It worked!

This time last year, I wrote about a new trick (click here) I had just implemented to tame that age-old nuisance in every kitchen…

the utensil drawer! 🙂

The photo in that post was not MY messy drawer. No way! Mine was too much of a jumble to show the “before” picture. But today, I can honestly say that the method I used to de-clutter my drawer actually worked; and worked for the long-term!

Currently, my utensils are still reasonably organized and easy to grab. The drawer has remained neat for a full year – well, as neat as a utensil drawer can be. After all, that stuff doesn’t really fit together perfectly.

Ok, drum roll please.

Here it is now. Ta-da!


I know.

You’re thinking, “Hey, Crystal, why mention this today?”.

Well, there’s a desk drawer around here that’s getting pretty hard to close . . .

I think I’ll try the same technique to get it organized during this year’s spring cleaning.

Film [at 11:00] next year 😉



It worked! — 10 Comments

  1. That’s wonderful that you’ve been able to maintain it for a year, that means you definately have a good system in place for you. I got tired of all my utensils jumbled up as well and I have a little plastic tupperware container holding small things, then my spoons and stuff to the side and the cheese grater (it’s a little handheld one) and it’s parts in front of the container.

    I’d love to see any other organizing things you have going on, I’m always looking for new ideas.

  2. I hate cleaning PERIOD, but I cannot stand a big mess either. I always said “If I win the lottery the 1st call will be to Merry Maids.” The chances of me winning are pretty small since I buy I ticket about once a year.

    I have been getting the basement and my side of the garage organized but my husband’s side of the garage is too scary to tackle.

  3. Yay! It must feel so great to have the utensil drawer controlled. Yes, Yes onto the desk. I too find that tackling one thing at a time and not trying for a major overhall all at once is more effective in permanent change. Especially as I can learn one new thing/way at a time; but trying to change lots at one time I get mixed up and revert to old habits — even if they did not work effectively. Good luck, and impressive work. Cheers, Jane

  4. O Crissie, you ARE good!
    My answer to the cluttered utensil drawer was to spread it all out to another drawer!!
    Poor ME.

  5. What a lovely drawer!

    We have the same egg slicer…tee hee

    Mine’s in there SOMEWHERE…got to copy you and try to get my drawers organized (doesn’t that sound rude? My DRAWERS!!! Actually, the unmentionables are in quite a mess, too and need sorting)…

  6. Oh you’re so funny! Your drawer looks just like mine! I have the same can opener too! Very neat and tidy, Miss Crystal! … Don’t you just hate having to keep those big knives in there? I always feel like I’m going to cut my hand off when I’m rummaging around for something! xoxo Paulette

  7. wow! what a lot of things! But if you do the best work with all that stuff…. I know you are an awesome worker 😀

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