Thoughts for Thanksgiving

Dear Kids,

Special wishes for a very Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m grateful for so many things – and your loyalty is one of them. I truly appreciate that you take a little time from your busy schedules to check in here . . .

Sir Beads and I will be celebrating turkey day with our extended family. We’re especially excited that our oldest daughter, who lives overseas, will be able to spend the holiday with us this year! Pumpkin pie (our favorite dessert) will be on the menu for sure. 🙂

Thought you might like the following Thanksgiving quotes – some funny, some heart-warming, some profound.

Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
~Native American Saying

The thing I’m most thankful for right now is elastic waistbands.
~Author Unknown

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Football half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence. ~Erma Bombeck

All that we behold is full of blessings.
~William Wordsworth

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder

Hugs for all,


Autumn Bead Challenge – Reveal Day!

Several weeks ago, I announced a collaboration with Lori Anderson of Pretty Things for one of her fabulous Cup of Bead Soup Mini Blog Hops! (Lori is famous for the fun and excitement of her Bead Soup Challenges. She even has a new book on the subject!

For this challenge I provided 5 identical Bead Happily Ever After Vintage Bead Kits for Lori and 4 lucky designers!

Here Are Beads They Received

(Click photo to enlarge for best view!)


Ready to see the very creative results? 😀

Hop on over to each of these blogs to discover more photos and descriptions of what each designer created!

Pretty Things by Lori Anderson

Flop Cat Design

Mixed Mayhem Studios

It’s a Beadiful Creation

Roxi Designs


Smiles and Hugs for all

and Big Thanks to Lori,


Wordless Wednesday – Almost

Kelly sent a photo of her very handsome boy, Artie!

Here he is in his Halloween outfit, dressed as a Samurai.

Adorable, yes? He won for “most creative costume”! 😀


Hey Kids!
I have more photos!!!!

Clenna sent this one of her precious dog Mazie having fun in the snow with her darling 4-yr-old grandaughter, Tiana!

And Donna shares her little cutie pie, Max, in his personalized cape!


Thanks for the great pix, everyone!!!!



As Rich As Midas

You don’t need me to tell you that, in this life, it’s easy to be complacent. We become very accustomed to all the little comforts that are part of our everyday experience, and for that reason – we hardly notice them.

Instead, our focus is often diverted to the minor annoyances we encounter, such as a traffic light that turns red just as we approach it, or a slow poke in the grocery store check-out line. We can be quick to frown if the take-out pizza is slightly over-done . . . or our favorite team is on a losing streak.

But every once in a while, we are yanked back to the reality of just how lucky we are, and how silly it is to ever be bothered by small stuff.

So it was for Sir Beads and me with Hurricane Sandy this week. Thank you all so very much for your concern. It was a tough few days but there are those who had (and continue to have) it so much worse than we did. My heart aches for them because the taste of trouble we experienced has given me a true understanding of their situation.


We were without power for 3 days. For us, that translates into no cooking, no lights, no water, and no heat. We had prepared as best we could but, believe me, when you are in the middle of a multi-day power outage, preparations can feel very inadequate.

After some dark and chilly days, the power returned. The sound of the heat rising through the pipes was literally music to our ears. We could once again have a steaming cup of tea and a blissfully hot shower. The cold that had settled into every corner of the house was slowly dissipating. Bathroom flushes would again be automatic with just the push of a lever – not accomplished by pouring buckets of water (from our previously filled bathtub) to trigger them. We had power again and were simply elated. As we looked around at the backup of laundry, dishes, and a refrigerator full of food that would have to be discarded – we were unfazed.


In short, going through the experience has left us feeling as rich as Midas.
And, this time, I think it will take a lot longer for us to drift away from fully appreciating our blessings . . .

Hugs for all and special prayers for those who are still in distress,


Beauty and the Beast

Well, I’ll start with the “beast” . . .

Here in New England, we’re in line to be hit by Hurricane Sandy, a huge storm beginning late Sunday and running through Tuesday. They’re calling it a tropical cyclone and it will bring high winds, flooding, and large areas of power outages.

So, we’ve stocked up on water, batteries, and food that doesn’t need to be cooked. We also filled zip-lock bags with water and they’re freezing in our freezer as I type. That tip was new to me, but I think it’s brilliant. It will give us lots of extra ice to help keep things from spoiling in the fridge should we lose electricity.

Wish us luck! And best wishes to everyone in the path of this storm, which meteorologists have dubbed “Frankenstorm” – both for its ferocity and its proximity to Halloween.


For the “beauty”, here’s a pendant I finished this week. I considered just putting it on a black cord but then decided to make a little necklace to set it off.

The pendant itself is created with a needle and beading thread – utilizing a method called “beadweaving”. I chose a glittering Swarovski rivoli crystal in Tanzanite as the focal point, and surrounded it with a frame of tiny glass seed beads.

Below is a look at the back of the piece to illustrate how the stone actually sits in a basket of seed beads.

I know. I used purple . . . again.

I have no defense.

Is there a support group for purple lovers? 😉

