Worth A Thousand Words

Sometimes a picture really can be worth a thousand words.
In these photos, I see many of my favorite things . . .

Tea, bone china teacups, flowers (especially pansies), the act of making jewelry, (and jewelry, itself!), bracelets, BEADS!, the color purple, aurora borealis . . .


Not too long ago, I spent an afternoon making this bracelet.

It was a welcome break during a particularly busy week.


What are you up to lately? 😀



The Way to a Woman’s Heart . . .

Is through her stomach?

Wait . . . That’s not how the old saying goes . . . is it?

Well, I guess I’m adapting it a little. 😉

But seriously, kids, is there much in life that’s more wonderful than being called to the table to enjoy a good meal – which you did not have to prepare?

Sir Beads (a.k.a. dear husband) surprised me by cooking dinner on Saturday. The menu? Pasta and Meatballs – but not just ordinary meatballs! Oh my, these were tender, moist, melt-in-your-mouth meatballs. Oh la la!!! Magnifico!!!

Although I have no Italian heritage, somehow my stomach is 100% Italian, so this dinner was right up my alley. 😀

I had to capture his culinary masterpiece with the camera. (I know you can imagine the delicious aroma in the kitchen!

That’s steam misting above those tasty morsels.

AND there were leftovers (more than are shown here, enough for 2 more meals).

Enough salivating, Crystal. How about the recipe?!?

I’ll do better than that that – I’ll include the “video link” to the recipe from Chef Fabio Viviani. If you are unfamiliar with him – prepare to be charmed and thoroughly entertained!


(Special thanks to my sister Nancy for originally sending me the link.) 🙂

‘Til next time,



Valentine Design Challenge – RESULTS

Today’s the big day! 😀

It’s time to unveil the results of our Valentine’s Design Challenge.

Wait until you see all the pretty jewelry that was created for this event!

Participants incorporated at least one bead or finding from our bead shop into their designs!

I grouped those items for you to see the variety of supplies that were used!

There were some traditional Valentine-themed choices

And then there were some that were not as traditional.


Are you ready to see the results? 😀

(Entries are shown in random order!)

From Carolyn O. – “English Country Garden Bouquet Necklace for Your Valentine”. Click here to visit her shop!

From Jennifer – “Essence of Flowers” Pandora-style Bracelet and Matching Earrings! Click here to visit her shop!

From Brenda – “Red Heart Dangle Bracelet with Matching Earrings” and “Vintage Aqua Crystal Dangling Hearts Earrings”. Click here to visit her shop!

From Charlene – “Cascading Pink and White Necklace with Sterling Hearts”. Click here to visit her shop!

From Linda – “Crystal Heart Earrings”! Click here to visit her shop!

From Marge – “Turquoise and Gold Free-form Heart Pendant”, “Bird of Paradise Pendant”, and “Turquoise Beaded Necklace Set”. Click here to visit her shop!

From Donna – Donna writes: “My necklace is called “Kissing Hearts”. I loved working with Crystal’s hearts and tubes. And will definitely make a second one and a bracelet. Thanks so much for hosting this challenge.”
Click here to visit her shop!

From Pat – “Victorian Heart Necklace” Click here to visit her shop!

From Jo – “Pink with Gold Hearts Earrings” Click here to visit her shop!

From Elizabeth – “Beaded Tassel Wristlet” Click here to visit her shop!

From Annia – “Teal and White Pearl Necklace” Click here to visit her shop!

From Joyce – “Silver and Pink Dangling Heart Earrings” Click here to visit her shop!

From Darcy – “Cupids Heart Filigree Bead Embroidered Necklace” Click here to visit her shop!

From Dawno – “Infinity Knot Heart Earrings” Click here to visit her shop!

From Carolyn L. – “Asymetrical Hearts Necklace” Click here to visit her shop!

Wasn’t that WONDERFUL?

Thank you, thank you to all the participants!

I am so impressed and very appreciative of everyone’s effort, here.

Another challenge will be announced in the Spring. 😀


The Prizes

Oh yes – the shopping spree winners! 😀

The randomly drawn winners are Linda and Brenda! Both ladies have $25.00 to spend on any purchase in my bead shop (email coming to you)!

But remembernone of the participants leave empty-handed! If you did not win the shopping spree – watch your email for a 30% off coupon code, which will be valid in my bead shop from now until the end of March!



A Valentine Story

On Crystal’s first Valentine’s Day as a wife . . .

She was twenty years old.

Still a kid in many ways – she was excited to imagine what Sir Beads would present to her for the occasion.

A satin heart with chocolates? A bouquet of flowers? A piece of costume jewelry? Her heart fluttered with anticipation.

Sir Beads was a very thoughtful gentleman – right from the start – but I think he would definitely agree he guessed wrong that first year. He did have the best of intentions. But as most men who are honest will admit, he was feeling a little stressed about finding the right gift.

He decided to go to a large department store in downtown Boston to search. Within a few moments, he spied a colorful display of kitchen gadgets and, somehow, they mesmerized him! They seemed so practical for a young bride. He was sure she would be thrilled with a selection of kitchen helpers! He spent considerable time looking at all of them and choosing three that he liked best.

Fast forward to evening. After dinner, he joyfully, and with a bit of a flourish, offered his assortment of household treasures to her. As she unwrapped them one by one, she became wide-eyed . . . speechless actually!
He sensed she was not delighted. She tried her best not to pout . . . to be appreciative. It was no use. She couldn’t help but exclaim:

“A pot holder, a can opener, and a one-egg frying pan – for Valentine’s Day?”

Tears followed, briefly. (Remember, I said she was still a kid!) Sir Beads was stunned. Within minutes, all was well, however. She dried her tears and tried to explain . . .

“It’s just that a girl dreams of a romantic gift on a romantic holiday . . .”

Forty years later, Crystal would tell you that ever since that day, she has been spoiled beyond belief by Sir Beads on every occasion and also on days that are no occasion.

She and Sir Beads look back on that first Valentine’s Day and can’t help but laugh. Since then, he has realized that women don’t necessarily want practical gifts, and she has learned that, to him, buying a practical gift meant he was trying to make things easier for her.

The most ironic thing of all is that she actually grew to LOVE that little pan. It’s the one she would use to melt butter for popcorn during the years her children were growing up! She now thinks of it as a family heirloom. She truly does.

Happy Valentine’s Day! 🙂



It’s All Good

If you’re like me, you’re tempted to be a little disappointed if you can’t accomplish things you were planning.

Oh, I know we all talk about how important it is to set priorities, to schedule “me” time, and to live in the moment – but following through is the tough part.

Of course, there are periods when we’re able to get into a groove of putting our plans near the top of the list. It can even seem quite natural.

But then there are also times when life gets in the way. Family and friends need us and when they do – it seems much more natural to put our own plans aside.

Ok, Crystal. Sounds true enough, but is this going somewhere?

Why, yes it is! 😉

I’m talking about a light bulb that went on for me recently as I looked back over the past year. At first, it seemed as if I didn’t finish very much on the creative front. While re-organizing, I came across a bunch of supplies and patterns that I’d been so excited about initially, but had never had time to begin. I tried to remember what I actually had finished and, off the top of my head, I couldn’t come up with much.

Then, I went through some photos and was surprised to see that there was more than I thought.

A lot more than I thought.

I‘m including some of the photos to remind myself to focus on what was finished (not what was left undone), and also on whatever positive things I was able to accomplish for my family and friends over the course of the year.

We all know it, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded . . .

There will always be things we wanted to do.

Far better to concentrate on the things we DID do!

When you look at it that way – it’s all good! 😀

