My Two Cents – Doctor’s Appointments!

doctorAt the risk of dating myself, I remember a book written years ago by television personality Art Linkletter called: ”Old Age Is Not For Sissies”.

I’m not exactly old-old 😉 – but as the years go by I can certainly begin to see that old age is not for busy people either!! I’m talking about the increasing “need” for doctor visits once you have a certain number of birthdays under your belt. It can almost become a part time job keeping up with a whole slew of appointments!

eyedoctor An annual physical and a couple of trips to the dentist are to be expected, but all of a sudden it seems as if those few yearly visits have given birth to numerous checks and double-checks!

A once basic eye exam is now embellished with extra screening for glaucoma which equals two additional appointments – one for special testing and another for a re-check and test results.

stethoscope2Then the dentist recommends a consultation with a periodontist. Follow that with the doctor’s request for a colonoscopy, a mammogram, a regular gyn appointment, repeat lab work because iron looks a tad low, and referral to a dermatologist for a freckle check. Yikes!

I am very grateful that my health is good, but honestly I don’t know how people keep up with all these appointments! I’m losing an awful lot of beading time, here!!! 😉
