Day Trippers – Part 3

Is everyone here?
Ok then, let’s continue! 😀

(Remember to double-click photos to enlarge.)


This next item in the Dale Chihuly exhibit, “Through the Looking Glass”, is a spectacular blue “chandelier” that would be fabulous in your entryway . . .

IF you happen to live in a palace, that is!!! 😉

It’s absolutely huge. The color is a cool icy blue, which is somehow appropriate because the glass tendrils look frozen.


As we turn the corner, we come upon a whole field of tall violet reeds, displayed amongst large birch logs. It’s quite a powerful sight and yet immediately soothing, wonderfully serene – sort of a mystical marshland!


Gosh Kids, you must be starving by now! Time for lunch. 🙂
The museum has a few dining venues: a formal restaurant, a cafeteria, and a lovely cafe, which is where we’re going. Located near the courtyard, it’s a large, bright, open space with lots of windows – a cheerful little oasis in the midst of the bustle of art fans of all ages.

Whew! We were more ready to sit down than we thought! First, a cold drink. On a warm summer day, I’m a seltzer-with-lemon gal; Sir Beads had the Sam Adams.


Within seconds, our server offered fresh rolls, and generous slices of warm cornbread with butter on the side. So yummy I forgot to snap a photo of them. (C’mon, we were HUNGRY!)

On this particular day, Sir Beads was channeling his caveman roots – all he wanted was a big juicy burger (Men!).

I, on the other hand, 😉 wanted to try one of the more creative choices on the menu: “Summer Vegetable Lasagna”.

The presentation is a little work of art, in itself. Don’t you agree?

I quickly jotted down the ingredients so that I could rattle them off for you . . . zucchini, roasted tomatoes, summer squash, herbed ricotta, eggplant, micro arugula, and tomato basil sauce. It was delicious!!!! The waiter had warned me that there were no noodles in this lasagna. As a pasta fan I could have chosen something else, but I also love veggies, and besides, I wanted to try a festive entree! I will definitely attempt to re-create the dish at home – it was that good.


As we dined, we were able to enjoy another one of Chihuly’s pieces . . . His “Lime Green Icicle Tower” was installed right in the restaurant area. It’s enormous. For an idea of size, notice the ants people standing nearby!

Rumor has it that donations to the museum have made it possible for this piece to stay after the show moves on. 🙂


I hope you had fun. Thanks so much for coming along. Shall we do it again some day?

For now, we’d better hop back on the bus and take our seats. Sir Beads will be driving us home . . .

Isn’t that right, Sir Beads?

Sir Beads????????

Ah, there he is! Trying to squeeze in just one more photo . . . 🙂

Til next time,



and Sir Beads, too!

Day Trippers – Part 2

OK, Kids!

Right this way . . . .

We’re about to view an eye-popping display of COLOR and SIZE and incredible BEAUTY!


Welcome to the exhibit of glass artist extraordinaire, Dale Chihuly. Dubbed the most famous glass artist since Louis Comfort Tiffany, Chihuly has forever changed the art of delicate blown glass over the last four decades – propelling it into a world of large-scale sculpture that is simply breath-taking to behold!


Almost there, just down these steps . . .


In this first vignette, the wall is quite large and covered with glass in shades of autumn. The lighting creates a warm reflective glow that beckons us to enter the gallery for this show called:

Through The Looking Glass

Click photos twice to enlarge


Talk about amazing! Here we have a life-sized boat filled with a myriad of glass objects, including trailing lily pads! The room is quite dark except for the lighting that dances on the boat – which is set on a highly reflective surface. So very beautiful!


This made me gasp! We are now in a room where the entire ceiling is made of wooden beams and large panels of clear glass upon which hundreds of pieces of art glass are resting.


Rainbows of color reflect on the walls and the overall scene is dazzling.

This photo courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


I didn’t think there could be anything to top what we’ve already seen. I was wrong. Walking through this room is a step into another world – a fairy tale land, perhaps, or a magical planet.


Gosh, there’s still a bit more to see, and afterwards I want to take you all to lunch, but this story is getting long again!

I promise to wrap up our day in Part 3.

Please stay tuned! 🙂

~All photos by Sir Beads except as noted.



Day Trippers – Part 1

Haven’t we heard more than enough dismal economic news this week?

We need a distraction . . .

How about another one of our group trips? 🙂

This time though, it’s not so much a shopping trip as a day of fun!

Wanna go to Boston with us? Hop on board! (Refreshments will be served!)

There’s an exhibit we’ve been dying to see at the Museum of Fine Arts. We thought we had plenty of time but, as you know, the summer days seem to fly. All of a sudden, it’s the last week of the show – we’d better stop dilly-dallying.


Lucky us! It’s an absolutely gorgeous day for a ride. There’s even a mini respite from the extreme heat of late.


Oh-oh! Road work!?! Hope we won’t be caught in traffic.


Whew! No problem. We’re making good time, after all!

This Boston landmark (story in a future post) tells us we’re getting very close to the city.


Yay! We’ve arrived at the museum! Stay together, now. Don’t want to lose anyone.

To begin, shall we swing by the “Art of the Ancient World” section and take a peek at the statue of Sir Beads and me?

Just a little joke. 😉 ( I have a million of ‘em!)


Seriously, this museum has everything I love – art, antiques, history, jewelry, and flowers!

Local garden clubs continually provide fresh flower designs – often utilizing cherished objets d’art from the museum’s permanent collection.

Isn’t this breathtaking? (Click photo twice to fully enlarge.)

Well, here I am rambling on and we haven’t even gotten to the main event of our day.

Please stay tuned for Part 2 of this series to view the beautiful exhibit that was the inspiration for this trip.

You don’t want to miss it!



She’s Got the Music In Her

You know I mention my family from time to time (especially my husband, Sir Beads) but it occurs to me that in the 3 years I’ve been blogging, I’ve seldom featured my kids.

There’s a reason for this. You see, I’m very proud of my two daughters and I’ve been afraid that once I got started, I’d never shut up! I wanted to spare you that. LOL

But, I did write a post (quite a while ago) on my oldest daughter (found here) so it’s only fair that I spotlight the younger one, today. When you consider that I’ve written close to 700 posts, I think my “proud momma” percentage is pretty reasonable. 😉


My younger girl LOVES music. She studied the flute during her school years. When she plays the “Waltz of the Flowers”, or “Dance of the Blessed Spirits”, I never cease to be amazed at how beautiful a flute can sound.

These days, however, she’s having fun playing the drums!


She’s in a band with 3 of her friends and they usually have a monthly gig in a local pub.

Sir Beads and I try to make it to most of their performances. We enjoy their music – a blend of folk and rock – and although we are often the oldest in attendance, they make us feel very welcome. 🙂

The band played again last week and for that show, there was a special treat awaiting our daughter. Her uncle (Sir Beads’ brother) and aunt had driven 750 miles to surprise her! Their plan was to get here shortly before the performance and then to be just casually sitting in the audience. 😉

So, on the night of the gig, we smuggled them into the venue before the band arrived. We had them sit with their backs to the door so that our daughter wouldn’t notice them when she entered . . .


She arrived, arms full of drums, and saw nothing at first. After a few minutes, she spotted Sir Beads and me. She began to wave at us, then suddenly her face went from big grin to loud gasp as she discovered her aunt and uncle at our table. It was a wonderful evening for all of us – a memory to cherish for sure.

‘Til next time,


Breakfast Bliss

Sir Beads and I have always enjoyed an occasional breakfast at a restaurant.

Now that he’s retired, we’re going to make it a regular thing –

but maybe not more than once a week!


Let me explain . . .

We decided it would be fun to try something different, so we did a little research and found a café we’d never visited before. The reviews were so positive; we could hardly wait to go!

“How was it?”, you ask?

Well, all I can say is “wow”! We were not disappointed. In fact, it was the best breakfast-out we’ve ever had. 🙂

Home fries to die for, fluffy scrambled eggs, perfectly crisp bacon, and marble wheat toast!

Light-as-a-feather pancakes with special maple syrup, too!

(Don’t worry; we scooped 80% of that butter off the pancakes before it could melt. No sense in clogging the old arteries entirely!

I think you can see why we’re only going once a week, though. 😉


Do you enjoy an occasional breakfast out?

