Wordless Wednesday

It’s tough for me to be totally wordless. 😉

But have you noticed how incredibly gorgeous the sunsets have been in the last couple of weeks?

I think this must be our reward for the fact it gets dark so early now!

Some days, I get lost in my work and can miss seeing one, so I have to keep an eye on the clock and run for the window as soon as the afternoon wanes . . .

Hope you have a chance to view a pretty sunset today!



Me? Wordless?

If you’ve been reading blogs for a while, you’ve probably seen a few that have a weekly feature called “Wordless Wednesday” – where there’s a photo-post with no text.

I’m not sure I can ever be “wordless” 😉 but I thought it might be fun to occasionally post a random photo on a Wednesday.


The caption for this one would have to be:

“Whatever Your Age, It’s Hard To Resist A Man In Uniform!”


