Pulling Strings

Greetings Kids! 😀
I hope you had a great weekend – one with a little bit of fun and a whole lot of relaxation!

How about a story to start off the week?


Once upon a time, Crystal and Sir Beads took a trip to the Czech Republic to visit their daughter, who was there on a study abroad semester. (You may remember Crystal showed you some decorated eggs that she found in Prague on that trip.)

But Prague is also famous for other things, including handmade marionettes. You see them everywhere. Some are incredibly detailed. They are often used in the musical performances that are going on numerous times a day in venues all over the city.

Sir Beads and Crystal were enchanted with the marionettes they saw. There was one shop, in particular, where marionettes were the only product offered. There were princesses, and scary creatures, and comical characters, and . . .


(Double-click to enlarge.)

Sir Beads loved Pinocchio when he was a little boy. He and Crystal fell in love with the version of Pinocchio they discovered in that puppet shop. He was carved from wood with colorful handmade clothes – quite a handsome fella! They decided he had to travel back home with them. The shopkeeper provided a long, sturdy box to protect him on the journey.

When Sir Beads and Crystal arrived at an airport in Europe, on their way home, they were carrying that long narrow box. Security officials eyed them a little suspiciously and then gruffly motioned for them to get out of line and approach the customs area. They were led to a long table and the stern-looking man behind the table asked:

“What is in that box?”

Sir Beads answered that it was a marionette. “Yes, a puppet.” Crystal added.

The official raised an eyebrow. He instructed the couple to give the box to him. He eyed the length and width of the package and then took out a box opener and swiftly cut the tape. He opened the cover and brusquely ripped at the inner wrappings.

With a final flourish, he ripped the last piece of paper packing that was covering the contents of the box . . .

Immediately, he let out a soft cry of surprise and childlike delight as he cooed:

Ohhhhh, PINOCCHIO!!!!!!!

It was an amazing transformation. One second he was a gruff official and the next he was a sentimental little boy.

He was then all apologies that he didn’t have the proper tape to re-bind the box. He carefully replaced the packing paper and found some scotch tape, which he applied with diligence. Incredibly, he smiled as he said goodbye.

Sir Beads and Lady Crystal sighed in relief. They looked at each other with a look that said, “Are we having fun, yet?” They knew that this was a story they’d be telling in the future – whenever a visitor to their home noticed Pinocchio for the first time.


“Show and Tell Tuesday” tomorrow! See you then. 🙂



A Woman’s Prerogative

When it comes to colors, I can be a bit inconsistent . . . my favorites are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

While I absolutely love the bright jewel tones of purple, royal blue and red, I also like more muted colors . . . and even neutrals – like taupes and greys.

This Necklace is a combination of my preferences. It has my favorite color – purple, but it’s a muted shade of purple, sort of lilac or a pale tanzanite hue.

The larger beads are Vintage Lucite.

They have a mottled effect on their surface in varying intensities of light purple and splashes of muted gold. The soft shading would remind you of the techniques that Monet and other Impressionist painters used in their work.

I also added Czech Fire polished crystals to this design. You’ll notice that one side of the bead is transparent and the other side is coated in a shiny metallic.

As always, this piece is so much prettier in person. Jewelry was truly meant to be viewed in 3-d, not in a photograph. 😉


Have a fantastic weekend, Kids!

Let’s all meet back here on Monday, ok? 😀




Around here, it’s been a while since we had a weekday snowstorm large enough that even Sir Beads had a “snow day” from work!

It’s a winter wonderland out there. 🙂

View From My Kitchen Window

What a gift it is to have a day with no formal schedule besides jumping up every so often to peek out the window and watch Mother Nature frost the trees with fluffy icing.


During the afternoon, there was time for a little crafting along with the snow shoveling. Suddenly, I had the idea to look for “old” snow photos and I found a couple to show you…

Here I am with my oldest daughter in 1978. At that very moment, I was 9 months pregnant with her younger sister!

And here in the mid-1980’s is that aforementioned younger sister, whose motto has always been: If life gives you snow – make a snowman! (In this case, a “snow dino”!) 😉

It’s going to be Laziti here for supper, tonight.

Nothing like the warmth of pasta on a snowy evening!

Snuggle up!



Lilacs in the Snow

Hi Kids,
You are all too cute! I appreciate yesterday’s comments, and I’m so glad you put up with my attempts at humor, here. 😉


It’s no secret that I’m a major fan of vintage beads, but among all my favorites – I have some very *FAVORITE* favorites!

These Vintage Lucite “Puffed” Roses in Lilac are heart-meltingly gorgeous in person.

They were made in Western Germany in the 1960’s and are now incredibly rare. Their 3-dimensional sculpted effect is just so pretty. I loved working with them.

When paired with Swarovski Lilac Aurora Borealis crystals in several sizes and shapes, the result is a beautiful set to wear both spring and summer (or even today, while it’s snowing!) 😀


Smiles and hugs,


I’ve Got Nothing

I really don’t!


You have to be kidding, Crystal!

Nothing to say? You?

I’m serious.

But aren’t you the kid who has written over 500 posts???

550 to be exact.

And you’re saying you couldn’t think of anything for today?

That’s right.

Well, listen here, Missy! Your assignment for tomorrow is to snap out of it and return with a good idea for the next post!

Okey-dokey, I will. 😉

