A Skeptic’s Review – Cold Tea

If you’ve been with me from the beginning, you probably know that I love tea! (story here)

I love it hot, and in the summer there’s nothing more refreshing to me than a frosty glass of iced tea!

But, I must admit, I’m very fussy about it, and how it’s made. So I was skeptical when I first tried a “cold brew” tea bag that’s advertised as the perfect way to make iced tea in a flash.

Would cold water really allow the tea to brew well?

What if it tasted as bad as powdered mixes for iced tea? Some of those are just terrible!

After making a glass, it looked good . . .

Surprise, surprise! It tasted good too! 🙂

I’ve made more since and discovered that very cold water doesn’t brew quite as well as “cool” water does, so my only advice would be to place the tea bag in room temperature water, and then after you remove the tea bag, you can add ice cubes to chill it thoroughly.

Let’s see . . . quick, easy, tasty, and refreshing.

Thumbs up! 🙂

