Ok, I’ll admit it . . .
I have a bad case of start-itis!
I often have several creative projects “simmering” at the same time.
Perhaps, it’s a character flaw?
Oh but I’d much rather believe I’m . . . uhm . . . artistically ambitious!
(LOL, doesn’t that sound like I’m trying to justify bad behavior!)
I’ve always envied people who begin one thing and have the
stick-to-it-iveness to completely finish it before beginning something else. Not me, though! I might be crocheting a hat, making a bead-woven necklace, and designing a Christmas card – all at the same time. I guess I just like the excitement of seeing several things in the works.
They do eventually get finished — really!

It was tough to get a realistic photo because I had to have it flat on the table, but I think you can imagine it looking a little rounder when worn.
The pattern was for just a plain hat, which somehow seemed too floppy. I decided to tack part of the brim to the crown, and then embellish it with the crocheted rose and leaf.
That’s all for now, Kids . . .
I have this necklace waiting for more attention. 😉
(Do you have start-itis?)
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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