Shhhh . . . she must be crazy!

It’s easy for me to ask the weekly question…. but you guys have the hard part – you have to answer it!

Believe it or not, I honestly do try to keep that in mind while writing the questions. I never want them to be difficult, or too personal, or too, well, dumb!

Sometimes, I run out of questions – well not really “run out”, but some weeks it’s definitely harder to come up with one!

Can you believe that in the early days of this blog, I used to ask THREE weekly giveaway questions?!? Now that was tough! At the time, my reasoning was that you might not have an answer for a particular question, so I wanted to give you a choice. With a blog, though, it’s live and learn and I soon realized that one question a week was more practical for the long-term.

All of this brings me to my answer for this week’s question:

“Have you ever cried because you were happy?”

Yes, I’ve cried during joyful moments in my life and also in the lives of my family. I can also cry when some form of true beauty assails my senses – for example – while walking on a clear moonlit night as the snow softly falls; or while listening to the heart-melting voices of a children’s’ choir; or even while holding an exquisite little piece of art in my hands.

Of course, I’m not weeping uncontrollably at these times, just brimming with tears, that slowly spill over, turn my nose red, and melt my mascara. 😉

There’s another time that I cry when happy, and it’s turned out to be a bit embarrassing! I’m not sure exactly when it began, but for quite a few years now, I simply cannot select a greeting card at the card store without blubbering!

There I am, in the “birthday for daughter” section, or the “anniversary, to husband” section, and as I begin to read a meaningful verse on a card – I start to get teary! After a few cards, I’m almost sniffling! I rummage around in my purse for a Kleenex – trying to be oh so casual – like I need to blow my nose or something.

By then, I notice people looking all puzzled/concerned to see me dabbing at my eyes. It’s at this point, I really become self-conscious, so I quickly make a decision and move to the register to pay. The last time this happened, as I was leaving the store, I’m sure I heard one of the salesclerks whisper: “Shhhh, she must be crazy!”

(Hope this brought a giggle to your day!) 😀

