Throwback Thursday

3pumpkinsFallGreetings Kids!

You know how it is when you’re searching for something on the internet . . .

Suddenly, you bump into all kinds of cool things you weren’t even looking for!

Recently, I found a whole bunch of fun vintage items that really had me reminiscing. I decided to save them and will show you a few, every now and then, in a new feature I’m calling: Throwback Thursday. 🙂

Please feel free to send me a photo of something nostalgic from your life experience! I’d love to show it in a future post!


Before the jumpy stimulation of “Angry Birds”, there was the quiet relaxation of Colorforms! These little plastic shapes could be infinitely repositioned for hours of imaginative play.



If your own home didn’t have a bed adorned with a chenille bedspread
– chances are that Grandma’s did!



Ladies, everywhere, wanted this rather awkward piece of equipment to dry their hair. You slipped on the “hat”, attached the hose, and voila – a hair salon in your own home! The loud hum made it difficult to take a phone call or watch TV, however.



I can NOT believe I ever wore this handy dandy, easy to fold-up and stash in your purse – rain bonnet! I definitely did, though, and why not!?! Who would want wet hair after all that time and trouble with the hair dryer? 😉


‘Til next time . . .



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Tales of a Fussbudget

divider autumnleaves


fuss·bud·get: a fussy person, one who fusses or is fussy – especially about small things or trifles.


I was just a kid the first time I heard that word.
My father used it to (affectionately) describe his sister.

You don’t hear it very often these days . . . but I’ve always thought it’s kind of fun to pronounce. If I were to be honest, I’d have to confess that I can be a bit of a fussbudget. (Perhaps it’s genetic?)

If you know me, you know I like my tea a certain way. It must be ready fairly quickly but also made with boiling hot water! The perfect solution for this scenario is an electric tea kettle.

I’ve been in love with mine for 13 blissful years (I even wrote about it) but, sadly, it croaked last week (sobbing quietly, here).


Since then, I have spent more time than I care to admit searching and reading reviews for new models and brands. Just when I come across one that sounds pretty good . . . up pops a slew of negative remarks and the hunt begins again. It’s absolutely exhausting!

divider autumnleaves

But even worse than that . . .

We are currently reduced to using this to make a decent cup of tea!!!!!

It’s a crime, I tell you!

divider autumnleaves

By now, I hope you are laughing at my silly tale of woe.

But do me a favor, Kids?

Cross your fingers (and a few toes) that I find a new kettle, soon.

A fussbudget needs her tea!


Hugs for all and Happy Fall 🙂


I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

A Little Magic with Yarn

Ladies and Gentlemen!
You’ve heard of the Amazing Kreskin?

Well, prepare to be entertained by the Not-Quite-As-Amazing Crystal!

For my first trick . . .

I will begin with a crocheted yarn ring!

ipad pix sept yarn ring


Next, I make 5 more, overlap them, weave a strip through the centers to hold them in place, and then crochet around the outer edges in contrasting colors.
(You’ll notice I have nothing up my sleeve!! 😉 )

Trivet 1


And now, I wave my magic crochet hook and Presto! Change-o!
A vintage-style trivet/hot pad!!!

trivet sept 2


Pretty cool. Don’t you agree? 🙂
I think it looks like a Celtic knot, or maybe a brain teaser puzzle?!?

I used left-over yarn for this. It was a delight to make – very easy and very fast! I must get some yarn in my kitchen colors and make a couple more.

The pattern can be found by clicking here.



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Be It Ever So Humble

suitcaseAlthough it’s been a while since Sir Beads and I have been on a trip (darn it!), both of our daughters are traveling for work this month, and that has me thinking about the little things we often miss when we’re away from home.

I came up with enough examples for an installment of Lucky Seven, so here goes! 😀


7 Things I Miss When I Travel Away From Home

1. Water
Water is different everywhere and even if yours at home isn’t perfect – it’s what you are used to! I’ve discovered that when we travel, the water can taste a little odd or leave our hair or skin feeling different after a shower.

2. The Bathroom/Vanity set-up
Most ladies over 40 (ahem!) need a mirror that they can get close to and with good lighting. In hotels, these conditions are hit or miss. Sometimes, acrobatics are required to put on mascara while holding a little purse mirror and leaning towards the sunlight shining through the open drapery of a motel window.

3. A Comfortable Chair
Many accommodations supply only the most utilitarian type of chairs or, in a small room, none at all. If you’d like to read your tour book in the evening, it’s easy to get a crick in your neck as you try to cozy-up to the bed’s headboard!

4. A Cup of Tea
I think I miss this the most. It’s practically impossible to get HOT water in your teacup, away from home. Believe me! I have tried and tried. I love tea when I wake up in the morning but I become a coffee drinker on the road – just to have something hot in my cup.

5. Snack Availability
This one is from Sir Beads! Of course, you can pack snacks or, if you’re feeling rich as Midas, raid the mini bar – but nothing compares to the variety of favorites in your home cupboard or fridge!

6. My Closet
Packing light is preferable while traveling but living out of a suitcase can get old pretty fast. The choices are few and I sometimes find myself wishing I brought just one more pair of shoes or a warmer sweater when the weather unexpectedly turns stormy or cooler.

7. Towels
When traveling, towels are another “hit or miss” proposition. They might be fluffy and luxurious at some places . . . but, just as often, they can seem rough and scratchy! Makes me miss my old, but cuddly, towels at home!


ruby slippers2Lest you think I’m just a crabby old traveler – allow me to assure you I really enjoy the fun and adventure of trying new things and visiting new places!

That being said, though, I always LOVE to get back to my own routine and the comforts of home.

I guess I’m like Dorothy in that regard….

As she said: “There’s no place like home.”



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Smile Makers

Lately, I’m lovin’ . . .

* These gorgeous roses from Sir Beads!
We celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary this week. 🙂

(click to enlarge)



* My (finally finished!) bead-woven necklace in plum, gold, and midnight blue.
I wanted to make a design that was showy but still understated enough to allow the artisan-crafted polymer pendant to take center stage.

(click to enlarge)

Plum Beaded Collar


* Aquamarine AB Dangle Earrings with Textured Brass Rings! These were fun to make. They remind me of a pair I had as a young “hippie” (well, not really a hippie but I was a teenager during that era and wore the fashion of the time.)

(click to enlarge)


Hope you find lots of things to make you smile this Labor Day Weekend! 😀



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀