Stop the World… I Want to Opt Out

Why oh why is it becoming necessary to opt out of everything, lately?

Shouldn’t the rule be that a company has no right to automatically make decisions and choose preferences for you?

Shouldn’t they need to have your permission first?


You say you don’t want calls from Sears offering an extended warranty on that appliance you bought?

You must opt out.

Ordered a gift online and now you’re bombarded with special offers and “great deals”?

Sorry about that, but you’re going to have to opt out.

Don’t want your personal information shared by your bank, your credit card company, the local department store, etc.?

You must opt OUT!


Crazy, no?

What do you think? 🙂

(I’ve missed you!)



Summer Schedule

Hi Kids
Summer is upon us and I just wanted to let you know I will be cutting back on my posts for the season.

You KNOW me though – I’ll be popping in from time to time with a story, or some news, or a weekly question!

So, I do hope you’ll check-in to see what’s going on. 🙂

You can always sign up (see the box in the sidebar) to get email notices whenever I’ve put up a new post. And of course, some of you already have me in your feed readers. (If not, the orange RSS button is also available on the right.)

I’m looking forward to a little more time with Sir Beads as he retires this summer. Who knows, maybe I’ll even get him to write a post! 😉

In any event, I’ll be “talking” with you soon!



Uh-oh . . .

Friday Greetings!

Let’s begin with a pretty picture and then move on to a funny story, ok? 🙂


Our miniature lilac surrounded by some of my favorite irises.


Sometimes I’m amazed at how goofy I can be. 😉

I blame it on my multi-tasking gene.

For example . . .

I have one of those computer desks (It’s ancient!) that has a built-in space for the printer located right beside the monitor. It’s a convenient spot – no reaching under the desk, or walking across the room to fetch a printed document. I also like that the paper is right at my fingertips should I need to snag a piece for a hand-written note.

It all sounds innocent enough but, believe me; I can turn something simple into chaos at the blink of an eye. The other day, as I was selecting some vintage glass beads for a custom jewelry order, the phone rang. To complete the call, I had to get online and check a file. I absent-mindedly put the beads down on the stack of printer paper. (Bear in mind, the paper is halfway in the machine – all ready to print when needed. I should also mention that these were not only vintage beads, but RARE vintage beads.)

I finished my phone call and then decided I wanted to print the file I had been viewing . . .

All of a sudden (and of course a millisecond too late), I realized what was about to happen!!!!! The beads were on their way through the printer!!!!! I couldn’t stop them.


My heart sank.

Usually, Sir Beads is my mechanical guru but he wasn’t home at the time. I couldn’t wait. I just had to see if I could salvage the beads – not to mention the printer!

I unplugged it, turned it upside down, and tried to figure out how to take it apart without breaking it. After several minutes of struggling, would you believe the small zip lock bag of beads popped right out? Incredibly, they were not damaged! I guess the slippery plastic bag helped them slide past the paper rollers without being crushed.

Next, while holding my breath, I tested the printer. It was ok, as well. Talk about lucky! The file I had printed was a crumpled up mess but that was “small potatoes”, as my Dad would say.

I felt pretty dumb relaying the story to hubby that night, but he just smiled and shook his head.

He’s used to it by now. 😉

Enjoy the weekend!



A Blank Page

If you’ve ever been a kid in school, then you know this feeling . . .

Your assignment was to write a “composition”, or a poem, or a short story.

Naturally, you wanted it to be interesting – maybe even clever!

The blank page before you was hypnotizing.

As you gazed upon it, things went out of focus.

The more you tried to think of what to write, the tougher it was to begin.

The clock kept ticking, ticking, ticking…



That’s just about where I am right now.

I’ll try again tomorrow! 😉

(Topic suggestions are always welcome.)



Earrings for a Wordless Wednesday

It’s too hot to speak!

(Our weather guy says the “feels-like” temperature is 100 degrees! I would have been perfectly happy not knowing that.) 😉

No matter! I’m going to distract myself with a bit of bling . . .


This first pair is made with Vintage Swarovski components and petal-shaped, 14K gold-filled earwires.

And this pair in sterling silver features a color scheme with the soothing coolness of an aqua blue sea . . .

Both pairs now available in my shop! 🙂


Stay cool today – wherever you are!

