Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Hi there, Kids!

I recently mentioned that we were having an unseasonably cool June here in my neck of the woods, but let me tell ya . . .

July … is … HOT.

We’re in the midst of a week-long heat wave that’s accompanied by my favorite thing in the whole world (not!) – high humidity! 😉

(Ok, ok, I’ll stop whimpering.)


The theme for today’s post is “summer”. I’ve paired a vintage illustration with a sweet little summer poem. The poem brings back memories of summer nights and daylight savings time. Hope you enjoy.

Bed in Summer

by Robert Louis Stevenson

In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see
The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown-up people’s feet
Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you,
When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day?


Stay cool….



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do!

While cleaning out a closet, I discovered these . . .

They were towards the back of a shelf. I haven’t seen them for several years.

Sir Beads and I bought them on our honeymoon (40+ years ago!).
I remember it vividly…. We were driving through the White Mountains area of New Hampshire and had stopped at a little gift shop on the side of the road. In the windows, there was an assortment of jewel-toned art glass that immediately caught our attention. It sparkled like crazy in the sunlight. Of course, I chose the amethyst purple.


The pieces are fairly small – the tallest is 5 inches. They were on display in my home for many years. I guess at some point I must have decided to pack them away – possibly to make room for a newer treasure. When I came across them again last week, I stopped and asked myself if it might be time to let them go. After all, I hadn’t missed them while they were out of sight.


Problem is I’m terribly sentimental. If something has a “history” in my life (or in the lives of my family) I am attached to it. Simple as that.

Bottom line? These little vases will be staying put for a while longer…

How about you?

Are you in love with your “stuff”?

Is it a trauma to part with things you no longer use because they evoke a sweet memory?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Summer in the Kitchen

Here on the east coast, we’re having an unusually cool month of June, which means that turning on the oven to bake is still an option! 🙂

Of course, the summer heat will probably arrive any minute now, but before it does – I’m going to make this recipe sent in by Clenna!


In Clenna’s words:

‘Here’s an easy one. I hope you like it. Emphasis on “Easy”.’

Easy White Chocolate Blondies Bars

1 package of yellow or white cake mix
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp water
1 egg (Clenna used 2 eggs – depends on the size of eggs!)
6 oz white chocolate chips

*Preheat oven 350 degrees.
*Mix all ingredients and pour into a 9×13 inch baking pan.
*Bake for approximately 20 minutes.
*Let cool and cut into bars.

Clenna says that they came out “delicious”!

And here’s the cook, herself!

She’s “testing” them for the family, no doubt. 😉

Thank you so much, Clenna!

(Original recipe found here.)

‘Til Next Time,


I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Love is… Surprises!

Recently our daughter went away on a vacation and while she was gone, she invited her Dad and me to spend a few days at her place.

She lives quite close to the city and she figured her parental units (as she calls us) would enjoy the chance to have some “city fun” with a crash pad nearby!

It was very thoughtful of her; we had a terrific time.


We left her house before she got back from her trip – but wanted to leave a couple of “surprises” for her to find on her return . . .

~ Her Dad mowed and trimmed her yard to perfection!

~ And because she loves her flower garden, I found some garden-y window clings to add to her kitchen door.

Click photo to enlarge

She was delighted to discover her surprises.

But, you know what?

I think Sir Beads and I were just as excited getting those surprises ready! 🙂

‘Til next time,


I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying!

Turtle Time

Every spring . . .

there’s a little parade going through our back yard.

Well, I guess it’s more of a slow march.

In the waning days of May, a couple of very large turtles leave the small pond behind our house and then cut through our land, on their way to spend the summer in a pond across the street.

We’ve lived here for 3 decades now, but each time we witness this event, it’s just as thrilling as it was on the very first occasion. It usually happens rather unexpectedly. One of us will suddenly notice a majestic creature inching his way up from the tall grass.

Some years – including this one – he’s wearing a little coat of duckweed that he picked up on his way out of the water.


Although he doesn’t really seem to mind, I often wish I could give him a light shower – maybe with a watering can – to rid him of his “coat”. I don’t dare do it, though. These turtles prefer that you keep your distance! We stand pretty far away to get photos.


They’re fascinating to watch… so determined. If something scares them, they will just stop and draw up their arms and legs, waiting calmly until they feel comfortable enough to resume the journey.


He’s now about a third of the way to his destination.


I think he’s smiling at us! (Thank heaven for the telephoto lens.)


Finally, he heads out of our yard. It’s at this point that we always hold our breath – he has to cross the street!

We keep watching and are elated when he reaches the other side and disappears into the woods.

Once autumn arrives, he’ll reverse his tracks and come back home again!



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to find out what the other “kids” are saying! 😀