A Christmas Tale

Each year, as I am about to write my Christmas cards, I’m reminded of a December day long ago . . .

At that time, Crystal was a young lady, about 19 years of age. She had just accepted a new job in the office of a manufacturing company. She hadn’t been there too long before she met Sir Beads. Although she already had a boyfriend, she found him very charming and enjoyed talking with him. She learned he was new to the area and lived alone in a small apartment.

Crystal thought that must be rather lonely. She wondered if he ate properly or if he could even cook! Crystal was the oldest of six kids and her mother always prepared more than enough food, so Crystal began to bring Sir Beads home after work to assure he got a decent meal – sometimes!

Her family liked Sir Beads immediately. Her Mom would often scold her, though, for leaving the table to take phone calls from her boyfriend, while Sir Beads waited patiently, chatting with her brothers and sisters. Crystal didn’t see it as a problem. After all, when she met Sir Beads, she already had a boyfriend; surely Sir Beads wasn’t expecting her to be his date.

One day, as Crystal’s mother was writing Christmas cards, she asked for Sir Beads’ address. Crystal began to rattle off the street and number – but suddenly her mother interrupted:

“Wait! I want to get my address book and write it in there, too!”

Crystal laughed and said;

“Oh, Mum, don’t bother! I won’t even know him next Christmas.”

By the time the next Christmas rolled around . . .

Crystal and Sir Beads were married. Not only did Crystal still “know” Sir Beads, but she was signing his name along with her own on “their” Christmas cards.

She didn’t realize when she first met him that he was “the one”.

He, however, has said he knew from the start.


Christmas Ornament Giveaway

Happy Monday, Kids! 😀

Hope you had a merry weekend!

It was busy, busy, busy, here – as Sir Beads and I scurried around the stores searching for Christmas gifts. I’m not quite finished, but the list is getting shorter. You could say that I’m on schedule. 😉

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever had my shopping complete in early December. Still, every year, right around this time, I *promise* myself that “next year” I’ll be finished by Thanksgiving. Maybe in 2011! LOL


Speaking of presents . . . how about a giveaway!!??!!

I’d love to send this sparkling beaded ornament to one of you!!!

It was such fun to make! I used Swarovski Crystals in a beautiful shade of teal blue, along with Swarovski Cream Glass Pearls, and golden glass seed beads. The ornament measures a very showy 3-1/4 inches long – so it will definitely attract attention as it glitters on the Christmas tree! Whether you keep it for yourself or give it to someone special, it’s sure to become a cherished keepsake.

Contest Rules and How To Enter

There are a several ways to enter and you can choose one or all of them!

1. Answer the weekly question. You’ll find it below!

2. “Like” us on Facebook! You’ll notice a link in the sidebar on the right, where you can give BeadHappilyEverAfter a thumbs-up. Thank you for that! 😉

3. Come back another day and comment on that day’s post. Any day you leave a comment on this blog – it counts as a chance in the giveaway!!!

4. Subscribe to this blog! Again, there are links on the right, where you can either subscribe by email, or by the RSS feed.

The weekly question is:

Please describe your very favorite Christmas tradition. 😀


The Boring Stuff . . .
You must be 18 yrs. old. After the completion of the contest, the name of the winner will be listed here. The winner will also be notified by email. If the winner fails to respond to email within 3 days from the time notification email has been sent, the win will be null and void and a new winner will be chosen. The prize will be mailed via USPS First Class Mail

All entries must be received by 6:00 p.m. EST on 12/15/10, and the winner will be selected on or about 12/16/10.


Friday Favorites

This week’s Friday Favorites has a winter theme, complete with vintage illustration and seasonal quote!


I would love to return to this era – just for the clothes! 😉

“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things,
but just look what they do when they stick together”

~Verna M Kelly, American writer


Thank you, thank you, sweet friends, for all of your comments this week. You are absolutely the best!

By the way . . . I answered your comments from yesterday right there in the comment section of yesterday’s post! Going forward, I’m going to try to do that whenever I can.

Hope you have a chance to enjoy a little “you” time over the weekend. 😀

See ya Monday . . .



Snowflakes for Suzy

It smelled like snow the other day. There was an icy chill in the air that froze my nostrils when I took a breath . . . even so, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of exhilaration! We haven’t had any snow around here as of yet, but I am anxious to see that first “accumulating” snowfall of the season. I want it to cover the bare branches and blanket the dull landscape; to glisten when the sun shines and glow in the moonlight. I’m talking about a big ole “snow day”. Let it be on a weekend – so there’s no rush to shovel out. In that respect, I guess I’ve never grown up. 😉

Want to see my crystal snowflake? I used Swarovski beads in both Clear Crystal and Silver. It’s smaller than it looks in the photo – about 1-3/8″ across – but talk about sparkle! It will be gorgeous on the Christmas tree.

While I was making it, a little tune came to mind. Does anyone remember the old Captain Kangaroo TV show? During the winter, he used to feature a musical animation called “Suzy SnowFlake”. The accompanying song is what I found myself humming while I worked on the snowflake.

I‘m including a link below to a video of that old animation. Let me warn you; it’s pretty primitive – but also very charming if you stick with it for the whole 2+ minutes. Can you imagine that kids of the 50’s (and even the 60’s) were enthralled with something so low-tech!?!?! 🙂

Suzy Snowflake

