They’re Thieves I Tell Ya

Cue up the music from “Jaws”!

Da da… da da… da da da da da da da da da da daaaaa!

(I’m trying to set a theatrical tone here.) 😉

Have you noticed?

Are you aware?

of the incredible… shrinking… food!?!?



Well, ok, it’s not that dramatic, but it sure is a trend that knows no limits!

For years, I’ve been noticing that crackers and the cookies seem to be decreasing in size. Boxes of cereal seem lighter and even ice cream sandwiches are losing weight. 😉

But yesterday, I was totally taken aback to discover that one of my very favorite snacks is just a shadow of its former self. Imagine my dismay when I tore open a yummy crunchy granola bar,

and saw that it barely filled half of its little package/sleeve!

Immediately, I assumed it was a mistake – an “irregular”!

I checked the rest of the bars in the box and discovered . . .


Oh the horror! The disbelief! What is going on???


It’s a sneaky way of raising prices. They think they’re fooling us – that we won’t notice we’re paying the same amount for less product!

Well, I’m on to them (and I know you are too!).

Luckily . . .

there is a silver lining . . .

We’re saving calories! 😉

