leave it here for $3.99!

Sir Beads: Oh, definitely not. (He winks.)

Crystal: I know. I know! I’m still a big kid. 😉



A previous summer post here 🙂

The Countdown Has Begun

It’s just around the corner you know . . .

And I don’t mean the first day of school.

I mean Christmas!!!!

Ok, ok, stop pelting me with your assorted slippers, sandals, and salad vegetables! 😉


ornamentssmSeriously though, Kids, it’s never too early to think about Christmas – especially if you’d like to make gifts, ornaments, or design your own Christmas cards! Those things take time and you don’t need me to tell you it’s more fun to do them at your leisure than last minute.

(I do need to tell myself, however. In fact, I need reminding every year!)

For me, getting a little jump-start on the holidays brings an added incentive. You see, thinking of Christmas during the steamy days of summer makes me feel cooler!

So, here’s Exhibit 1, my first ornament of the 2012 season.

The components are Czech glass seed beads, glass bugle beads, and Swarovski Crystals. Definitely more sparkly in person . . . I think it will just twinkle on the Christmas tree. 😀

Also perfect to tie on a package, a box of chocolates, or even a bottle of spirits! It was fun to make… quick and easy, too!

(You can find the pattern by clicking here!)



Weekend Report

On Saturday, it was our extended family’s annual summer gathering . . .

* We were so lucky to have nice weather – not too hot and no rain (even though the sun played peek-a-boo all day long).

* We enjoyed the most delicious food (including the delightful fruit salad you see above, which was made by one of my daughters).

* We talked a lot and laughed ’til we cried. (This is quite a witty bunch that includes several “should-have-been” comedians!)

* We celebrated a birthday (for Sir Beads)! He got all the candles out with one breath, so hopefully his wish will come true!

* We sorely missed the ones who could not make it that day. (As the kids grow into adults – jobs and marriages take them to other corners of the world and it gets harder and harder to have the entire clan in one place on the same day.)

* We cherished the chance to smooch and play with the newest member of our family, who is now 15 months old and absolutely thriving after a very rocky start in this life. (Did I mention he is the smartest most handsome baby – ever!?!) Lol

* We all agreed it was the best party! (Of course, we say that every year. 😉 )

The long ride home seemed very short. After such a wonderful day, there was lots to remember and chat about . . .

We’re already looking forward to next time.

Hope you have a chance to spend a fun summer day with people you love! 😀



Timeless Treasures

It seems to me that when it comes to handmade items, there are 2 kinds of people:

1. Those who make things

2. Those who do not.

Within the “those who do not” category – there are also 2 kinds of people:

1. Those who do not make things but are enchanted with all things handmade.

2. Those who do not make things and find nothing special about handmade things.

I’m not judging anyone – everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. I’d just like to offer mine. 😉

Alrighty, Crystal. Go right ahead!

What brings this up all of a sudden? Spill it!

Well, I’ve been doing some sorting/organizing and I came across a little bag of “test” pieces made by my mother-in law. She’s been gone for 15 years now and I’ve had them that long – just can’t part with them. You see, I’m one of those people who is touched by handmade things. (You probably knew that.)

There’s a bit of her spirit in these . . .

click photo to enlarge

It was probably an ordinary day when she worked on these sample pieces. (Maybe it was snowing; maybe she had a cake in the oven!) They were created in preparation of assorted projects she was about to begin. While doing a swatch – she’d be testing the yarn, or the size of the stitches, or even the colors. As I hold them now, I wonder… Did she and I talk on the phone on a day she worked on one of these? Could be.

Whenever I’m at a garage sale or flea market, I always feel a twinge of sadness when I see people’s handwork for sale by their heirs – for pennies! Those heirs are surely in the group who don’t see anything special about handmade things.

My mother-in-law was an avid knitter. She made countless sweaters for her family – from the time they were in the cradle until they were fully grown.

Here are the beginnings of a baby sweater. She made dozens of them.

Then there were the afghans she made for all of us. They were virtual hugs that warmed our hearts as well as our shoulders.

This next photo shows her favorite afghan pattern – an Aran knit with cables. So labor-intensive! It has long strips and miles of stitches to sew together afterward. She made many of these, too.

Not only an expert knitter, Sir Beads’ Mom could crochet, sew, embroider, and do tatting, as well. No matter how experienced she became, she was a firm believer in doing a practice piece before beginning a new project. I’m still a novice compared to her and yet I seldom have the patience to do a test swatch. I usually jump right into a pattern and then spend more time unwinding and re-doing than it would have taken to make that practice piece in the first place!

I recognize this motif as a test for an afghan she eventually made for my younger daughter – her youngest grandchild.

I should probably turn these pieces into pillows or something more permanent. She lives in them still – her laugh, her love, her talent.

I have them carefully tucked away with things I treasure. Just looking at them every now and then brings back so many memories.

With my own handcrafts, I’ve always thought that the act of making them was truly enough . . . I didn’t have to wonder what would become of them when I am gone. I thought the important thing was the experience of creating something.

But, as I look at Mom’s little yarn “doodles” here in front of me, I’ve changed my mind. I’ve decided that handmade items have even more value than just giving a sense of fulfillment to the artist . . .

To those who notice and cherish the message – they’re a connection to the past, to the soul of a person. It’s a joy, it’s intriguing, it can even be a comfort that in the middle of all the drama and change in life – some things live on.

I’d like to think the essence of a person remains in something she (or he) made with her own hands. If so, there are “heirlooms” all around us! 😀

