Friday Favorites – Ode to Miss Dillon



Earlier in the week, Paulette suggested that I answer this week’s giveaway question, and since that question is about a “favorite” teacher – it’s perfect for Friday Favorites! ๐Ÿ™‚

In all of your years at school โ€“ from the early years to the later years โ€“ which one teacher was your favorite and why was this teacher memorable?

Please click here to read about the teacher who made the biggest impression on me.


Thanks so much for another great week of comments!

Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll meet you back here on Monday for a new giveaway and a new question. ๐Ÿ˜€


Friday Favorites


This week’s Friday Favorites is an inspirational quotation. The more I read it; the more ways I find to interpret it.


It seems to apply to so many different life situations – happy, sad, funny, confusing. It can be humorous but also very comforting – depending on how you look at it.

Hope you see a few signs of spring in your neighborhood over the weekend. See you Monday! ๐Ÿ™‚


My turn to answer!


It occurs to me that you may be wondering how I would answer some of the questions I’ve been asking all of you on the “Giveaway” posts! ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s my reply for . . .

“Describe your favorite teacher.”


I was very fortunate to have several great teachers (Some were nuns!), but my favorite was an English teacher during my sophomore year in high school when I was 15 years old. She was the classic prim and proper lady schoolteacher. She dressed in matronly, out-of-style outfits โ€“ overly long skirts and drab-colored dresses. Her shoes were sensible (grandmotherly!) with shoelaces and thick, low heels. This was during the era of the mini skirt and go-go boots, so she seemed desperately out of place. She was probably only in her mid-30โ€™s at the time. Even as a kid, I felt sympathy for the constant teasing that she took (behind her back of course) regarding her nerdy appearance.

However, Miss Dillonโ€™s eyes actually gleamed whenever she read poetry, or passages from great literature. Her voice was almost breathless, as she encouraged us to see the beauty in a phrase or a paragraph that we were studying. Her enthusiasm was absolutely infectious!!

I do believe it was Miss Dillon who most influenced my taste in literature and my love for poetry. And she unknowingly opened my eyes to a very valuable life lesson. After taking her class, I never again judged anyone on appearance alone.
