Fun Dates on a Budget

Today I’d like to answer Abie’s question. 🙂

Dear Crystal,
I want to take my boyfriend on a fun and inexpensive date. We’ve both been really stressed lately, so I think he deserves it. What’s a fun and unique date we could go on? Has Sir Beads taken you on any really unique dates?

Hi Abie!

Sir Beads and I have been on all kinds of dates over the years, and some of the things we love are:

~To chat and daydream while watching the waves and hearing the roar of the ocean.

~Afternoons exploring the treasures of ancient Egypt in our local art museum.

~Poring over stacks of books, on topics we love, in the coffee shop of our favorite bookstore.

~Wandering through charming little towns, exploring their shops and then stopping for lunch at an inviting cafe.

All of those things are fun and pretty inexpensive, but it may surprise you to hear that some of our best dates have been at home! Let me elaborate…

I guess it started when our kids were little. Money was incredibly tight, and a night out with the additional cost of a babysitter was a real luxury. Occasionally, we splurged and did it anyway, but we quickly discovered that weekends (our usual date-nights) were so busy at restaurants and movie theaters, that it wasn’t really fun.

The waiters could be tired and grouchy; and there were times that the food was almost thrown at us. Saturday night theaters were often so crowded that there were no extra seats when we needed to move away from “Lady Big Hair”, who was inevitably blocking our view of the screen. 😉 Our meager entertainment budget was pretty much wasted on nights like these.


So, we decided to have a weekly “date night” at home. We were amazed to learn that we could eat like kings on a Saturday night at home – and only be using part of the money we’d usually spend in restaurants/theaters! For that one meal at home, we could afford shrimp – even steak!

We chose one night per weekend and marked it on our calendar so it was definite. On those nights, we’d put on some good music, set the table with candles, the better dishes, and the fancy glasses. We’d begin with a “cocktail hour” (sparkling water or juice works just as well) along with some of our favorite snacks. After the stresses of the week, it was a wonderful chance to re-connect with eachother in a relaxing atmosphere.

Next, we had a leisurely dinner, which would be more special than a weekday meal – but not so involved that it wasn’t fun. After dinner, we’d watch a movie on TV and when the evening was over, we were so much more refreshed than we ever had been on our nights out.

Of course, this type of date works best for couples who have either no children, or have little kids (who are in bed early), or for couples whose kids are out of the nest.

Once our kids were older, and were staying up later, we reverted to going “out” again for a weekly “date”! A couple needs some time alone and there are years when the only way for that to happen is if the date is away from the house.

But, I do have an idea for an inexpensive way to do that . . . have breakfast at a restaurant! 😀

I’ve said it before, but if you’re trying to eat out on the cheap, breakfast is the way to go. Not only does it cost less than a dinner out, but you can usually have a plate that includes a “taste” of many breakfast foods! Chances are you are never going to make a breakfast at home that includes eggs, french toast, potatoes, bacon, muffins, etc. – all at the same time! 😉


In the end, it’s the “making time for just the two of you” that is most important – that and being sure it happens on a regular basis! Mark it on you calendar – seriously! Some weeks, it may only be a snack with an hour of uninterrupted chat, but don’t let that stop you!

Sir Beads and I still have our “date night” every week. Now that our kids are grown up, money is a little less tight, and we could go out without arranging for sitters, but more often than not, we opt for the nice dinner with movie at home. Try it! 🙂




Fun Dates on a Budget — 9 Comments

  1. nice post Crissie

    Terry and I still have a weekly date night. Walmart offers ALL kinds of entertaining sights!!

    XX, Carol

    Crystal says:

    I know what you mean, Carol!
    And we’re not talking about the bargain video/dvd section. 😉

    Hmm, wait a minute! This means we are part of the entertainment! LOL

  2. <3 I think going out to breakfast would be a wonderful date. I don't know why Rob and I haven't tried it. Maybe this weekend, we can do that.

  3. Oh date night! I will look forward to those in the future, just a day out would be nice too! 🙂

  4. Madboy and I do Game Night- break out one of our favorite board games and go for a mad jag until we’ve both won at least once. It limits options on food of course, but there is Nothing Wrong with a big plate o’ appetizers– nuts, cheeses, sliced meat– on hand to scarf while we race for the finish. Super fun, and super cheap!

    Crystal says:
    Sounds great, Cara! 🙂

    I think your game night with appetizers for dinner is a great idea! It can even be healthy with the addition of sliced fruit, veggies, etc.

    Of course, now and then, we deserve to have a meal without worrying about how healthy it is! LOL

  5. My husband and I have ordered ONE take-out meal from Outback – which we bring home – add some special foods, a glass of wine and relax. It’s fun and inexpensive.

    Crystal says:
    You are so smart, Clenna! 🙂

    That’s a perfect way to have night off from cooking AND save money!

  6. We go camping for just one night sometimes. Its cheap and having smore’s by the fire is a wonderful way to spend some time together.

    Crystal says:
    That sounds very romantic, Kelly!

    A fire, chocolate, and your favorite guy – heaven! 😀

  7. *sigh* You gals are so YOUNG…my idea of a lovely date would be my husband handing me over a nice roll of money and urging me to go bead shopping, and then getting out the vacuum as I drive away…lol…

  8. Wow… what a long answer…

    I usually went out on an ad hoc short vacation with my hubby, for example go to the beach or water fall, visit our friends and family and even window shopping together…

    What matter most is quality time spent together…not the quantity…

    ( I said this because I get to see my husband on Weekends only… He work far from our home)

  9. Crystal, you are such a sweetie, and I’m sure Sir Beads is too! I loved all your suggestions! I so prefer to spend a quiet night at home than a noisey, rushed and too expensive one, out! Love the beaches and the parks too…anything where we can enjoy what Mother Nature gives us, is always so special! xoxo Paulette

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