Who Loves Their Mother?

I do!

“Who loves their mother?” is a question that my mother used to sing to us when we were very young, as she’d be getting us dressed, or making our supper, or wrapping us in a fluffy towel after bath time.

She would sing that line and then we’d sing, “I do!” in reply. It was a bonding, loving, cheerful little moment during the course of a very busy day.

party-hats1If you’re a regular reader, you may remember that in April, I wrote a post for my father on his birthday (Click here to see it.).

Today is Mum’s birthday and I’d like to dedicate this one to her!

Can You Believe She Is 79???

Can You Believe She Is 79???

It’s almost impossible to describe my mother in the short space of a blog post. If I were to give her a nickname, it would have to be “Super Mum”!

Ladies of her generation didn’t have the luxury of choices that we have today. She married at 20, was a mother at 21, and has spent her life taking care of her family – not an easy task with six kids, including a set of twins!

She did this during a time when the job was even harder than it is now – especially in her early years of motherhood. There were no microwaves, no dishwashers, no clothes dryers, and no permanent press. She’d iron for hours to have our school uniforms ready every week. That pile of ironing, alone, would be enough to wilt a mom in today’s world.

With eight people to feed, every meal was a production! Imagine something as simple as making pancakes. How many would you have to cook to satisfy 6 kids and 2 parents? Then there were all the dishes and laundry and well, you get the picture. She has worn every hat imaginable: peacemaker, cheerleader, cook, nurse, bookkeeper, maid, laundress, secretary, friend.

My mother has nurtured her children in such a way that each of them feels loved and cherished. She continues that tradition with her grandchildren and will have been married to their grandfather for 59 years in September!

She’s the original inspiration for my love of crafting, and to this very day, I marvel at her unique ability to come up with a perfectly soothing response, whenever I mention something that’s worrying me. She’s smart and brave and funny. In short, she is amazing!

Happy Birthday, Mum!!!

I love you a million trillion. 🙂



Who Loves Their Mother? — 5 Comments

  1. Happy Birthday to your mother. I hope she has many more happy and healthy birthdays! My mom has been gone for nine years, but it seems like yesterday. I was also blessed with a loving and caring mother.

  2. Happy Birthday, Mom!

    Crissy, you are lucky to have such a great relationship with your mom. I have always admired women of our parents generation. They didn’t have many of the time and labor saving gizmos that we have today. The lack of modern technology brought families closer then. Card games, board games and just enjoying time spent together on a Sunday drive brought families closer together.

  3. Hooray for Nana! She’s the best for sure…well, tied with one other Mom I know (but I suspect I know where she got her lessons!)!

  4. Your Mom looks fantastic for 79. I too loved my Mom – she’s been gone for 10 years now and I feel like I just talked to her yesterday. I miss our phone conservations and our lunches. (she loved to go out for lunch). Enjoy your Mom. They are our best friends.

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