Tuesday Talk

You guys are wonderful. 🙂

The questions you’re asking are so varied and so interesting!

Please don’t think I am showing any favoritism! I’m not answering them in any particular order. I’ve discovered that writing the answers is almost like writing a blog post.

So far, I’ve just been grabbing the ones that seemed quickest to answer – sort of like taking an exam in school. Did you ever look over the whole test quickly and then begin by filling in the ones you knew best? 😉

I might make a couple of the answers into separate blog posts, not because those questions are better, but because I think the answers would resonate with many of you.


In other news, I have a book and a movie recommendation for you.

If you like historical fiction, Cleopatra’s Daughter by Michelle Moran is “a good yarn” (as my grandmother used to say). It’s light enough for bedtime reading, which is a good thing because squeezing in a chapter before bed is about all there’s time for some days. Clenna suggested this book to me and I’m so glad she did. I am embarrassed to say I didn’t realize that Cleopatra and Marc Antony had children! This is their tale.

Last week we saw Crazy Heart. It was a bit intense in parts, but I can see why Jeff Bridges won the Oscar for his role. Maybe because I grew up during the Rolling Stones/Beatles era, I have not always been a major fan of country music, but I really enjoyed the music in this movie!

Got a book or a movie to suggest, by any chance? 😀



Will U B Mine

Hey Kids – TGIF! 🙂

And if it’s Friday
. that means it’s time for Friday Favorites!

Today I have some adorable vintage Valentines.

I hate to admit it but . . .


This is what Valentines looked like when I was a kid.

Does that mean I am vintage?

Don’t answer that! 😉


Valentine’s Day was quite a big deal when I was in grade school. A week before the event, our teacher would ask us to decorate a large box. First, we’d cover it entirely with colored paper, then we’d add white paper doilies. Next we’d cut out heart shapes in several sizes and paste them all over the box. When it was finished, we’d modestly “ooooh and ahhh” about how festive and gorgeous it had turned out! The last step was to make a slot in the top and then it was ready for display in a prominent place in the classroom. During the next few days, the kids would gradually bring Valentine cards to school and drop them into the box.


On the day of the Valentine party, there would be candy and cake and someone would be selected to act as the “mailman”, whose task it was to open the box and deliver the cards. Everyone wanted that job!


Somewhere along the way, the teachers instituted a rule that we must send a card to every child in the class. This was well intentioned but seldom did the little package of Valentines that we bought have enough for all classmates! I can remember having several late nights when I discovered on the eve of the party that I was short a few cards, so before going to bed, I’d have to make them by hand!

Sweet memories though. 🙂

Can you remember Valentine’s Day when you were in elementary school?

Have a wonderful weekend!

See you Monday for a new giveaway . . .


School Days…

abcslateAhhhh, school days – a time when the smallest of infractions could take on legendary proportions!

As I promised yesterday, here are my daughter’s and my own answers for this week’s giveaway question which was . . .

“When was the first time you were in trouble at school? What did you do and what was your punishment?”


My daughter’s story:
In 1st grade: “The Straw-Blowing Incident”
Somehow the lunch lady got the impression (unfounded) that I was going to blow milk through my straw at another student (OK, so maybe I had just playfully blown the straw wrapper off). As a result, I was banned from using a straw for the rest of the year. This was torture enough (have you ever put your lips on those soggy little cartons?), but the killer was how when I was made to stand in the hallway to receive my punishment, the lunch monitor lady asked for my name; and when I said it, she shook her head so sorrowfully and replied, “What a shame, I’ve heard such nice things about you.”

books My own tale of woe:
I was in 5th grade and one day a new boy joined the class. He was placed in the seat beside me and he quickly began to wear out his welcome. Every time our teacher, Sister Mary Julia, left the room or looked in another direction, he threw his big rubber eraser at me. It didn’t hurt, but you can imagine how annoying it was! After several days of this, I had finally had it, and one afternoon as soon as the eraser whacked me – I took a deep breath, picked it up and threw it back with gusto. However, this time – the teacher saw it happen!!! She exclaimed how she never in her life would have expected ME – of ALL people – to misbehave in class! She said she was shocked and so VERY disappointed!!! Needless to say, I couldn’t believe my luck! The pain-in-the-neck boy had been pelting me for days, always totally unseen, and the one time I step out of character to bounce the eraser back – I get caught! It taught me a good lesson though
. Life ain’t fair! 😉

