A Day for Everything!

Good thing Kelly’s looking out for us . . .

Otherwise, we might not have known that yesterday was National Underwear Day! Isn’t that a riot? 🙂

I guess the best way to celebrate would be to go out and buy some pretty new “unmentionables” (which is how a “young lady” would refer to her undergarments when I was growing up).

Thank heaven women no longer have to suffer with corsets, girdles, or whalebone stays. Although underwires are still around and they can be tortuous!

And I wonder if somebody should spank the maker of Spanx. After all, a girdle by any other name is still a girdle. Shouldn’t we embrace our natural [bulges] curves in this brave new millennium?

Hard to believe another week has already gone by, Kids.

Have a super special weekend!

See ya Monday 😀

Lots of hugs,
